Bulletin 97-01 - LIFELINE (Employee Assistance Program)
1.0 - SUBJECT: LIFELINE (State of Kansas Employee Assistance Program)
2.0 - EFFECTIVE DATE: May 12, 1997
3.0 - DISTRIBUTION: Agency Human Resource Managers
4.0 - FROM: William B. McGlasson, Director DATE: 5/12/97
5.0 - PURPOSE:
To provide employees and their families with the opportunity to receive confidential professional help in resolving mental health or personal problems through LIFELINE, the State of Kansas employee assistance program.
The cost of untreated or misdiagnosed mental health problems and chemical dependence includes lost productivity, absenteeism, disability, excessive health benefit utilization, job injury and worker's compensation claims. The State of Kansas strives to maintain a healthy, productive workforce and contain employee health care costs through the LIFELINE program.
The LIFELINE program, implemented in 1988, is an externally-based, broad- brush employee assistance program. There are a minimum of 25 counseling sites across the state where employees and family members can receive free, face-to-face, confidential counseling.
The following administrative regulations are references for the LIFELINE program: K.A.R. 1-2-20, 1-2-30, 1-9-4, 1-9-5, 1-9-6, 1-9-15, 1-9-19a, 1-9-25, 1-9-26, 1-13-1a.
7.1 Employees and their families have unlimited access to a 24-hour toll-free telephone number staffed by licensed counselors. LIFELINE counselors are not state employees.
7.2 The State does not keep records of an employee's participation in the LIFELINE program and does not have access to any individually identifiable data. Participation in the LIFELINE program will not impact an employee's standing with respect to promotion, transfers, and other personnel matters.
7.3 Use of the employee assistance program is voluntary, subject to the provisions listed in 7.4 and 7.5 below. Supervisors are encouraged to recommend the EAP program to employees who are frequently tardy, and/or absent, exhibiting aberrant behavior, or whose job performance has deteriorated.
7.4 An employee with permanent status in a designated position who receives a confirmed "positive" drug screen result or the equivalent and who have not previously had a confirmed "positive" result or the equivalent shall be directed to the LIFELINE program for referral to an appropriate drug assessment and education or treatment program approved by the Director.
7.5 An employee with permanent status in a commercial driver position who violates any provision of 49 CFR, part 382, subpart B including a confirmed "positive" alcohol and/or controlled substance test result or the equivalent and who has not previously had a "positive" test result, other violation of subpart B or the equivalent shall be directed to the LIFELINE program. A substance abuse professional shall assess the employee and determine what assistance, if any, is needed. If assistance is required, the substance abuse professional shall determine whether a return-to-duty test shall be conducted prior to or following the completion of rehabilitation. When treatment or education is required the employee shall be subject to follow-up tests. The substance abuse professional determines the number and frequency of the follow-up tests which must consist of at least six follow-up tests in the first 12 months following the driver's return to duty. The substance abuse professional may terminate follow-up testing at any time after the initial six follow-up tests have been completed. The substance abuse professional may require the driver to undergo return-to-duty and follow-up testing for both alcohol and controlled substances.
7.6 Mental health services provided through a LIFELINE referral may be partially or fully covered by the state Health Insurance Plan. The employee is responsible for determining what charges will be paid pursuant to individual health insurance coverage. If a state employee or dependent is not enrolled in the state's Health Plan or has exhausted outpatient benefits for that year, the employee or dependent will be responsible for payments of any follow-up visit beyond the initial visit.
7.7 Employees referred for mental health counseling or other local resource services by the LIFELINE counselor shall use appropriate leave if the appointment is scheduled during work hours.
7.8 Use of the employee assistance program shall not result in any special privileges or exemptions from state civil service laws and standard administrative rules and regulations applicable to job performance or disciplinary procedures.
7.9 The Kansas EAP strictly adheres to confidentiality in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
8.0 - CONTACT PERSONS: Julie Faust at jfaust@kdheks.gov or (785) 296-5624.