Kansas Department of Administration


The reports listed below can be generated in SHARP by agency users.  Each report description lists the path used for running the report.  If you do not have access to the indicated window needed to run the report, please contact your Agency SHARP Security Contact.

Some reports feature a Flat File (DAT) option. A Flat File is a text file where the data is in fixed width columns. This file can be imported into a spreadsheet (ex: MS Excel) or database (ex: MS Access) for data analysis. Look for the asterick (*) below for files with this option.

How to Run, Download, and Import SHARP Reports (PDF and DAT)

This page contains a list that may be difficult to use with assistive technology. Click here to reformat the list if you are using assistive technology.

Administrative Workforce/Personnel Reports

List the action notices recorded on appropriate panels that are tied to a time period or expiration date. Birthdays, reviews, leave of absences, new hires, temp hires, promotions, etc.

Lists the most recent personal and job information for each employee in the requested department. Benefits plan, job info, FLSA, hire date, home address, position data, compensation data, gender, etc.

Lists all records of an employee's job history past, present and future. Action/reason, status, hire date, longevity bonus, LOS, supervisor, etc.

Lists information for each job code change for a specific employee or for a department. Action/reason, effective dt, class, FTE, f/p, hire dt, LOS, grade/step, r/t, etc.

Lists the employee name, phone type (based on the 3 digit Department ID), work phone number, and work email address for employees.

A listing of employee review ratings in chronological order for a specific employee or for a department. Employee, status, position #, review dt, rating, type, etc.

Classified, regular employee movement within the State of Kansas and between agencies. Dependant on the agency level you choose, this report will give you the turnover rate by agency, division, or dept level. You can also narrow it to Job Codes, EEO Codes, or Geographic Region. Includes hires/rehires count and transfers in.

Summary report of recommended salary increases for Unclassified staff based upon the Unclassified Merit pool provided by the Legislature each fiscal year. Amount of increase, current yearly salary, employee data, proposed salaries, etc.

A list of all the employees with a performance review due prior to the as of date. Dept info, employee info, last review/rating/type/efft dt, next increase dt, probationary?, review due date, supervisor info.

Identify the supervisors of a department that have not provided timely feedback to employees as is described in K.A.R 1-7-10. Dept info, employee info, last review dt, next increase dt, probationary?, review due date, supervisor info.

List of employees that have completed a certain number of years of service with the state. 0-40 can be specified. Employee info, service dt, LOS, criteria, etc.

Benefits Reports

Allows agencies to reprint a Total Compensation Statement for an employee if they did not receive their statement mailed to the employee's home address in SHARP.

Payroll Reports

Groups employee hours and earnings by pay period by cost center (department). Totals are supplied at the cost center level. Employee info, other earnings/hours/type, overtime earnings/hours, PPED, regular earnings/hours, total earnings, etc.

Available after every off-cycle, this report lists all of your agency employees who have an arrerage balance.  It will list the code and the dollar amount.  Accessed via agency CoreFTP account.

For the on-cycle process and after every payroll on-cycle and off-cycle confirm, the report lists any deductions that were not taken on the employee's paycheck.  It will also show the arrearage balance for any employee with deductions not taken.  Accessed via agency CoreFTP account.    

Lists any employee with a new deferred comp deduction, a changed Deferred Comp deduction or an end to a deferred comp deduction.  Will list if it is a Before-tax, Roth or Loan deduction.  Accessed via agency CoreFTP account.    

This report shows the current Department Budget Table Funding.  It is organized by Department, Pool ID, Position, and Employee Name.  It is ran every Day 06 of the payroll cycle.  The report is accessed via agency CoreFTP account.

The quarterly earnings summary record for each employee selected. Check info, federal taxes, gross pay, net pay, other-regular-overtime earnings/hours, PPED, taxes, etc.

Available during pay calculation and confirm, this lists any employees that are not processed for your agency.  Accessed via agency CoreFTP account.    

This is an extract of the general ledger data. The files shows funding information by check number. The file is created twice each payroll period: 1) First after the final pay calculation for each on-cycle and contains only information for that on-cycle, 2)Second file is created 2 days after the final off-cycle run for a pay period and contains information for the entire pay period, including the on-cycle and three off-cycles as well as journal ids. Accessed via agency CoreFTP account.

Lists any employee with MAP deduction adjustments (ADJ) or refund (REF).    

A breakdown of wages other than regular and overtime, such as fringe benefit income or contractual payments. Current period hours/amt, earnings codes, MTD-QTD-YTD amount/hours, etc.

A list of the system error messages generated during the payroll process. Employee, message, PPED, etc.

Lists all employees receiving a paycheck.  Prior to payroll confirm, the pay is preliminary and due to change depending on changes to employee's timesheet, taxes or deductions.  After confrim and after every off-cycle the report will show the final paycheck with paycheck number.  Accessed via agency CoreFTP account.

A summary of earnings, deductions, and taxes for an employee for a calendar year. Arrears-earnings-deduction-tax balances, employee, etc.

Position Reports

A list of the most recent information for each position. Active/inactive, FTE, job code, location, position #, status, std hrs, etc.

A list of the positions that are currently active in a department. Dept, incumbent, position #, agency use, r/t, efft dt, filled/open, fte, etc.

List the history of active positions in the department. Action/reason, dept, eff dt, fte, job code, location, position #, status, title, reports to, work period, etc.

List the history of all the positions in the department. Action/reason, budgeted, confidential, designated, status, fte, flsa, job code, title, location, position #, grade, supervisory, etc.

Lists the incumbent history of each position in the dept. Entry and exit compensation/date, exit reason, job code, name, empl id, position #, etc.

Lists all active positions with recruitment information for open positions and incumbent name for filled positions. Job code, dept, position #, effective dt, title, r/t, confidential, recruit open date, incumbent name, fte, etc.

Lists all budgeted vacant regular positions, FTE, days the position has been vacant, and funding information. Account code, budget amount, c/u, confidential, days vacant, dept, eeo, fte, f/p, fund, pca, position #, title, etc.

Recruitment Reports

This works in conjunction with KAPP301 which updates the status of the applicants. Applicant, disabled veteran, disposition, job posting id, title, military status, position #, etc.

Time and Labor Reports

This report is an extract of all of the combination codes that have been set up in the system, with effective dates of the current date or prior. The report can be ran according to status, specific chart fields, or specific task profiles. The report is formatted the same as the INF46 load file.

Time and Labor: Displays employee leave accrual, leave taken and leave balances. Dept info, employee info, plan type, benefit plan, current hours accrued, hours carried over, YTD hours, hourly rate, balance, etc.

Use this one report to print a time document for one employee or for a Department or Department range.

This report will assist users in monitoring employees whose payable time is not equal to the hours equivalent of the employee’s FTE (The Benchmark Hours).

This report lists all Payable time for a range of dates, sorted by the chosen Payable Statuses on the run control, to provide a picture of processed and unprocessed time.

This report is an extract of data from the Payable Time Table for the pay period specified. NOTE: There is no .pdf for this report. Instead a .dat Flat File (Results in a fixed width file that can be imported into a spreadsheet or database) is created.

This report is an extract of Reported Time for the pay period specified. NOTE: There is no .pdf for this report. Instead a .dat Flat File (Results in a fixed width file that can be imported into a spreadsheet or database) is created.

This report (Time and Labor Interface agencies only) displays errors from the Time and Labor Interface files (also known as TCDs [Time Collection Devices]).

This report will assist users in monitoring employees whose Taskgroup has changed from the Taskgroup that is selected for the employee on the employee’s Time Reporter Data page (Job Data/Employment Data).

Time and Labor: Lists employees whose vacation leave balance is over the maximum allowed. Dept, employee, c/u, status, service dt, accural dt, vacation balance/max/overage, etc.

Time and Labor: Details current period timesheets that list workers compensation wage replacement earnings codes for employees. Dept, earnings code, employee, PPED, period total, etc.

Training Reports

Lists the status of a student for a courses and sessions. Course, session, date, facility, student, status.

Generates a report of the description of the course specified. Course, status, session, creation/revision dt, type, internal/external, duration, min/max students, school, etc.

Generates a report of the equipment for the course specified. Course, status, session, creation/revision dt, type, internal/external, duration, min/max students, school, materials, etc.

Lists the course name, session number, session start date, and all students enrolled in the selected course.

Lists the vendor(s) for the course. Course, status, session, creation/revision dt, type, internal/external, duration, min/max students, school, vendor info, etc.

lists all students who are on the course or session wait list for the specified course. Course, employee, waiting for, since.

List of all the employees who have not attended New Employee Orientation since their date of hire or since the date they transferred to a new agency. Dept entry date, dept, employee, job code, position, location, etc.

The equipment required for a course session. Course, session, # students, facility, room, date, equipment, quantity, available, etc.

A report of the prerequisite(s) for the course specified. Course, status, session, creation/revision dt, type, internal/external, duration, min/max students, school, prerequisite info, etc.

Lists the courses and sessions completed by a student. Employee, course, session, start dt, end dt, status.

Lists Supervisors who have completed Basic Supervisory Training, but who have not completed at least 8 hours of Continuing Education Program for Supervisors (CEPS) credit in the 3 years prior to the "As Of" Date entered on the parameters panel. Employee, supervisorytraining date, number of CEPS hours completed/needed, etc.

Lists Supervisors who have not completed the Basic Supervisory Training Program prior to the "As Of" Date entered on the parameters panel. Course start date, dept, employee, job code, location, position, supervisory, etc.

Lists all scheduled classes at the input facility between the input dates. Facility, date range, room, start, end.

A report of an instructor's teaching schedule for a given period. Instructor, start/end times, faciltiy, etc.

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