Kansas Department of Administration

Bulletin 96-01 - Daylight Saving Time

1.0 - SUBJECT: Daylight saving time

2.0 - EFFECTIVE DATE: April 7, 1996

3.0 - DISTRIBUTION: Agency Human Resource Managers

4.0 - FROM: William B. McGlasson, Director DATE: 4/10/96

5.0 - PURPOSE: To clarify compensation affected by daylight saving time.

6.0 - BACKGROUND: Daylight saving time will result in some employees working one less hour because clocks are adjusted ahead one hour. Some employees will work one additional hour when clocks are set back at the end of daylight saving time.

7.0 - PROCEDURE: The salary of exempt employees will not be affected by daylight saving time. Nonexempt employees will be compensated as follows:

7.1  Nonexempt employees who work during the time when the clock is set ahead will not have a reduction in pay for this "lost" hour. The "lost" hour will be reported in SHARP as 1.0 hour using the DST (daylight saving time) time reporting code. This hour will not count toward overtime; however, it will count toward leave accrual.

7.2  When nonexempt employees work an extra hour as the result of ending daylight saving time, the extra hour of work will be reported in the usual manner as any other time worked. The extra hour may result in overtime. This hour may be rearranged within the work week in order to avoid overtime liability.

8.0 - REFERENCES: K.S.A. 75-2938, K.A.R. 1-5-24.

9.0 - CONTACT PERSON: Danelle Harsin at danelle.harsin@ks.gov or (785) 296-4383.

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