Personnel Bulletins
Revoked Bulletins
Bulletin 09-01 - Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) procedures regarding exempt employees.
Bulletin 08-02 - Payments for Employees Activated to Military Duty
Bulletin 05-06 - Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Guidelines for the State of Kansas
Bulletin 05-05 - Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) procedures regarding exempt employees
Bulletin 05-02 - FMLA Guidelines
Bulletin 05-01 - Definition of continuous service for shared leave
Bulletin 04-04 - Clarification of Holiday Issues
Bulletin 04-03 - FLSA Procedures regarding Exempt Employees
Bulletin 04-01 - State Employees Reporting for Active Military Duty
Bulletin 03-05 - State Employees Reporting for Active Military Duty
Bulletin 03-04 - Performance Reviews
Bulletin 03-03 - Military Leave Clarifications
Bulletin 02-04 - Furlough of Exempt Employees
Bulletin 01-03 - State Employees Reporting for Active Military Duty
Bulletin 99-02 - Minimum Recruitment Periods for State Job Vacancies
Bulletin 99-01 - Vacation Leave Overage
Bulletin 98-01 - Temporary Employees Not Eligible for Holiday Pay
Bulletin 96-02 - Explanatory Memorandum
Bulletin 95-01 - FLSA Exempt Employees's Use of Leave