Kansas Department of Administration

Bulletin 97-02 - New Action Reasons Codes in SHARP for Except Qualifications

1.0 - SUBJECT: New action reason codes in SHARP for Exceptional Qualifications and Performance Review Appeal Extensions

2.0 - EFFECTIVE DATE: October 24, 1997

3.0 - DISTRIBUTION: Agency Human Resource Managers

4.0 - FROM: William B. McGlasson, Director DATE: 10/24/97

5.0 - PURPOSE: To establish new action reason codes for hiring an individual at above step 1 of the pay grade if the individual has exceptional qualifications and for extending performance review appeal periods. This is necessary to automate the regulatory reporting requirements and provide the ability to track these personnel actions within the SHARP system. Agencies will be able to hire candidates with exceptional qualifications above step 1 without the approval of the director. In addition, agencies will be able to grant performance review appeal extensions without the approval of the director. In order to meet reporting requirements, agencies will need to use new action reason codes.

6.0 - BACKGROUND: Agency appointing authorities were required to request the director's approval for hires above step 1 and performance review appeal extensions. The regulations, K.A.R. 1-5-8 and 1-7-11, were changed to provide more flexibility to agencies with personnel procedures.

7.0 - PROCEDURE: The new action reason codes need to be entered in the Job Data 1 panel.

7.1  The following new action reason codes must be used when entering a Hire, Rehire, or Promotion with a higher beginning step due to exceptional qualifications.

  • Hire (HIR) - HSH - Higher Hire Step - Exceptional Qualifications
  • Rehire (REH) - HSE - Higher Step Reemploy - Exceptional Qualifications
  • Rehire (REH) - HSF - Higher Step ROFR - Exceptional Qualifications
  • Rehire (REH) - HSI - Higher Step Interview Right - Exceptional Qualifications
  • Rehire (REH) - HSN - Higher Step Reinstate - Exceptional Qualifications
  • Rehire (REH) - HSR - Higher Step Rehire - Exceptional Qualifications
  • Promotion (PRO) - HSP - Promotion Higher Step - Exceptional Qualifications

7.2  The new action reason code, Data Change (DTA) - EPA - [Extend Probation for Appeal], must be used when entering an extension pending the completion of a performance review appeal. K.A.R. 1-7-11(c) requires an agency to report to the director all performance review appeal extensions made by the appointing authority pursuant to this regulation.

7.3  K.A.R. 1-5-7(e) requires an agency to report to the director all pay changes made by the appointing authority pursuant to the regulation. K.A.R. 1-5-8(c) requires an agency to report to the director all hires above step 1 made by the appointing authority pursuant to this regulation.

7.4  DPS will be able to gather from SHARP with use of proper action reason codes, and will not ask agencies to report this action manually. DPS may periodically send reports to agencies for verification and may also request additional information on these actions.

8.0 - REFERENCES: K.A.R. 1-5-7, 1-5-8, and 1-7-11.

9.0 - CONTACT PERSON: Michelle Huntsman at michelle.huntsman@ks.gov or (785) 296-7232.

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