Kansas Department of Administration

Bulletin 03-02 - Shared Leave

1.0 - SUBJECT: Shared leave

2.0 - EFFECTIVE DATE: June 22, 2003

3.0 - DISTRIBUTION: State HR Directors

4.0 - FROM: Jack E. Rickerson, Director DATE: June 22, 2003

5.0 - PURPOSE: To clarify the donation of sick leave to the shared leave program upon retirement.

6.0 - BACKGROUND: There have been inquiries regarding the amount of sick leave that may be donated by an employee, upon retirement, to the shared leave program.

6.1  According to K.S.A. 75-5517, employees retiring who have accumulated 800 hours or more of sick leave and have 8 or more years of service shall receive compensation for their accumulated sick leave as follows:

(a) Employees with 8 or more years of service that have accumulated 800-1000 hours shall be paid for 240 hours.

(b) Employees with 15 or more years of service that have accumulated 1000-1200 hours shall be paid for 360 hours.

(c) Employees with 25 or more years of service that have accumulated 1200 or more hours shall be paid for 480 hours.

6.2  Any sick leave over the required accumulation amounts stated above may be donated to the shared leave program.


A retiring employee may only donate sick leave to the shared leave program in excess of the accumulation amounts required to fulfill K.S.A. 75-5517. For example, a retiring employee who has accumulated 1100 hours of sick leave and has 15 years of service may donate 100 hours to the shared leave program. Since the employee has accumulated the 1000 hours required to fulfill K.S.A. 75-5517 subsection (a)(2), the employee can donate all hours over 1000.

8.0 - REFERENCES: K.A.R. 1-9-23, K.S.A. 75-5517

9.0 - CONTACT PERSON: Kim Warren at kim.warren@ks.gov or (785) 296-4770.

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