Kansas Department of Administration

Materials Preservation

Artifact and materials reuse account for a 46% reduction in carbon. See below how current artifacts and materials will be used in the new design.

Visual ways materials will be used. Descriptions are below the image.

Artifact reuse

Limestone bas reliefs - Relocated

Three bas relief plaques.

Original Docking facade sculptures by artist Bernard "Poco" Frazier

Relocated to be reused in the outside design.


Bell - Relocated

Liberty bell replica

Relocated to be used in the building decor.


Bust - Relocated

bust of person

Relocated to be used in the building decor.


Stone Carving & Plaque - Relocated

1954 carving and building plaque

Relocated to be used in the building decor.


Materials Reuse

limestone texture Limestone - 55,000 sf

Reclaimed limestone will be used on the building facade, sidewalks, and building walls.

granite texture Granite - 5,400 sf


Reclaimed granite will be used in the reception desks and building walls.

greenstone texture Greenstone - 36,300 sf

Reclaimed greenstone will be used in building walls and building facade.

glass panels Glass - 46,000 sf

Reclaimed glass will be used in flooring.

marble texture Marble - 17,600 sf

Reclaimed marble will be used building walls.

aluminum panels Aluminum Panels - 6,300 sf

Reclaimed aluminum will be used on the tunnel walls.


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