Document Center
Image of a Redeemed State Check (Warrant)
To request an image of a redeemed State Check (Warrant), please access the Kansas State Treasurer's Website for the form to process the request. This form is found in the 'Kansas Vendor Payment Information' section.
Electronic Forms - Completed Through DocuSign
Select the desired form below to complete electronically through DocuSign. Use of the form does not require a DocuSign account.
DA-115 Agency Authorized Officials & Approved Out of State Travel
DA-115P Agency Authorized Signature Payroll
DA-181 Sharp Arrearage Exclusion Request
DA-191 Employee Organization Application for Payroll Membership Dues
DA-192 Membership Dues Deduction Agreement
DA-193 EE Payroll Deduction Authorization
DA-194 Notice of Bi-Weekly Dues Certified by Employee Organization