Kansas Department of Administration

FY 2021

21-A-001 FY 2021 Private Vehicle Mileage Rates (July 1, 2020) (Supersedes 20-A-006)
Informational Circular No. 21-A-001
Supersedes Informational Circular No: 20-A-006
Effective Date: July 1, 2020
Contact Name: Statewide Agency Audit Services Team Email: ARpreaudit@ks.gov
Approval: Jocelyn Gunter (Original Signature on File)
Summary: FY 2021 Private Vehicle Mileage Rates

As authorized by K.S.A. 75-3203a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed the private vehicle maximum mileage reimbursement rates for FY 2021 at: 

$  .575 per mile for privately-owned automobiles.

$  .545 per mile for privately-owned motorcycles.

$1.27 per mile for privately-owned airplanes.

$  .17 per mile for moving related mileage.

Travel Center for State Employees

For more details on reimbursement of mileage for the use of privately-owned conveyances, please see the Employee Travel Reimbursement Handbook, Section 3100 which can be found on the Travel Center for State Employees page.


Printable Version of 21-A-001

21-A-002 FY 2021 Subsistence Allowances (July 1, 2020) (Supersedes 20-A-004)
Informational Circular No. 21-A-002
Supersedes Informational Circular No: 20-A-004
Effective Date: July 1, 2020
Contact Name: Statewide Agency Audit Services Team Email: ARPreaudit@ks.gov
Approval: Jocelyn Gunter (Original Signature on File)
Summary: FY 2021 Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE) and Lodging Rates

As authorized by K.S.A. 75-3207a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed subsistence rates for FY 2021.  The Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement Handbook is updated to include policies regarding subsistence allowances for travel occurring in FY 2021. 

For State of Kansas travel, federal per diem rates are followed to determine subsistence allowances. The CONUS per diem rate for an area is divided into two components: the lodging allowance and the meals & incidental expense (M&IE) allowance. These per diem rates are based on travel location and travel dates (seasonal rates may be listed for some locations).  If a specific travel location is not listed (or within the location definition), the standard rate, or “other” location rate is used.  The following standard rates apply to many locations across the contiguous United States (CONUS). 

For CONUS locations, the following standard daily subsistence rates apply for travel which occurs on July 1, 2020 and thereafter:

Meals & Incidental (M&IE) -    $55.00
Lodging Allowance Rate -       $96.00

These rates were effective January 1, 2020 and remain unchanged.  The M&IE and Lodging rates are updated semi-annually each October 1 and April 1 to follow CONUS per diem rates in effect on those dates. 

SMART maintains the official subsistence rates for CONUS and OCONUS travel locations and will be updated semi-annually each October 1 and April 1 for any interim rate changes which have occurred.  International subsistence rates are not loaded into SMART.  For international travel locations, employees will obtain M&IE rates directly from the U.S. Department of State (DOS) website listed below.  For international travel, payment for actual lodging expense is allowed.

Source of Subsistence Rates:

Contiguous United States (CONUS)-

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for travel locations in the contiguous United States -
U.S. General Services Administration website:
Outside Contiguous United States (OCONUS):
(Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories/Possessions) -
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for travel locations within Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories/Possessions -
U.S. Department of Defense website: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm

International Locations -

The U.S. Department of State (DOS) is the source for M&IE rates only for international travel locations-
U.S. Department of State website: https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp
For international travel, payment for actual lodging expense is allowed.
Note for using federal websites:
For CONUS and OCONUS travel, if SMART is not accessible, employees may access subsistence rates through the federal websites.  However, interim federal website updates may occur after the semi-annual SMART updates each October 1 and April 1.  CONUS rates are published on an annual basis, but the annual file is updated periodically throughout the year with no interim files published.  OCONUS and international rates are updated and published monthly.  Be aware that any interim updates for CONUS or OCONUS locations are not valid until reflected in SMART.  For international travel, only the October 1 and April 1 subsistence files should be used to locate the M&IE rates.
If employees utilize the federal websites to find M&IE and lodging rates, those rates should be used as follows:
Rates published October 1 - for travel occurring between October 1 and March 31 of each year.
Rates published April 1 - for travel occurring between April 1 and September 30 of each year.

 Lodging Expense Limitations:

K.S.A. 75-3207a(f) provides that the daily lodging expense limitations established may be exceeded, upon approval by the agency head or designee, by the lesser of either: (1) an additional 50% of the applicable lodging expense limitation, or (2) the actual lodging expense incurred.

These lodging limits continue to be applied to the lodging rate before taxes.  Thus, the amount reimbursed or paid for lodging expenses may exceed the established lodging limitation by as much as the amount of associated taxes.

Conference Lodging qualified under K.A.R. 1-16-18a(c):

Agencies may authorize payment or reimbursement for actual lodging expenses when an employee is required or authorized to attend a conference, and the lodging rate exceeds the applicable lodging expense limitation (including the additional 50%).  The agency head must be provided with conference materials and rates.  These should be maintained with travel documentation.

Reduced Meal Allowance:

If the cost of meals is included within the cost of registration fees or other fees and charges paid by the agency or provided at no cost to the employee, the daily M&IE rate for the travel location should be reduced based on the percentages listed below.  For partial days, the quarter amount is calculated first and then the reduction percentage is applied.  The daily M&IE reduction percentages are as follows: 

Breakfast 15%
Lunch 35%
Dinner 50%
Same Day Meal Allowance:

Reimbursement for a same day meal, in accordance with K.A.R. 1-16-18(c)(2), is calculated as a percentage of the daily M&IE rate for the travel location, based on the approved meal, as follows: 

Breakfast 15%
Lunch 35%
Dinner 50%


Queries in SMART to Obtain M&IE Rates and Lodging Rates:

A query “KS_EX_CONUS_RATES” is available in SMART to obtain all CONUS and OCONUS locations with the daily M&IE rates, meal reductions and lodging rates.  SMART will be updated semi-annually with the October and April 1 CONUS and OCONUS subsistence rates.  Historical locations and rates from each semi-annual update will be maintained in SMART.


Printable Version of 21-A-002

21-A-003 Final FY20 Coronavirus Relief Fund Transfers and Journals (August 12, 2020)
Informational Circular No. 21-A-003
Supersedes Informational Circular No: N/A
Effective Date: August 12, 2020
Contact Name: Sunni Zentner
Approval:  Jocelyn Gunter (Original Signature on File)
On August 3, 2020, the Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Taskforce and Governor’s Office of Recovery approved a recommendation for state agencies to receive distributions from the Coronavirus Relief Fund for the operational COVID-19 costs incurred in FY20.  On August 10, 2020 the State Finance Council (SFC) approved the SPARK recommendations for reimbursement. A full list of agencies and amounts is provided as Attachment A, summarized by the following categories of reimbursed expenses:
  1. Non-Personnel COVID-19 coded expenses between 3/1/20 and 6/30/20 that were not included in the first round of reimbursement disbursements from CRF and were not charged to other federal funds. 
  2. Agency requests for FY 2020 operational transactions that did not get properly coded as COVID-19 related in SMART.

A general ledger journal was processed on August 11, 2020 to transfer the total approved reimbursement amount to the agency’s Coronavirus Relief Fund.  On August 12, 2020 the SMART Team will send a list of expenditures, summarized by funding source, to each agency through a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket. Your agency must review all lines to ensure the amount represents expenditures qualifying for reimbursement based on the federal guidelines in the CARES Act. See 42 U.S.C. § 801(d).

Upon further review by your agency, if all or part of the amounts on the list do not meet the requirements for reimbursement, the amount must be left out of the general ledger journal so that the expense amount is not transferred to the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF).  Then, contact your Division of Budget analyst to request for the amount to be returned to the Governor’s Office.  Amounts to be returned will be transferred back to the Governor’s Office CRF by the Office of Accounts and Reports, SMART Team.


Executive Directive 20-517 was implemented to create a CRF for use by each state agency for both FY 2020 and FY 2021. 

Immediate action is necessary for each agency to process a general ledger (GL) journal to reflect the expenditures, less any amounts to be returned, in the CRF by August 18, 2020.  To ensure expenditures are not duplicated in both FY 2020 and FY 2021, the instructions outlined in Attachment B must be followed.

Federal reporting requirements for CARES Act funds were released on July 31, 2020 and included categories that must be used to report expenditures.  To facilitate the federal reporting, values have been added to ChartField 2 in SMART so that each agency can assign the appropriate value corresponding to the correct federal category.  Each GL journal processed to record expenditures to the CRF must include the appropriate ChartField 2 value on every expenditure row for Fund 3753.  The rows can be split as needed to correctly report the federal category.  The ChartField 2 federal reporting values are shown below:


ChartField 2 Description
CRFADMN Administrative Expenses
CRFPERS Budgeted Personnel and Services Diverted to a Substantially Different Use
CRFTSTT COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing
CRFECON Economic Support (other than Small Business, Housing, and Food Assistance)
CRFETAN Expenses Associated with the Issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes
CRFDSLN Facilitating Distance Learning
CRFFOOD Food Programs
CRFHOUS Housing Support
CRFTELE Improve Telework Capabilities of Public Employees
CRFMEDE Medical Expenses
CRFNURS Nursing Home Assistance
CRFPHSE Payroll for Public Health and Safety Employees
CRFPPEQ Personal Protective Equipment
CRFPHEX Public Health Expenses
CRFSBAS Small Business Assistance
CRFUEMB Unemployment Benefits
CRFWCMP Workers' Compensation
CRFOTHR Items Not Listed Above


Questions about which category should be used for a specific expenditure should be directed to the Recovery Office contact listed below.  


Any COVID expenditures that were funded from the State General Fund and that are approved for CRF reimbursement will be proposed to be lapsed during the upcoming 2021 Legislative Session in the Governor’s revised budget. During the Division of Budget review of your agency's revised FY 2021 budget report, a recommendation will include the lapse of any of the State General Fund moneys that are reimbursed. You should not consider this reimbursement as additional spending authority in FY 2021.  If a subsequent allotment by the Governor occurs in FY 2021 prior to the 2021 Legislature’s return, these funds would be lapsed at that time.  The goal of this lapse exercise is to reduce the magnitude of future budget cuts if the state’s fiscal situation does not improve.


With regards of showing these transactions in IBARS for the September 15, 2020, budget submission, the Division of the Budget will send out a separate communication to all agencies when IBARS opens on or around August 14, 2020.


Your agency should be aware that receipt of these funds may require additional internal controls to comply with federal requirements. This includes compliance requirements that are established by Uniform Guidance (specifically reference Subpart F, section 200.501 for Audit Requirement thresholds).  Please make sure you are familiar with the documents required to be submitted for FY 2020 to the Office of Accounts and Reports related to the expenditure of federal funds.  

While you should have all other information on your DA-89 complete and ready to go, we will extend the final deadline for the DA-89 from August 14, 2020 to August 21, 2020, to ensure CFDA 21.019 (fund 3753) accurately reflects all receipts of CRF funds, net of any returns based on your final review and compliance certification, due August 21, 2020. 

If you have already submitted a certification and/or DA-89, an updated one may need to be submitted based on any changes with reimbursement amounts. If submitting an updated DA-89 or certification form, please put “revised” in the subject line of your email.


While COVID-19 personnel costs and admin leave expenses, for FY20, were not approved for reimbursement at this time, these expenses will remain in the pool of eligible expenses to be considered for future use of CRF funds. For further explanation of FY20 reimbursements and information regarding the request of additional CRF funds for FY21, please see the attached memo from Secretary of Administration, DeAngela Burns-Wallace.

If there are additional questions or concerns, you may submit a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket, or you may contact the following individuals:

Sunni Zentner             Manager, Statewide Accounting                      Sunni.Zentner@ks.gov

Nancy Ruoff                Manager, Statewide Payroll                            Nancy.Ruoff@ks.gov

Jill Martin                    Team Lead, Federal Reporting                        Jill.Martin@ks.gov

Jeff Arpin                     Principal Analyst, Division of Budget              Jeff.Arpin@ks.gov

Taylor Hawkins           Recovery Office                                               Taylor.Hawkins@ks.gov



Printable Version of 21-A-003

Attachment A

Attachment B

FY 2021 Agency CRF Update Memo

21-A-004 FY 2021 Subsistence Allowances (October 1, 2020) (Supersedes 21-A-002)
Informational Circular No. 21-A-004
Supersedes Informational Circular No: 20-A-002 
Effective Date: October 1, 2020
Contact Name: Statewide Agency Audit Services Team  Email: ARpreaudit@ks.gov
Approval: Jocelyn Gunter (Original Signature on File)
Summary: FY 2021 Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) and Lodging Rates

As authorized by K.S.A. 75-3207a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed subsistence rates for FY 2021. The U.S. General Services (GSA) has announced the CONUS standard rate for lodging and M&IE effective October 1, 2020.  The GSA standard lodging rate remains $96.00. The standard M&IE rate remains $55.00.

For State of Kansas travel, federal per diem rates are followed to determine subsistence allowances. The CONUS per diem rate for an area is divided into two components: the lodging allowance and the meals & incidental expense (M&IE) allowance. These per diem rates are based on travel location and travel dates (seasonal rates may be listed for some locations).  If a specific travel location is not listed (or within the location definition), the standard rate, or “other” location rate is used. The following standard rates apply to many locations across the contiguous United States (CONUS).

For CONUS locations, the following standard daily subsistence rates apply for travel which occurs on October 1, 2020 and thereafter:

Meals & Incidental (M&IE) - $55.00

Lodging Allowance Rate    - $96.00


The Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement Handbook is updated to include this information regarding subsistence for travel occurring on and after October 1, 2020.

SMART maintains the official subsistence rates for CONUS and OCONUS travel locations and will be updated semi-annually each October 1 and April 1 for any interim rate changes which have occurred.  International subsistence rates are not loaded into SMART.  For international travel locations, employees will obtain M&IE rates directly from the U.S. Department of State (DOS) website listed below.  For international travel, payment for actual lodging expense is allowed.

Source of Subsistence Rates:

Contiguous United States (CONUS)-

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for travel locations in the contiguous United States -
U.S. General Services Administration website: https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates/  
Outside Contiguous United States (OCONUS):
(Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories/Possessions) -

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for travel locations within Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories/Possessions -
U.S. Department of Defense website: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm
If you receive security warning messages or alerts when attempting to open this link, click “yes” until you reach a “This site is not secure” page. Click “More information” or “Details” and click “Go on to the webpage (not recommended)”.

International Locations -

The U.S. Department of State (DOS) is the source for M&IE rates only for international travel locations-
U.S. Department of State website: https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp
For international travel, payment for actual lodging expense is allowed.
Note for using federal websites:
For CONUS and OCONUS travel, if SMART is not accessible, employees may access subsistence rates through the federal websites.  However interim federal website updates may occur subsequent to the semi-annual SMART updates each October 1 and April 1.  CONUS rates are published on an annual basis, but the annual file is updated periodically throughout the year with no interim files published.  OCONUS and international rates are updated and published on a monthly basis.  Be aware that any interim updates for CONUS or OCONUS locations are not valid until reflected in SMART.  For international travel, only the October 1 and April 1 subsistence files should be used to locate the M&IE rates.
If employees utilize the federal websites to find M&IE and lodging rates, those rates should be used as follows:
Rates published October 1 - for travel occurring between October 1 and March 31 of each year.
Rates published April 1 - for travel occurring between April 1 and September 30 of each year.

Lodging Expense Limitations:

K.S.A. 75-3207a(f) provides that the daily lodging expense limitations established may be exceeded, upon approval by the agency head or designee, by the lesser of either: (1) an additional 50% of the applicable lodging expense limitation, or (2) the actual lodging expense incurred.

These lodging limits continue to be applied to the lodging rate before taxes.  Thus, the amount reimbursed or paid for lodging expenses may exceed the established lodging limitation by as much as the amount of associated taxes.

Conference Lodging qualified under K.A.R. 1-16-18a(c):

Agencies may authorize payment or reimbursement for actual lodging expenses when an employee is required or authorized to attend a conference, and the lodging rate exceeds the applicable lodging expense limitation (including the additional 50%).  The agency head must be provided with conference materials and rates.  These should be maintained with travel documentation.

Reduced Meal Allowance:

If the cost of meals is included within the cost of registration fees or other fees and charges paid by the agency or provided at no cost to the employee, the daily M&IE rate for the travel location should be reduced based on the percentages listed below.  For partial days, the quarter amount is calculated first and then the reduction percentage is applied.  The daily M&IE reduction percentages are as follows:

Breakfast 15%
Lunch 35%
Dinner 50%


Same Day Meal Allowance:

Reimbursement for a same day meal, in accordance with K.A.R. 1-16-18(c)(2), is calculated as a percentage of the daily M&IE rate for the travel location, based on the approved meal, as follows: 

Breakfast 15%
Lunch 35%
Dinner 50%


Queries in SMART to Obtain M&IE Rates and Lodging Rates:

A query “KS_EX_CONUS_RATES” is available in SMART to obtain all CONUS and OCONUS locations with the daily M&IE rates, meal reductions and lodging rates. Historical locations and rates from each semi-annual update will be maintained in SMART.


Printable Version: 21-A-004

21-A-005 FY 2021 Capital Asset Reporting (November 19, 2020) (Supersedes 18-A-007)
Informational Circular No. 21-A-005
Supersedes Informational Circular No: 18-A-007
Effective Date: July 1, 2020

Contact Name:

Financial Integrity Team

Statewide Agency Audit Services

Approval: Jocelyn Gunter (Original Signature on File)

In accordance with KSA 75-3729 and the Department of Administration’s Policy Manual Filing 13,001 - Capital Asset Records, agencies must enter capital assets into the SMART Asset Management (AM) module when the asset is received and/or the asset is functional to accurately reflect the correct transactions for reporting on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). To ensure compliance with state policies, the DA-87 Capital Asset Reporting Log will be required to record all capital asset transactions over the capitalization thresholds noted below. This includes the acquisition, disposal, and transfer of capital assets and any changes to existing capital assets reported in the SMART AM module.

NOTE: KDOT & Regent Institutions are exempt from the reporting requirements of the DA-87.

Assets with a cost meeting the established threshold and a useful life exceeding one year are reported as capital assets in the CAFR. It is the agency’s responsibility to ensure all capital assets are properly recorded in the SMART AM module.

The statewide capitalization thresholds for assets are as follows: 

Description Asset Category Code Capitalization Threshold
Equipment and Furnishings EQFRN $5,000
Vehicles VEHCL $5,000
Land LAND $100,000
Buildings and Improvements BDIMP $100,000
Intangible – Software INSOF $250,000
Intangible - Other INOTH $250,000
Land Improvements DLDIM-NLDIM $100,000
Leasehold Improvements LHDIM $100,000


Please note, two SMART queries are available to assist agencies in reviewing and reconciling capital asset transactions: 

  • Capital Asset Inventory List Query - KS_AM_ASSET_CAPITAL_INV_LIST – The query provides a complete agency inventory of capital assets recorded in the SMART AM module (use data filters to select CAFR asset book).
  • Capital Outlay Purchase Query - KS_AM_VCHRS_WITH_54XXXX_ACCT  The query provides  a list of vouchers using the capital outlay account codes for the specified dates.

DA-87 Capital Asset Reporting Log due dates:

For FY 2020 the DA-87 forms were due on October 15, January 15, April 15 and July 15 for the previous quarters (cumulative). 

Beginning in FY2021 the DA-87 forms will only be required twice a year.  On January 15 agencies must submit data for the first six months of the fiscal year (July 1 to December 31) and on July 15th, agencies must submit data for the entire year (July 1 to June 30).  It is important to keep your capital asset entries up-to-date to avoid delays in getting the DA-87 submitted timely. 

Please submit the completed DA-87 log to the Financial Integrity Team (FIT) email: OCFO-FIT@ks.gov. For detailed instructions on completing the DA-87, please see the “Instructions” tab on the workbook.

If the agency does not have any capital asset changes to report for the period, please send an email to the FIT team noting that no assets were purchased or updated within the reporting period.  

Assets are entered in the SMART AM module in one of two ways.

  1. Directly in AM via Express Add.  SMART Job Aid:  Adding An Asset Using Express Add
  2. Via asset integration on the requisition, the purchase order or the voucher

Each agency must determine which method will be used and ensure all parties involved are aware of how assets will be entered.

SMART Asset Integration Tools:  Asset integration is a process by which asset information included on the requisition, purchase order and voucher can flow to the Asset Management Loader Tables. This allows assets to be loaded to the Asset Management module directly, eliminating the need to hand-key asset details such as profile ID, tag number, custodian, location and chartfield values in the AM module. It also links the asset to its originating voucher.

In SMART asset integration can begin on either the requisition or the purchase order for the purchase of new assets or on the voucher for new or existing assets. Agencies have the option of deciding where to begin asset integration in SMART. Detailed job aids are available for entering assets at each level of integration: http://www.smartweb.ks.gov/training/integration-materials/am-po-and-ap.

  • Linking Vouchers with Asset Module  
    • AM Tool 5 - Beginning Asset Integration on Voucher
    • Reviewing the Transaction Loader Tables Job Aid
    • Agency Asset Processor's Role in Integration
  • Construction-In-Progress (CIP) is recommended to be entered in SMART AM at the beginning of the project.
    • It is essential that all costs associated with a CIP asset are captured in AM. Agency staff must determine if integration will be used or if asset costs will be manually adjusted in AM. The agency must determine the best process to communicate CIP costs between the Accounts Payable and Asset Management modules. SMART Job Aid: CIP Assets

Capital Asset Reporting Reminders:  Agencies should keep SMART AM up-to-date to ensure all assets are entered before FY closing. If an error or omission is found after year-end closing, in addition to entering the correction in SMART AM, a detailed explanation should be included on the Form DA-82 Capital Asset Supplemental Information.

The following guidance is provided to assist in completing capital asset reporting:

  • Capital asset physical inventories are to be completed annually. Inventories are recommended to be conducted prior to June 15th to allow for corrections/additions to be recorded in the SMART AM module prior to SMART Year-End deadlines.
  • Verify correct Profile ID and Category Code are used for assets. Asset Profiles drive the depreciation and accounting entry creation for CAFR purposes, it is crucial that the correct Asset Profile is used.
    SMART Job Aid: Incorrect Asset Profiles and Corrections / Profile ID Section Job Aid
  • Agencies should review Construction-In-Progress (CIP) before year-end closing to ensure all costs are included in the asset module. CIP costs can be entered directly into AM as an addition/adjustment on the Cost Adjust/Transfer page to add costs as expenditures are incurred.
    SMART Job Aid: CIP Assets
  • Completed CIP assets need to be recategorized, the profile ID updated to a non-CIP profile, and other requirements completed as further defined in the job aid.
    SMART Job Aid: CIP Assets Assets (See Section: Steps to Perform After CIP Asset is Complete)
  • All assets that have been sent to state surplus, sold, or otherwise no longer in the agency’s possession should be disposed of in the SMART AM module accordingly.
    SMART Job Aid: Retiring and Reinstating Assets
  • Verify reported asset cost allocations, and update asset costs, if necessary.
    SMART Job Aid: Adjustments and Additions to Cost and/or Quantity
  • For agencies utilizing integration, all outstanding Asset Integration Interface ID’s must be processed.
    SMART Job Aid: Reviewing Transaction Loader Tables

For assistance with entering/updating assets in SMART, please submit a SMART Service Desk ticket. For policy/recording questions please email the Statewide Agency Audit Services team at ARpreaudit@ks.gov.         


Policy Manual 13,001 Capital Asset Records
Form DA-87 Capital Asset Reporting Log
SMART Module of the Month Training – Safeguarding Assets

Additional SMART Asset Management job aids are available online via SMART Web.

Printable Version: 21-A-005

21-A-006 FY 2021 Redesigned Form 1099-MISC and New Form 1099-NEC for Calendar Tax Year 2020 (December 22, 2020)
Informational Circular No. 21-A-006
Supersedes Informational Circular No: N/A
Effective Date: Immediately
Contact Name: Amanda Fowler

Ph: (785) 296-7458Email: 



Sunni Zentner (Original Signature on File)

Summary: New 1099 Classes and Types, Updated Job Aids for Entering and Updating New Suppliers, Updating Voucher Withholding
  • The IRS has redesigned the 1099 Forms for reporting of calendar year 2020 payments:
    1. The 1099-MISC has been revised and rearranged for certain types of income. For SMART purposes the following Class and Type changes have been made:
      • 1099-01 is now 1099M-01 – Rental Income
      • 1099-02 is now 1099M-02 – Royalties
      • 1099-03 is now 1099M-03 – Other Income
      • 1099-06 is now 1099M-06 – Medical and Health Care Services
      • 1099-14 is now 1099M-10 – Gross Proceeds Paid to an Attorney
    2. All other 1099 Forms (S, D, G, and I) had no significant revisions.
    3. The 1099-NEC has been created to report all income that falls under Non-Employee Compensation, formerly box 7 of the 1099-MISC. For SMART purposes the Class and Type is now 1099N-01.
  • Updates to previously entered data in SMART for calendar year 2020:
    1. The Office of Accounts and Reports is currently working on updating all previously paid SMART vouchers for Calendar Year 2020, with payment dates from 01/01/2020 through the end of the year 12/31/2020, to the new Classes and Types.  This update occurred after nightly batch has completed on Monday, December 21, 2020.
    2. The Office of Accounts and Reports is currently working on updating all reportable Suppliers to include the new Classes and Types. The current default flag for these suppliers will mirror to the new Class and Type of its equal.  This update occurred after nightly batch has completed on Monday, December 21, 2020.
  • Entering new suppliers in SMART:
    1. In order to ensure the integrity of past data, the Office of Accounts and Reports will not be removing the Class Type of 1099. Please do not use for future setup of suppliers.
    2. For new suppliers, the Classes 1099M or 1099N will need to be used on the 1099 withholding page for those suppliers that previously would have fallen under the Class of 1099. All other Classes (I, G, and S) will still be available to use as needed.
    3. Please review the updated Job Aids below.
  •  Updating voucher withholding:
  1. This process has not significantly changed. Please review Classes and Types available for the Supplier. If the Class and Type needed is not available for use on the specific location, a TM-21 will need to be completed and submitted to the Supplier Maintenance team via a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket.
  2. Once the voucher has been entered, click on the Withholding link and choose the Class and Type that corresponds to the specific payment.
  3. Please review the updated Job Aids below.

Additional Resources:

Training guide for setting up Suppliers for 1099 reporting and an account code guide: 


Training guide for Entering New Suppliers:


Training guide for Checking for Existing Suppliers:


IRS guide to each Type of 1099, including instructions for each:

IRS Online Instructions for Forms

Printable Version: 21-A-006

21-A-007 FY 2021 Procedures for filing 2020 Form 1099 Information Returns for non-SMART payments (December 30, 2020) (Supersedes 20-A-005)
Informational Circular No. 21-A-007
Supersedes Informational Circular No: 20-A-005
Effective Date: December 30, 2020
Contact Name: Amanda Fowler

Ph: (785) 296-7458 Email: 


Approval: Sunni Zentner (Original Signature on File)
 Summary: Procedures for filing calendar year 2020 Form 1099 Information Returns for non-SMART payments and payments in SMART without the required 1099 information
  • Requirements to report payments where the 1099 data was not recorded in SMART:
  1. The supplier/client must be in the Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool (SMART) Supplier table.
  2. All reportable payments must be submitted via ManageEngine Service Desk using the EXCEL template referenced below.
  3. The Office of Accounts and Reports processes the payments submitted viaManageEngine Service Desk using SMART. SMART generates the paper 1099swhich are mailed to the suppliers. The 1099 information is electronically submitted to the IRS. 

There is NO option for the agency to print the forms and have the Office of Accounts and Reports report to the IRS.


Policy and procedures:

While most 1099 transactions are recorded in SMART and require no additional action by state agencies, there are some payments that occur outside of SMART or the information to be reported to the IRS is not in SMART. These transactions result in unique reporting procedures comprised of the following:

1. Locally administered interest payments of $10 or more are to be reported on IRS Form 1099-INT. These payments typically represent interest paid from trust funds to clients of institutions with the Department for Aging and Disability Services and the Department of Corrections.

2. Other payments such as non-employee awards not paid directly to the recipient from SMART.

To report non-SMART payments for Form 1099 purposes the agency must confirm the supplier is in the SMART Supplier table with the appropriate 1099 type and class, and ensure that withholding is turned on. If the supplier is not in the Supplier table, the agency must add the supplier to SMART including the appropriate 1099 type and class and turn withholding on.

Complete the EXCEL template “PS_WTHD_TRAN_TBL_update_template” (link to the Excel document is included at the bottom of this circular) for all non-SMART 1099 reportable payments. The completed template needs to be received by the Office of Accounts and Reports by January 8, 2021 to ensure the 1099s are distributed by the February 1, 2021 deadline.

The template has the columns listed below. Do not insert or delete columns or rows. Do not change the formatting. Beginning with line 2 (replacing the sample data), complete one line for each payment (add lines as necessary for additional withholding types/classes). The gray columns are defaults and should not be changed. If 499 lines are not sufficient, copy line 500 down. When completed, attach the EXCEL spreadsheet to a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket with the Title “Non-SMART 1099”. Note if you have leading zeros precede them with an apostrophe (e.g. Supplier ID ‘0000123456).

BUSINESS_UNIT: 5 digits with leading zeros, as assigned by SMART (agency number)


WTHD_TYPE: as listed in the supplier table (1099M, 1099N, 1099I, 1099G)


WTHD_CLASS: as listed in the supplier table, with leading zeros



SUPPLIER_ID: 10 digits with leading zeros, as assigned by SMART

SUPPLIER_LOC: the supplier location with the 1099 withholding type and class entered in column C and E, usually 001, with leading zeros



SUPPLIER FEIN OR SSN: SSN or FEIN, 9 digits including leading zeros

PYMNT_DT: date of payment, mm/dd/yyyy format

WTHD_DECL_DATE: same as date of payment

WTHD_BASIS_AMT: the taxable amount for this 1099 type and class for 2020

DESCR100: 100 characters of your choice – alpha and numerical characters only (no punctuation, no special characters)

Additional Resources:

Training guide for setting up suppliers for 1099 reporting and an account code guide: 1099 and Withholding Training Guide

IRS guide to each type of 1099, including instructions for each: IRS Online Instructions for Forms


Printable Version: 21-A-007

21-A-008 FY 2021 Updated Private Vehicle Mileage Rates (January 1, 2021) (Supersedes 21-A-001)
Informational Circular No. 21-A-008
Supersedes Informational Circular No: 20-A-001
Effective Date: January 1, 2021
Contact Name: Statewide Agency Audit Services Team Email: ARpreaudit@ks.gov
Approval: Jocelyn Gunter (Original Signature on File)
Summary: Updated FY 2021 Private Vehicle Mileage Rates

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced changes in the standard mileage rates effective January 1, 2021.  The IRS rate for privately owned automobiles decreases to 56 cents per mile, while the motorcycle rate decreases to 54 cents per mile, and the moving reimbursement rate decreases to 16 cents per mile. The airplane reimbursement rate decreases to $1.26 per air mile.

K.S.A. 75-3203a provides that the mileage reimbursement rates shall not exceed the lowest of the following:

  1. the rate allowed by the IRS;
  2. the rate used in preparing the governor’s budget report under K.S.A. 75-3721, and amendments thereto; or
  3. any revision of the rate as specifically directed in appropriation acts of the legislature.

Thus, per the requirements of K.S.A. 75-3203a, the Department of Administration has adjusted the rates for mileage reimbursement for the remainder of FY 2021, effective January 1, 2021:

  • 56¢ per mile for privately owned automobile
  • 54¢ per mile for privately owned motorcycle
  • $1.26 per mile for privately owned airplane (based on air miles rather than highway miles)
  • 16¢ per mile for moving mileage rate

NOTE: Any agency that processed a mileage reimbursement on or after January 1st for travel that occurred on or after January 1, 2021 and used the previously published rates will need to calculate the difference and either:

  • process that amount through payroll as fringe benefit income; or
  • reduce that amount from future mileage reimbursements that occur in 2021


Printable Version: 21-A-008

21-A-009 FY 2021 Instructions for Tracking All COVID Relief Awards (February 25, 2021)
Informational Circular No. 21-A-009
Supersedes Informational Circular No: N/A
Effective Date: Immediately
Contact Name: Sunni Zentner

Ph: (785) 296-7058 

Email: Sunni.Zentner@ks.gov

Approval: Jocelyn Gunter (original signatures on File)
Summary: Agencies must segregate all new COVID relief awards in SMART.

As the Recovery Office shifts its focus from fund allocation and administration to providing targeted support and strategic guidance to recipient agencies, the Office of Accounts and Reports will support the ongoing tracking and reporting of statewide COVID-19 related spending.

Accounting for federal expenditures in SMART should clearly delineate between:

  • CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) (tracked in fund 3753 and in accordance with specific guidance in the attached checklist)
  • CARES Act Non-CRF Awards
  • New awards received under the December 2020 HR133 bill
  • Additional federal relief packages/bills received in the future
  • Other COVID-19 related spending from existing federal funds (identified with use of program code 21662 and not in a funding stream for one of the other categories listed here)

Therefore, the Director of Accounts and Reports is directing all agencies in receipt of COVID-19 relief awards to create and communicate unique funding streams using a combination of budget units, project codes, and/or program codes.  Please note this does not supersede any accounting guidance or policies regarding the tracking of the Coronavirus Relief Funds (per attached checklist) or regarding the relationship between SMART funds and federal CFDA #s.  This requirement is retroactive to the beginning of fiscal year 2021.

Agencies can submit an online SMART ChartField Request to add new budget unit(s) for federal funds as is deemed necessary.  At the time of the request, please also confirm the full award amount allocated or received, by uploading the award letter or other document in the SMART ChartField Request page.  If project codes are used instead of a new budget unit, please submit a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket to send documentation of the award amount and provide the fund, budget unit, and project code where the award will be tracked.  When establishing new budget units or project codes, please include either CARES or HR133 (or future relief bills as is appropriate) in the description for clarity in tracking/reporting.

If there are additional questions or concerns, you may submit a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket, or you may contact the following individuals:

Sunni Zentner            Manager, Statewide Accounting                   Sunni.Zentner@ks.gov

Nancy Haufler            Team Lead, SMART Processing Team        Nancy.Haufler@ks.gov

Jill Martin                     Team Lead, Federal Reporting                   Jill.Martin@ks.gov

Jeff Arpin                     Principal Analyst, Division of Budget          Jeff.Arpin@ks.gov

State Agency CRF Tracking and Reporting FAQ Checklist


Printable version: 21-A-009

21-A-010 Closing of Fiscal Year 2021 and Opening of Fiscal Year 2022 in SMART
Informational Circular No. 21-A-010
Supersedes Informational Circular No: 20-A-014
Effective Date: Immediately


Contact Name: Department Phone Email
Nancy Haufler SMART - Statewide Accounting (785) 296-5368 nancy.haufler@ks.gov
Amanda Entress SHaRP - Statewide Payroll (785) 296-3887 amanda.entress@ks.gov
Shauna Wake Office of the State Treasurer (785) 296-4160 shauna@treasurer.ks.gov
Summary: Schedule of accounting events relevant to the closing of Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 and the opening of Fiscal Year (FY) 2022

K.S.A. 75-3002 establishes the state fiscal year as commencing on the first day of July in each year and closing on the thirtieth day of June of the succeeding year. For fiscal year 2021 activity to be completed by June 30th, SMART will be closed to agencies from Monday, June 28, 2021 through Wednesday, June 30, 2021.

SMART will be open to agencies on Saturday, June 26, 2021 and Sunday, June 27, 2021.

See attachments:

Printable version: 20-A-14

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