Kansas Department of Administration

Building Rules and Information


The Department of Administration and the Office of Facilities and Property Management strive to ensure that employees of the State of Kansas enjoy a clean, safe, efficient, and comfortable environment in the buildings.

Cooperation and communication between the agencies occupying the premises and the Office of Facilities and Property Management help to ensure we achieve our Agency Vision. To foster and facilitate cooperation and communication, we recommend each agency designate specific individuals to serve as its facility coordinators. These individuals will be the contact between the agency and the OFPM for resolving any questions, problems, or concerns, regarding building issues and/or requests.

Scope of Services

  • General Maintenance and Housekeeping Issues

For trouble calls (hot/cold, cleaning, spills, safety, etc.) first contact your agency's facility coordinator. The coordinator shall then contact the OFPM Customer Service Center by clicking here to send an e-mail to Customer Service or calling 785-296-3144 and a work order will be created. Emergency work orders will be handled promptly.

  • Needed Renovations

At times office space renovations become necessary. When this occurs the OFPM will handle the needed renovations. The requesting agency must submit a Request for Service through its facility coordinator or facility contact person to the OFPM Operation Manager. The requesting agency is responsible for funding the renovation project. Click the following link for a Request for Service form.

Memorandum (pdf)




Building Access

Public Access – Public access to buildings within the Capitol Complex is as follows:

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mon. - Fri.
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Saturday

Landon, Curtis, Eisenhower, Memorial Hall and Kansas Judicial Center:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mon. - Fri.

Employee access - Employee access to buildings is not restricted during regular business hours. After regular business hours employees must use their secure key cards to gain access to those buildings they are authorized to enter.

Key Cards – Employees shall be issued key cards only upon written request of agency's management to the Kansas Highway Patrol, Capitol Police.  Employees shall sign for and be responsible for the key card issued to them.  Check with your agency regarding Key card/ID badge policies.  For general information regarding key card/ID badges, contact the Capitol Police Key Card Coordinator at 785-296-1522

Windows & Doors – The building tenants shall make sure that all doors leading to public areas in their work area are locked and all lights and other electrical apparatus not in use are turned off at the end of each day before leaving the building. To conserve energy and to maintain a comfortable environment, windows shall not be opened at any time.

Freight elevators - Freight elevators should be used only when transporting freight, using carts to carry objects, or moving items between floors that will interfere with normal passenger use.

Keys/Locks – All locks and keys for building doors shall be installed and maintained exclusively by the OFPM.  No additional locks or keys shall be used or manufactured. Employees shall be issued keys only upon written request of the agency’s management to the OFPM.  Employees shall sign and be responsible for all keys issued to them.  Click the following links to access the Key Policy and Key Request Form. OFPM does not issue or track keys for modular furniture, file cabinets, agency padlocks, or for other locking mechanisms that are not part of a building.  OFPM will assist agencies in obtaining keys for these mechanisms upon receipt of a Request for Service form.

The Office of Facilities and Property Management employees will not open any doors for employees, tenants, or visitors. It is the agency’s responsibility to ensure that keys and/or key cards are issued to their employees for use to gain entry.

Restricted Areas – Access to restricted areas, such as building roofs, shall be restricted to specifically authorized personnel.

Use of Public Spaces in Buildings

Entrances & Exits – Objects or items must not obstruct building entrances and exits, including sidewalks, lobbies, entrances, vestibules, corridors, hallways, elevators, stairways, and fire escapes in a building that would impede the ingress (way in) and egress (way out) of the building.

Storage – No items shall be stored or stacked on building equipment including fan coil units. Do not place any objects in front of mechanical room doors or electrical equipment. Maintenance staff must have immediate access to these rooms and any delay to getting inside could cause damage to property or injury to individuals.

Use of State Property

Public use of state facilities – All public requests for the use of state facilities and property shall be submitted to the Office of Facilities and Property Management's Events Coordinator at 785-296-7909. Security will be included in the planning of large events. Click the following link to access the policy and application for Statehouse and Grounds Use.

Conference rooms – Conference rooms available for use by all agencies are available by advance reservation. These rooms are scheduled on a first-come basis. To schedule conference rooms in the Landon State Office Building, Memorial Hall, or the Curtis State Building, call the OFPM Customer Service Center at 785-296-3144. It is each agency's responsibility to ensure posted maximum occupancy limits are not exceeded.

Prohibited use – The use of rooms for sleeping or apartments is prohibited. The tenant shall not use the occupied premises or any part of it for any purpose other than its intended use without the consent of the OFPM.

Refreshments and meals – Refreshments and meals are permitted in all conference rooms except Memorial Hall Auditorium. Setup and cleanup is the responsibility of the requesting agency. Any additional cleaning or any damage incurred while in use will be billed to the agency reserving the room.  Any additional cleaning or any repairs for damage incurred while in use will be billed to the requesting agency.

Parking Lots – A permit is required to park in a State-owned or leased parking lot or parking garage.  Please call the Parking Coordinator at 785-296-5191 or click the following link to obtain forms and additional parking information

Emergency Situations

Personal Safety Is Your Responsibility
As a state employee you are responsible for learning and knowing how to respond to an emergency. For your own safety and the safety of your co-workers, you must recognize and accept this responsibility. It is your responsibility to know your agency’s emergency procedures. Contact Capitol Police at 785-296-1111 when an emergency occurs.

In the event an emergency occurs:
Follow the established and rehearsed emergency procedures for your work area. Assist visitors, customers, and service personnel to follow emergency procedures for your work area.

Fire Safety

If you suspect a fire, immediately contact Capitol Police at 785-296-1111. If you witness a fire, pull the fire alarm and exit the building.

Once the fire alarm is activated, all personnel must leave the building and continue to their designated safe area.

There is an Emergency Evacuation Route posted in each elevator lobby. Exit the building through the primary or secondary exits, whichever is closer to you.

Meet at your designated evacuation area.  Floor captains account for all personnel.

Once you are out, stay out. Do not re-enter the building until Capitol Police gives the all clear announcement.

Severe Weather Safety

Severe Thunderstorm WATCH - severe thunderstorms are possible in your area.

Tornado WATCH - tornadoes are possible in your area.  Remain alert for approaching storms.

Severe Thunderstorm WARNING - severe thunderstorms are imminent in your area.

Tornado WARNING - a tornado has developed and has been sighted or indicated by radar.  If a tornado warning is issued, move to your pre-designated place of safety.

See your agency evacuation plan for specific guidelines.

NOTE: Employees with disabilities should meet directly with Floor Captains and Monitors for guidance on emergency evacuation procedures.


Coffee and iced tea makers – Coffee and iced tea makers must be unplugged when not in use. Coffee makers or other appliances will not be used in any individual work area.

Extension cords – Extension cords are fire hazards and tripping hazards and may only be used temporarily after specific approval is given by OFPM.  Contact OFPM Customer Service Center at 785-296-3144 or submit a Request for Service form for approval.

Power strips with circuit breakers are the only type of adapter allowed and will be provided by OFPM and charged to each agency.  Under no circumstances, shall one power strip be plugged into another power strip.

Electrically Heated scent devices and burning candles – Heated potpourri pots, scented electric plug-in and burning candles are potential fire hazards and are prohibited in all buildings.

Individual fans and portable electrical heaters – Small personal fans (8” or smaller) are permissible in individual work areas. Portable electrical heaters and electric blankets are not permitted.

Microwave ovens – Microwave ovens may be used if situated in an established food preparation area. Non-UL labeled equipment is prohibited in all buildings.

Refrigerators – Only frost-free refrigerators are allowed in break areas only or in other areas if approved by the building manager.  Operational automatic icemakers in refrigerators are not allowed.

Toasters, toaster ovens, and hot plates – Toasters, toaster ovens, and hot plates are not permitted.

Appliances - It is the responsibility of each agency to clean, service, and repair appliances within their work areas.


Fish aquariums – Fish aquariums of any variety are not permitted anywhere in any building.

Restrictions – Animals are not permitted in buildings, unless their use is specifically permitted or unless the animals are trained to assist ADA special needs persons and are there to perform such services. See KAR 1-49-1 at Kansas Administrative Regulations 

Bicycles & Vehicles

Bicycles, motorcycles, skateboards, scooters, mopeds, or any other motorized recreation vehicle of any kind may not be brought into or stored in any building unless specifically permitted, such as law enforcement bicycles.

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards in building common areas are to be used for state business only. Building common area refers to the areas of the building that provide services to building tenants but which are not included in the office area or storage area of any specific tenant. This area shall include main and auxiliary lobbies, atrium spaces, security desks, conference rooms, lounges, or vending areas, health or fitness centers, locker or shower facilities, mailrooms, courtyards outside the exterior walls, and building core and service areas such as fully enclosed mechanical or equipment rooms.


Unattended Children – Parents/guardians shall not leave their children unattended anywhere in the building. Children may find their way into areas that could be dangerous.

Energy Management

Energy Conservation Measures Implemented by OFPM

Night setback, by lowering or raising the temperatures in buildings.

The night setback begins at 4 PM each day.

On the last working day of the week, the setback stays in effect throughout the weekend until start up on Mondays or the first working day of the week.

On Mondays, or the first working day of the week, the building’s HVAC (heating/cooling) systems start up in order to have the buildings brought into normal operating temperatures by 9 AM.  The start up time varies by building.

The schedules of when this procedure starts and stops will vary depending on weather conditions i.e. during times of extreme heat and cold operating hours will be extended to protect the buildings and ensure reasonable temperatures during the work day.


Where light switches are accessible, agencies are responsible for turning off all office lights, including desk task lighting, at the end of each workday.


Personal computers, copiers and printers shall be turned off at the end of each day. As an energy conservation measure, screen savers shall not be used.

Food & Beverages

Waste Disposal – Coffee grounds or tea leaves must be disposed of ONLY in trash containers; NEVER in sinks, drinking fountains, toilets or disposals.

Cleaning dishes – Lavatories must not be used to wash dishware, silverware, food containers, etc.

Storage – Coffee, tea, and other dry food shall be stored in sealed plastic or metal containers to prevent pest infestation.

Perishable foods such as fruits and vegetables cannot be stored in individual work areas.

Holiday Decorations

Live Christmas trees or wreaths – State fire codes do not permit live Christmas trees or wreaths. They are fire hazards.

Lights – Lights must be UL approved. Extension cords may be used temporarily, but they must be UL approved.

Holiday decorations may be put up as long as no items are attached in any way to building walls, or any building surface using nails, tacks, tape, tacky putty, glue, or any other type of adhesives. Decorations may be hung or displayed on modular furniture walls or systems that belong to the agency.

Fire & Safety Codes – The decorations must not violate Fire and Safety Codes or NEC (National Electrical Codes) which pertain to overloading electrical systems, nor should they obstruct passageways.


Cleaning Restrictions – Housekeeping staff are instructed not to touch any papers, files or records that are lying on desks, file cabinets or bookcases. Employees may make special arrangements to have Housekeeping clean the shelves, but all items must be removed by the employee before the Housekeeping staff arrives.

Unnecessary items stored on the floor will hinder housekeeping staff cleaning activities. Trashcans are not to be used as moving containers. Items shall not be stored on trashcans, which can be mistaken for trash and discarded.

Supplies – Paper towels, toilet tissue, and other janitorial supplies shall not be removed from restrooms or supply closets. Paper towels and toilet tissue will only be supplied for the appropriate dispensers. Trash liners are only provided for general office trash containers.

Boxes - Agencies are responsible for breaking down and placing their own boxes in the building cardboard recycle bin, if available at the building, or the trash compactor.

HVAC Systems

Temperature Control – Unless authorized by OFPM, employees shall not adjust or make modifications to thermostats, diffusers, dampers or any other part of the Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning Systems (HVAC systems).

What can you do?

Close blinds to keep the heat out during the summer months and the cold out during winter months.

Open blinds during the winter months to let the sun shine through the window to warm the interior space.

Close doors during non-working hours in winter months to keep cold drafts from migrating through the space.

Close doors during non-working hours to keep the warm areas from warming up the cooled spaces.

Keep windows closed at all times.

Make sure heating and cooling vents are not blocked.

The goal is to maintain an office temperature of 68° F or above in heating seasons and 78° or below in cooling seasons. Please dress accordingly.

Office comfort

If the temperature of your office is outside of the perimeters mentioned above, please notify your facility coordinator. The coordinator shall call the OFPM Customer Center at 785-296-3144, to report the trouble.

Personal Items

Employee Responsibility – All personal items brought into the building are the employee's responsibility.  Secure all personal items at all times.  Extra clothing, shoes etc. will not be allowed to accumulate in the work area.  OFPM shall not be responsible for replacing personal items if they are stolen, broken, or lost. See KSA 46-922 at Kansas Administrative Regulations

Item Storage – Personal items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, etc., are not to be stored in the restrooms.

Lost & Found – Contact Capitol Police at 785-296-3420 for lost and found items.

Pictures and Posters

Hanging Items – Nothing shall be hung on doors, walls, ceilings, or any building surface with nails, tacks, tape, glue, putty, or other similar fasteners. This does not apply to agency owned furniture, agency owned Herman Miller modular furniture, or other types of modular furniture systems owned by the agency.

If you have a need to hang an item, please contact your facility coordinator and the coordinator may submit a Request for Service form to the OFPM.  Only OFPM assigned staff are to attach anything to building walls, partitions, surfaces, etc. A work order shall be generated through Customer Service Center describing what is needed to be hung or installed and exact location. How it is hung will be the decision of OFPM.  Click the following link for a Request for Service form.


Maintenance – Plants are allowed in the building and are to be maintained by the individual owners.

Restrictions – No plant shall be set on windowsills, heating and cooling units, or any other building equipment. Hooks for hanging plants will be furnished and installed by Office of Facilities and Property Management maintenance personnel. No hanging plants will be placed in cubicles or work stations.

Fertilizer or plant food – Fertilizer or plant food shall be stored in sealed containers. Damage to the building, floor covering, or building equipment from spilled water or overflowing plant containers with water will be billed to the agency where the employee works



There are small blue bins strategically located around each building, usually near printers and copiers, for office paper recycling. Larger, centrally located roll-off totes are also provided. If your large, centrally located roll-off tote is full, please contact the Office of Facilities and Procurement Management at 785-296-3144.

Everyone should collect his or her desk related paper recyclables in a separate container from your trash bin. Whenever you have a file room, office, or storage area to clean out, you can call 785-296-3144 to get one or more large roll-off receptacles.

Not all buildings are able to perform recycling in the same manner as other buildings. If you have specific questions regarding the recycling program for your building, please contact the Office of Facilities and Property Management’s Customer Service Center at 785-296-3144 for assistance.


Cardboard recycling varies for each building.  If your facility or building does not have access to cardboard recycling, please call the OFPM Customer Service Center at 785-296-3144 for assistance in obtaining a roll-off container in your loading dock or other appropriate area.

Bottles and Cans

Can and bottle recycling varies for each building and usually depends upon volunteers to collect and transport the recyclables. Sometimes charities provide this service for fund raising purposes. If your building does have can and bottle recycling, receptacles will be located in break rooms and vending areas. If your building or work area has a recycling program for bottles and/or cans, recycling containers specifically made for bottle or can recycling are to be used so they will be easily identifiable and to contain any spillage.

Bottles and cans shall be rinsed out before being placed in the recycling container to prevent the infestation of insects or rodents.

Magazines and Catalogs

Magazine and catalog recycling varies for each building. If your facility or building does not have access to magazine and catalog recycling, please call the OFPM Customer Service Center at 785-296-3144 for assistance in obtaining a roll off container in your loading dock or other appropriate area.


Newspaper recycling varies for each building. If your facility or building does not have access to newspaper recycling, please call the Customer Service Center at 785-296-3144 for assistance in obtaining a roll-off container in your loading dock or other appropriate area.

For More Information on Recycling

Agency/Building Green Teams may have specific procedures in place that modify the provisions listed above.

For more building recycling information and locations, see your building/facility Green Team representative.


Needed Renovations – At times office space renovations become necessary. When this occurs the OFPM will handle the needed renovations. The requesting agency must submit a Request for Service through its facility coordinator or facility contact person to the OFPM's Operation Manager. The requesting agency is responsible for funding the renovation project. Click the following link for a Request for Service form.

Special Requests – A Request for Service form must be completed and sent to the OFPM.  In order to meet a tenant's needs expeditiously, sufficient lead time must be given. This will alleviate unnecessary program delays and minimize inconvenience to tenants.

Planning – Approval from the OFPM is necessary to begin renovations. OFPM will assist an agency with arranging for work to be done. Funding is required prior to the commencement of the job.

Restrictions – Agency personnel are specifically prohibited from performing construction or maintenance to OFPM managed buildings.

Additional Electrical Outlets – Click the following link for a Request for Service form if additional electrical outlets are needed. This Request for Service form should be approved by the agency’s facilities coordinator before being submitted to the OFPM's Management.  Extension cords are fire and tripping hazards and are not to be used unless specifically approved by OFPM or for Christmas tree lights or decorations

Shipping and Receiving

Shipping & Receiving

Receiving Packages – Any packages or items delivered to the shipping and receiving dock shall be picked up immediately upon notification.

Shipping packages – Each agency is responsible for wrapping, labeling and shipping out their own packages.

Pallets – Products delivered on pallets will be transported to office areas on authorized carts only. Pallets shall not be placed in the trash compactors.

Carts – All carts should have pneumatic tires and have protective handles and bumper guards.

Shipping Materials - Agencies are responsible for the removal of all their own shipping materials from the building.


No person shall smoke in any of the following areas:
(a) in any of the buildings identified in K.A.R. 1-49-1;

(b) in or near the exterior doorways of those buildings, except in any area designated as a smoking area by means of a posted sign; or
(c) in any area designated as a nonsmoking area by means of a posted sign, on the grounds of those buildings. (Authorized by K.S.A 75-3706 and 75-4505; implementing K.S.A 75-3762 and K.S.A 75-4505; effective June 6, 2003

See KAR 1-49-12 at http://www.kssos.org/Pubs/pubs_kar.aspx

All agencies in the above mentioned buildings and locations shall ensure their employees are aware of this regulation and that their employees follow these regulations in order to provide an acceptable environment for co-workers and visitors to these buildings.

  1. The Statehouse, 300 SW 10th
  2. the Kansas Judicial Center; 301 SW 10th
  3. Docking State Office Building, 915 SW Harrison
  4. Landon State Office Building, 900 SW Jackson
  5. the Memorial Building, 120 SW 10th
  6. Forbes Office Building, 6700 SW Topeka
  7. the Division of Printing Plant, 201 NW MacVicar
  8. the State Office Building located at 3440 SE 10th Street
  9. the Curtis State Office Building located at 1000 SW Jackson
  10. the Eisenhower State Office Building located at 700 SW Harrison or
  11. any other building located in Shawnee County that is operated by the secretary of administration.

No paper products or any other type of office products shall be stored on pallets on any floors in the buildings. The only exception will be products stored in properly authorized storage areas.

Agencies who receive items on pallets shall be responsible for the disposal of the pallets. Pallets are not to be placed in the trash compactors.

No items shall be stored or stacked on building equipment including fan coil units.

© 2025 Kansas Department of Administration. All rights reserved.