Surplus Landing Page Title
Kansas Surplus Property
Surplus Contact Info
2830 SW Kanza Drive, Topeka, KS 66606
Phone: 785-296-2334
About Kansas Surplus Property
The Office of Surplus Property manage the surplus property for the State of Kansas. There are 4 main programs offered within Surplus Property: State Surplus, Federal Surplus, LESO /1033, and Fixed Price Vehicle Sales (FPVS). Each of these programs is unique and offers a broad range of products and services to our customers.
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Fixed Price Vehicle Sales (FPVS)
The FPVS Program offers late model, lower mileage vehicles to agencies signed up in the Federal Surplus Property program at greatly reduced costs. The public is NOT allowed to purchase these vehicles. These vehicles were once part of the federal government's motor pool and when they are replaced with newer models, they are sent to auction houses where our agency purchases them and brings them into our warehouse for our customers.
LESO/1033 Program
The LESO (Law Enforcement Support Office) / 1033 Program is available for law enforcement agencies across the state to utilize. It allows for these agencies to gain access to weapons, vehicles, and other equipment they normally wouldn't have access to or wouldn't be able to afford. Law enforcement agencies in the LESO program have access to federal government excess property before it becomes available to the agencies signed up in the Federal Surplus Property program.
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