Kansas Department of Administration

Energy Management

Energy Conservation Measures Implemented by OFPM

Night setback, by lowering or raising the temperatures in buildings.

The night setback begins at 4 PM each day.

On the last working day of the week, the setback stays in effect throughout the weekend until start up on Mondays or the first working day of the week.

On Mondays, or the first working day of the week, the building’s HVAC (heating/cooling) systems start up in order to have the buildings brought into normal operating temperatures by 9 AM.  The start up time varies by building.

The schedules of when this procedure starts and stops will vary depending on weather conditions i.e. during times of extreme heat and cold operating hours will be extended to protect the buildings and ensure reasonable temperatures during the work day.


Where light switches are accessible, agencies are responsible for turning off all office lights, including desk task lighting, at the end of each workday.


Personal computers, copiers and printers shall be turned off at the end of each day. As an energy conservation measure, screen savers shall not be used.

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