Kansas Department of Administration

Key Policy


To establish and implement an effective key control policy; provide legitimate access to all Capitol Complex employees; establish "key" procedures and establish issuing authority. All keys issued from the Office of Facilities and Procurement Management Key Control Office (Locksmith) are the property of Office of Facilities and Procurement Management and the State of Kansas. Key(s) are on loan to employees for the purpose of allowing them to perform their work while at the same time maintaining the safety and security not only of themselves but of all staff, citizens, elected officials and visitors. At no time should employees use their keys for their, or other employees', personal activities. Employees leaving employment shall surrender all issued keys to the Locksmith.



The Office of Facilities and Procurement Management Locksmith will issue keys to state employees submitting a key request form properly filled out and authorized by the appropriate agency administrator. Only keys listed on the request form will be issued. The completed key request and key holder forms will be retained by the Locksmith in a computer database. All keys, issued by the Locksmith, shall be identifiable as issued to an individual employee.

Access will be given to areas where a need can be demonstrated. All requests for keys must be made in writing on a Key Request Form (DFM-002) and must include a justification for access into each area for which a key is requested. The justification must include but is not limited to the following: work necessities, assigned office, and areas of responsibility.


The following actions are in violation of this policy:

  1. Loaning keys without authorization.
  2. Duplication of keys.
  3. Altering of keys, locks, or mechanisms.
  4. Admitting unauthorized persons into building.
  5. Failure to return a key when requested by the Office of Facilities and Procurement
    Management Key Shop or authorizing department.
  6. Failure to return a key upon leaving employment.


To protect the integrity of assigned areas, temporary keys will be issued if authorized in writing by the Office of Facilities and Procurement Management. Temporary keys could be issued to contractors who are performing work at the complex and need access to various areas and service rooms to perform their work or employees who will be temporarily using a room or area other than under their normal jurisdiction. A Key Request Form (DFM-002) must be filled out completely by the employee who will be responsible for the keys, and if applicable, the contractor’s employee who will be in possession of or responsible for the keys.


Any employee losing a key must notify the Locksmith Shop. Notification must be made by telephone or in person and followed up by submitting a completed Lost Key Request (DFM-002B) to the Locksmith. This report shall include information as to when the loss was discovered and the circumstances surrounding the loss. NO KEYS WILL BE REISSUED WITHOUT A LOST KEY REPORT. No keys will be reissued without written authorization of an agency. Employees or requesting agency will be required to pay a replacement cost for each key. Employees leaving employment shall surrender all issued keys to the Locksmith. The Locksmith shall document the returning of issued keys on the original key request forms and retain this form in the Locksmith Office. All keys issued from the Key Control Office (Locksmith) are the property of the Office of Facilities and Procurement Management and the State of Kansas.


In order to change a lock function or rekeying, or request a new door lock, the agency approval administrator in charge of the area the request pertains to must submit a Lock Change Request form (DFM-002A). The person making the request must complete the first part of the form and forward it to the Office of Facilities and Procurement Management. Upon receipt the Locksmith will estimate the cost and make an assessment of the desired changes. After the requesting agency has approved the requested change, the request will be given to the Locksmith to perform the requested work. Any request for lock or key change will be considered a billable service. The amount billed will be for time and materials used. Keys issued to an agency will be billed at the rate of $5.00 per key.


After the work is performed, the Locksmith will retain the original of the request form and a copy will be sent to the requesting agency.

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