Kansas Department of Administration

Emergency Situations

Personal Safety Is Your Responsibility
As a state employee you are responsible for learning and knowing how to respond to an emergency. For your own safety and the safety of your co-workers, you must recognize and accept this responsibility. It is your responsibility to know your agency’s emergency procedures. Contact Capitol Police at 785-296-1111 when an emergency occurs.

In the event an emergency occurs:
Follow the established and rehearsed emergency procedures for your work area. Assist visitors, customers, and service personnel to follow emergency procedures for your work area.

Fire Safety

If you suspect a fire, immediately contact Capitol Police at 785-296-1111. If you witness a fire, pull the fire alarm and exit the building.

Once the fire alarm is activated, all personnel must leave the building and continue to their designated safe area.

There is an Emergency Evacuation Route posted in each elevator lobby. Exit the building through the primary or secondary exits, whichever is closer to you.

Meet at your designated evacuation area.  Floor captains account for all personnel.

Once you are out, stay out. Do not re-enter the building until Capitol Police gives the all clear announcement.

Severe Weather Safety

Severe Thunderstorm WATCH - severe thunderstorms are possible in your area.

Tornado WATCH - tornadoes are possible in your area.  Remain alert for approaching storms.

Severe Thunderstorm WARNING - severe thunderstorms are imminent in your area.

Tornado WARNING - a tornado has developed and has been sighted or indicated by radar.  If a tornado warning is issued, move to your pre-designated place of safety.

See your agency evacuation plan for specific guidelines.

NOTE: Employees with disabilities should meet directly with Floor Captains and Monitors for guidance on emergency evacuation procedures.

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