Kansas Department of Administration

Bulletin 02-01 - Vacation Leave Overage

1.0 - SUBJECT: Vacation Leave Overage

2.0 - EFFECTIVE DATE: May 28, 2002

3.0 - DISTRIBUTION: Agency Human Resource Managers

4.0 - FROM: Bobbi J. Mariani, Director DATE: May 28, 2002

5.0 - PURPOSE: To clarify the vacation leave overage policy per K.A.R. 1-9-4.


Pursuant to K.A.R. 1-9-4(a)(2), at the end of the last payroll period paid in the fiscal year, up to 40 hours of any accrued vacation leave that exceeds the employee’s maximum accumulation of hours must be converted to sick leave. K.A.R. 1-9-4 includes tables listing the maximum accumulation of vacation hours based on length of service. Following the conversion, all remaining vacation leave over the maximum must be forfeited.

Vacation leave is a benefit for state employees and is intended to be used as time away from work in an effort to maintain a healthy workforce. Employees are encouraged to take leave throughout the year instead of waiting until the end of the fiscal year when it may create a hardship for the agency. Employees and supervisors need to work together throughout the year to ensure vacation earned can be used prior to the fiscal year end.

This Bulletin supersedes Bulletin 99-01 dated May 5, 1999.


7.1  If the employee is over the vacation maximum, enter the Fiscal Year End Vacation Overage Transfer to Sick (VOTTS) Time Reporting Code and the appropriate quantity on the second Saturday field of the active employee’s last fiscal year timesheet (the last timesheet paid in the fiscal year) to transfer up to 40 hours of vacation leave to sick leave.

7.2  Do not record leave for hours that exceed the employee's normal workday. For example, if an employee's normal workday is 8 hours, do not record 8 hours worked (REG-Regular) and 8 hours vacation (VAC-Vacation) on the same day. This implies the employee's position is greater than 1 Full Time Equivalent (FTE). If the employee was scheduled to use leave, and is called back to work on that day, the hours worked should be recorded and the equivalent amount of leave canceled. It is acceptable, for example, to record 4 hours worked and 4 hours vacation if the employee only worked 4 hours and chooses to use vacation leave for the other 4 hours.

7.3  Do not record hours worked if the employee is actually on leave.

7.4  Do not record a vacation leave payout, unless the employee is retiring or

8.0 - REFERENCES: K.A.R. 1-9-4, 1-5-24.

9.0 - CONTACT PERSON: Danelle Harsin at danelle.harsin@ks.gov or (785) 296-4383.

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