FY 2018
Informational Circular No. | 18-A-001 | |
Supersedes Informational Circular No: | 17-A-008 | |
Effective Date: | July 1, 2017 | |
Approval: | DeAnn Hill (Original Signature on File) |
Contact Name: | Phone | |
Ginnie Schirmer | (785) 296-7021 | Ginnie.Schirmer@ks.gov |
Stacy Cooper | (785) 296-3242 | Stacy.Cooper@ks.gov |
Brad Elkins | (785) 296-3356 | Bradley.Elkins@ks.gov |
Jackie Craine | (785) 296-2934 | Jackie.Craine@ks.gov |
Janette Martin | (785) 296-2708 | Janette.Martin@ks.gov |
Summary: FY 2018 Private Vehicle Mileage Rates
As authorized by K.S.A. 75-3203a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed the private vehicle maximum mileage reimbursement rates for FY 2018 at:
53.5¢ per mile for privately owned automobile
50.5¢ per mile for privately owned motorcycle
17¢ per mile for moving mileage rate
$1.15 per mile for privately owned airplane (based on air miles rather than highway miles)
These rates were effective January 1, 2017 and remain unchanged.
Printable Version of 18-A-001
Informational Circular No. | 18-A-002 | |
Supersedes Informational Circular No: | 17-A-003 | |
Effective Date: | July 1, 2017 | |
Approval: | DeAnn Hill (Original Signature on File) |
Ginnie Schirmer | (785) 296-7021 | Ginnie.Schirmer@ks.gov |
Stacy Cooper | (785) 296-3242 | Stacy.Cooper@ks.gov |
Brad Elkins | (785) 296-3356 | Bradley.Elkins@ks.gov |
Jackie Craine | (785) 296-2934 | Jackie.Craine@ks.gov |
Janette Martin | (785) 296-2708 | Janette.Martin@ks.gov |
Summary: FY 2018 Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE) and Lodging Rates
As authorized by K.S.A. 75-3207a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed subsistence rates for FY 2018. The Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement Handbook is updated to include information regarding subsistence for travel which occurs during FY 2018.
For State of Kansas travel, federal subsistence rates are being followed. Subsistence rates are based on travel location and travel dates with seasonal rates listed for many locations. If a specific travel location isn’t listed (or within the location definition), the standard rate, or “other” location rate is used. The following standard rates apply to many locations across the contiguous United States (CONUS).
For CONUS locations, the following standard daily subsistence rates apply for travel which occurs July 1, 2017 and after:
M&IE - $51
Lodging - $91
These rates were effective October 1, 2016 and remain unchanged. The M&IE and Lodging rates are updated semi-annually each October 1 and April 1 to follow CONUS rates in effect on those dates.
SMART contains the official subsistence rates for CONUS and OCONUS travel locations and will be updated semi-annually each October 1 and April 1 for any interim rate changes which have occurred. International subsistence rates are not loaded into SMART. For international travel locations, employees will obtain M&IE rates directly from the U.S. Department of State (DOS) website listed below. For international travel, payment for actual lodging expense is allowed.
Source of Subsistence Rates -
Contiguous United States (CONUS) -
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for travel locations in the contiguous United States -
U.S. General Services Administration website: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104877
Outside Contiguous United States (OCONUS):
(Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories/Possessions) -
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for travel locations within Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories/Possessions -
U.S. Department of Defense website: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm
International Locations -
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) is the source for M&IE rates only for international travel locations-
U.S. Department of State website: https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp
For international travel, payment for actual lodging expense is allowed.
Note for using federal websites:
For CONUS and OCONUS travel, if SMART is not accessible, employees may access subsistence rates through the federal websites. However interim federal website updates may occur subsequent to the semi-annual SMART updates each October 1 and April 1. CONUS rates are published on an annual basis but the annual file is updated periodically throughout the year with no interim files published. OCONUS and international rates are updated and published on a monthly basis. Be aware that any interim updates for CONUS or OCONUS locations are not valid until reflected in SMART. For international travel, only the October 1 and April 1 subsistence files should be used to locate the M&IE rates.
If employees utilize the federal websites to find M&IE and lodging rates, those rates should be used as follows:
Rates published October 1 - for travel occurring between October 1 and March 31 of each year.
Rates published April 1 - for travel occurring between April 1 and September 30 of each year.
Lodging Expense Limitations:
K.S.A. 75-3207a(f) provides that the daily lodging expense limitations established may be exceeded, upon approval by the agency head or designee, by the lesser of either: (1) an additional 50% of the applicable lodging expense limitation, or (2) the actual lodging expense incurred.
These lodging limits continue to be applied to the lodging rate before taxes. Thus, the amount reimbursed or paid for lodging expenses may exceed the established lodging limitation by as much as the amount of associated taxes.
Conference Lodging qualified under K.A.R. 1-16-18a(c):
Agencies may authorize payment or reimbursement for actual lodging expenses when an employee is required or authorized to attend a conference, and the lodging rate exceeds the applicable lodging expense limitation (including the additional 50%). The agency head must be provided with conference materials and rates. These should be maintained with travel documentation.
Reduced Meal Allowance:
If the cost of meals is included within the cost of registration fees or other fees and charges paid by the agency or provided at no cost to the employee, the daily M&IE rate for the travel location should be reduced based on the percentages listed below. For partial days, the quarter amount is calculated first and then the reduction percentage is applied. The daily M&IE reduction percentages are as follows:
Breakfast - 15%
Lunch - 35%
Dinner - 50%
Same Day Meal Allowance:
Reimbursement for a same day meal, in accordance with K.A.R. 1-16-18(c)(2), is calculated as a percentage of the daily M&IE rate for the travel location, based on the approved meal, as follows:
Breakfast - 15%
Lunch - 35%
Dinner - 50%
Queries in SMART to Obtain M&IE Rates and Lodging Rates:
A query “KS_EX_CONUS_RATES” is available in SMART to obtain all CONUS and OCONUS locations with the daily M&IE rates, meal reductions and lodging rates. SMART will be updated semi-annually with the October and April 1 CONUS and OCONUS subsistence rates. Historical locations and rates from each semi-annual update will be maintained in SMART.
Printable version of 18-A-002
Informational Circular No. | 18-A-003 | |
Effective Date: | August 3, 2017 | |
Approval: | DeAnn Hill (Original Signature on File) |
Ginnie Schirmer | (785) 296-7021 | Ginnie.Schirmer@ks.gov |
Stacy Cooper | (785) 296-3242 | Stacy.Cooper@ks.gov |
Brad Elkins | (785) 296-3356 | Bradley.Elkins@ks.gov |
Jackie Craine | (785) 296-2934 | Jackie.Craine@ks.gov |
Janette Martin | (785) 296-2708 | Janette.Martin@ks.gov |
Summary: State of Kansas Encumbrance Policy Amendments expanding transactions not required to be encumbered.
This Informational Circular (IC) is issued to announce the following changes to the statewide encumbrance policy:
Amendments to the encumbrance policy:
Additional obligations that are generally not required to be encumbered but are optional for agency budget management include:
For guidance on fiscal year closing and determination for all obligations, please see PM Filing 14,002 Fiscal Year Closing Including Fiscal Year Determination.
The provisions of PM Filing 10,300 should be followed in conjunction with all requisition and purchase order requirements issued through the Office of Procurement and Contracts.
Please note: The following payments remain under review pending a determination of any encumbrance requirement:
PM Filing 10,300 Statewide Encumbrance Policy can be found at: Policy Manual
Best Practices – Statewide Encumbrance Policy: https://webadmin.ks.gov.production.premier.siteviz.com/media/cms/d56f9875-9fb8-443f-ab34-97c44fe9758a.docx
PM Filing 14,002 Fiscal Year Closing Including Fiscal Year Determination can be found at: http://www.admin.ks.gov/offices/chief-financial-officer/policy-manual
Printable version of 18-A-003
- Policy Manual (PM) Filing 10,300 Statewide Encumbrance Policy now incorporates the supplemental exemptions found in IC 17-A-014.
- The exemption for program payments has been further defined.
- Certain payments under $500 will now be exempted.
- Program payments are further defined as payments where the disbursing agency receives no direct service or tangible asset.
- Transactions less than $500 which are paid within 10 business days of the actual invoice date (unless required by Office of Procurement and Contracts policies).
- The paid date is defined as the SMART Accounting Date found at the following SMART screen:
- SMART: Main Menu > Accounts Payable > Vouchers> Add/Update > Regular Entry, Payments tab, Accounting Date.
- Agencies shall not split any invoice by generating multiple vouchers in order to avoid the $500 threshold.
- Payroll expenditures and remittance of payroll taxes, deductions and garnishments
- Single Pay voucher payments
Informational Circular No. | 18-A-004 | |
Supersedes Informational Circular No: | 18-A-002 | |
Effective Date: | October 1, 2017 | |
Approval: | DeAnn Hill (Original Signature on File) |
Ginnie Schirmer | (785) 296-7021 | Ginnie.Schirmer@ks.gov |
Stacy Cooper | (785) 296-3242 | Stacy.Cooper@ks.gov |
Brad Elkins | (785) 296-3356 | Bradley.Elkins@ks.gov |
Jackie Craine | (785) 296-2934 | Jackie.Craine@ks.gov |
Janette Martin | (785) 296-2708 | Janette.Martin@ks.gov |
As authorized by K.S.A. 75-3207a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed subsistence rates for FY 2018. The U.S. General Services (GSA) has announced a change in the CONUS standard rate for lodging effective October 1, 2017. The GSA standard lodging rate has been increased to $93. The standard M&IE rate of $51 remains unchanged.
For State of Kansas travel, federal subsistence rates are being followed. Subsistence rates are based on travel location and travel dates with seasonal rates listed for many locations. If a specific travel location isn’t listed (or within the location definition), the standard rate, or “other” location rate is used. The following standard rates apply to many locations across the contiguous United States (CONUS).
For CONUS locations, the following standard subsistence rates apply for travel occurring on and after October 1, 2017:
M&IE - $51
Lodging - $93
The Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement Handbook is updated to include this information regarding subsistence for travel occurring on and after October 1, 2017.
SMART contains the official subsistence rates for CONUS and OCONUS travel locations and will be updated semi-annually each October 1 and April 1 for any interim rate changes which have occurred. International subsistence rates are not loaded into SMART. For international travel locations, employees will obtain M&IE rates directly from the U.S. Department of State (DOS) website listed below. For international travel, payment for actual lodging expense is allowed.
Source of Subsistence Rates -
Contiguous United States (CONUS) -
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for travel locations in the contiguous United States -
U.S. General Services Administration website: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104877
Outside Contiguous United States (OCONUS):
(Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories/Possessions) -
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for travel locations within Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories/Possessions -
U.S. Department of Defense website: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm
International Locations -
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) is the source for M&IE rates only for international travel locations-
U.S. Department of State website: https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp
For international travel, payment for actual lodging expense is allowed.
Note for using federal websites:
For CONUS and OCONUS travel, if SMART is not accessible, employees may access subsistence rates through the federal websites. However interim federal website updates may occur subsequent to the semi-annual SMART updates each October 1 and April 1. CONUS rates are published on an annual basis but the annual file is updated periodically throughout the year with no interim files published. OCONUS and international rates are updated and published on a monthly basis. Be aware that any interim updates for CONUS or OCONUS locations are not valid until reflected in SMART. For international travel, only the October 1 and April 1 subsistence files should be used to locate the M&IE rates.
If employees utilize the federal websites to find M&IE and lodging rates, those rates should be used as follows:
Rates published October 1 - for travel occurring between October 1 and March 31 of each year.
Rates published April 1 - for travel occurring between April 1 and September 30 of each year.
Lodging Expense Limitations:
K.S.A. 75-3207a(f) provides that the daily lodging expense limitations established may be exceeded, upon approval by the agency head or designee, by the lesser of either: (1) an additional 50% of the applicable lodging expense limitation, or (2) the actual lodging expense incurred.
These lodging limits continue to be applied to the lodging rate before taxes. Thus, the amount reimbursed or paid for lodging expenses may exceed the established lodging limitation by as much as the amount of associated taxes.
Conference Lodging qualified under K.A.R. 1-16-18a(c):
Agencies may authorize payment or reimbursement for actual lodging expenses when an employee is required or authorized to attend a conference, and the lodging rate exceeds the applicable lodging expense limitation (including the additional 50%). The agency head must be provided with conference materials and rates. These should be maintained with travel documentation.
Reduced Meal Allowance:
If the cost of meals is included within the cost of registration fees or other fees and charges paid by the agency or provided at no cost to the employee, the daily M&IE rate for the travel location should be reduced based on the percentages listed below. For partial days, the quarter amount is calculated first and then the reduction percentage is applied. The M&IE reduction percentages are as follows:
Breakfast - 15%
Lunch - 35%
Dinner - 50%
Same Day Meal Allowance:
Reimbursement for a same day meal, in accordance with K.A.R. 1-16-18(c)(2), is calculated as a percentage of the daily M&IE rate for the travel location, based on the approved meal, as follows:
Breakfast - 15%
Lunch - 35%
Dinner - 50%
Queries in SMART to Obtain M&IE Rates and Lodging Rates:
A query “KS_EX_CONUS_RATES” is available in SMART to obtain all CONUS and OCONUS locations with the M&IE daily rates, meal reductions and lodging rates. SMART will be updated semi-annually with the October and April 1 CONUS and OCONUS subsistence rates. Historical locations and rates from each semi-annual update will be maintained in SMART.
Printable Version of 18-A-004
Informational Circular No. | 18-A-005 | |
Supersedes Informational Circular No: | 17-A-006 | |
Effective Date: | Immediately | |
Contact Name: Elaine Harris |
Ph: (785) 296-7458 Email: elaine.harris@ks.gov |
Approval: | DeAnn Hill (Original Signature on File) |
Summary: Returns for non-SMART payments and payments in SMART without the required 1099 information
Requirements to report payments where the 1099 data was not recorded in SMART:
- The supplier/client must be in the Statewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool (SMART) supplier table.
- All reportable payments must be submitted via Service Desk using the EXCEL template referenced below
- The Office of the Chief Financial Officer processes the payments submitted via Service Desk using SMART. SMART generates the paper 1099s which are mailed to the suppliers. The 1099 information is electronically submitted to the IRS.
There is NO option for the agency to print the forms and have the Office of the Chief Financial Officer report to the IRS.
Policy and procedures:
While most 1099 transactions are recorded in SMART, and require no additional action by state agencies; there are some payments that occur outside of SMART or the information to be reported to the IRS is not in SMART. These transactions result in unique reporting procedures comprised of the following:
- Locally administered interest payments of $10 or more are to be reported on IRS Form 1099-INT. These payments typically represent interest paid from trust funds to clients of institutions with the Department for Aging and Disability Services and the Department of Corrections.
- Other payments such as non-employee awards not paid directly to the recipient from SMART.
To report non-SMART payments for form 1099 purposes the agency must confirm the supplier is in the SMART supplier table with the appropriate 1099 type and class, and ensure that withholding is turned on. If the supplier is not in the supplier table, the agency must add the supplier to SMART including the appropriate 1099 type and class, and turn withholding on.
Complete the EXCEL template “PS_WTHD_TRAN_TBL_update_template” (link to the Excel document is included at the bottom of this circular) for all non-SMART 1099 reportable payments. The completed template needs to be received by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer by January 11, 2018 to ensure the 1099s are distributed by the January 31, 2018 deadline.
The template has the columns listed below. Do not insert or delete columns or rows. Do not change the formatting. Beginning with line 2 (replacing the sample data), complete one line for each payment (add lines as necessary for additional withholding types/classes). The gray columns are defaults and should not be changed. If 499 lines are not sufficient, copy line 500 down. When completed, attach the EXCEL spreadsheet to a Service Desk ticket with the heading “non-SMART 1099”. Note if you have leading zeros precede them with an apostrophe ‘, i.e. supplier id ‘0000123456.
BUSINESS_UNIT: 5 characters must have leading zeros (your agency number)
WTHD_TYPE: as listed in the supplier table (1099, 1099I, 1099G)
WTHD_CLASS: as listed in the supplier table, with leading zeros.
SUPPLIER_ID: 10 digits with leading zeros, as assigned by SMART.
SUPPLIER_LOC: the supplier location with the 1099 withholding type and class entered in column C and E, usually 001, with leading zeros
SUPPLIER FEIN OR SSN: SSN or FEIN, 9 digits including leading zeros
PYMNT_DT: date of payment, mm/dd/yyyy format
WTHD_DECL_DATE: Same as date of payment
WTHD_BASIS_AMT: The taxable amount for this 1099 type and class for 2017.
DESCR100: 100 characters of your choice – no punctuation, no special characters
Additional Resources:
Training guide for setting up suppliers for 1099 reporting and an account code guide:
1099 and Withholding Training Guide
IRS guide to each type of 1099, including instructions for each:
IRS Online Instructions for Forms
SMART withholding codes:
SMART Withholding Codes Job Aid
Excel withholding template:
Printable version of 18-A-005
Informational Circular No. | 18-A-006 | |
Effective Date: |
January 1, 2018 |
Contact Name: Nancy Ruoff Statewide Payroll & Accounting Jackie Craine StatewidePolicy |
Ph: (785) 296-2853 (785) 296-2934 |
Email: Nancy.Ruoff@ks.gov Jackie.Craine@ks.gov |
Approval: | DeAnn Hill (Original Signature on File) |
Summary: Changes to Taxability of Moving Expense Reimbursement
This Informational Circular (IC) is issued to announce the following changes to the process for the reimbursement of qualified moving expenses to state employees:
The federal Tax Cuts and Job Act (H.R.1) enacted into law on December 22, 2017 amends Internal Revenue Code – Title 26, § 132(g) suspending the existing exclusion for qualified moving expense reimbursements from gross income.
Effective January 1, 2018 all qualified moving expense reimbursements are subject to taxes and are to be reimbursed directly to the employee through payroll (SHARP) using the Moving Expense Taxable (MVT) earnings code.
As authorized by KSA 75-3225(d), the Secretary of Administration intends to amend KAR 1-16-2b to require that moving expenses be reimbursed directly to the employee and to no longer allow payments to a commercial carrier. Therefore, moving related direct billed (commercial carrier, lodging, or airfare) payments are no longer authorized to be paid via the SMART Accounts Payable module or agency procurement card. Nor should any moving related reimbursements be paid to the employee through the SMART Travel & Expense module due to the taxable fringe benefit reporting requirements.
All moving expenses are to be paid after the move has occurred and all the necessary documents and receipts have been submitted by the employee for reimbursement. As authorized by KSA 75-3225, per KAR 1-16-2b(b)(1), the amount to be paid for moving household and personal effects may not in any case exceed the amount of the actual reimbursable moving expenses verified by receipts and bill of lading or the amount of moving expenses for moving twelve thousand (12,000) pounds of household goods by commercial carrier, whichever is the lesser amount. The agency is required to determine the actual amount of the moving expense to be reimbursed to the employee and notify the appropriate agency HR/Payroll staff of the employee and the amount to be added to the employee’s timesheet as MVT earnings. Agency HR/Payroll staff should include the reimbursement on the employee’s timesheet in the pay period following submission of the documentation.
As specified in KSA 76-727(b)(2), applicable to state educational institutions, the amount of the reimbursement cannot exceed the amount of the actual moving expenses verified by receipts or the amount of moving expenses for moving 12,000 pounds of household goods, whichever is the lesser amount.
Documentation for all moving expense reimbursements paid through SHARP with the MVT code should be maintained at the agency.
Approval to Reimburse Qualified Moving Expenses
The approval process for both in-state and out-of-state authorizations are not impacted by the taxability of the moving expense reimbursements.
As required by KSA 75-3225(a), an agreement must be signed by the agency head prior to authorizing the reimbursement of moving expenses to an employee using Form DA-22, Agreement for Reimbursement of Moving Expenses.
If an applicant is from out-of-state; prior approval of the Secretary of Administration and the Governor should be obtained using Form DA-29, Request to Pay Expense of Out-of-State Applicants, to reimburse moving expenses. (KSA 76-727 (3c) exempts state educational institutions and the Board of Regents from obtaining prior approval of the governor).
Policy Manual 3,607 - Employee Moving Expense Reimbursement has been updated and will be available on or before March 30th on the Department of Administration website.
Printable version of 18-A-006
Informational Circular No. | 18-A-007 | |
Effective Date: | April 13, 2018 | |
Contact Name: Financial Integrity Team Agency Audit Services Team |
Email: OCFO-FIT@ks.gov ARpreaudit@ks.gov |
Approval: | DeAnn Hill (Original Signature on File) |
Summary: Capital Asset Reporting
In accordance with KSA 75-3729 and the Department of Administration’s Policy Manual Filing 13,001 - Capital Asset Records, agencies must enter capital assets into the SMART Asset Management (AM) module when the asset is received and/or the asset is functional to accurately reflect the correct transactions for reporting on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). To ensure compliance with state policies, the DA-87 Annual Capital Asset Reporting Log will be required to record all capital asset transactions over the capitalization thresholds noted below. This includes the acquisition, disposal, and transfer of capital assets and any changes to existing capital assets reported in the SMART AM module.
NOTE: KDOT & Regent Institutions are exempt from the reporting requirements of the DA-87.
Assets with a cost meeting the established threshold and a useful life exceeding one year are reported as capital assets in the CAFR. It is the agency’s responsibility to ensure all capital assets are properly recorded in the SMART AM module.
The statewide capitalization thresholds for assets are as follows:
Description |
Asset Category Code |
Capitalization Threshold |
Equipment and Furnishings |
$5,000 |
Vehicles |
$5,000 |
Land |
$100,000 |
Buildings and Improvements |
$100,000 |
Intangible – Software |
$250,000 |
Intangible - Other |
$250,000 |
Land Improvements |
$100,000 |
Leasehold Improvements |
$100,000 |
Please note, two SMART queries are available to assist agencies in reviewing and reconciling capital asset transactions:
- Capital Asset Inventory List Query - KS_AM_ASSET_CAPITAL_INV_LIST – The query provides a complete agency inventory of capital assets recorded in the SMART AM module (use data filters to select CAFR asset book).
- Capital Outlay Purchase Query - KS_AM_VCHRS_WITH_54XXXX_ACCT – The query provides a list of vouchers using the capital outlay account codes for the specified dates.
DA-87 Annual Capital Asset Reporting Log due dates:
- FY18 Initial submission is due May 15th (For the reporting period of July 1st, 2017 through March 31st, 2018).
- FY18 End-of-Year log will be due July 31st and will be a cumulative record of all FY18 capital asset transactions.
In FY2019 and subsequent years, agencies are required to submit a DA-87 cumulative report for each quarter of the FY due no later than the 15th calendar day following the end of each quarter to include all current FY capital asset transactions. The due dates are as follows:
Due Date for FY2018: |
Due Dates Beginning in FY2019: |
Month |
DA-87 Due Date |
Month |
DA-87 Due Date |
July |
Initial DA-87 Submission Due May 15th
July |
QTR 1 October 15th |
August |
August |
September |
September |
October |
October |
QTR 2 January 15th |
November |
November |
December |
December |
January |
January |
QTR 3 April 15th |
February |
February |
March |
March |
April |
July 31st
April |
QTR 4 July 15th |
May |
May |
June |
June |
Please submit the completed DA-87 log to the Financial Integrity Team (FIT) email: OCFO-FIT@ks.gov
For detailed instructions on completing the DA-87, please see the “Instructions” tab on the workbook.
If the agency does not have any capital assets to report for the period, please send an email to the FIT team noting that no assets were purchased within the reporting period.
Assets are entered in the SMART AM module in one of two ways.
- Directly in AM via Express Add.SMART Job Aid:Adding An Asset Using Express Add
- Via asset integration on the requisition, the purchase order or the voucher
Each agency must determine which method will be used and ensure all parties involved are aware of how assets will be entered.
SMART Asset Integration Tools: Asset integration is a process by which asset information included on the requisition, purchase order and voucher can flow to the Asset Management Loader Tables. This allows assets to be loaded to the Asset Management module directly, eliminating the need to hand-key asset details such as profile ID, tag number, custodian, location and chartfield values in the AM module. It also links the asset to its originating voucher.
In SMART asset integration can begin on either the requisition or the purchase order for the purchase of new assets or on the voucher for new or existing assets. Agencies have the option of deciding where to begin asset integration in SMART. Detailed job aids are available for entering assets at each level of integration: http://www.smartweb.ks.gov/training/integration-materials/am-po-and-ap.
- Linking Vouchers with Asset Module
- AM Tool 5 - Beginning Asset Integration on Voucher
- Reviewing the Transaction Loader Tables Job Aid
- Agency Asset Processor's Role in Integration
- Construction-In-Progress (CIP) is recommended to be entered in SMART AM at the beginning of the project.
- It is essential that all costs associated with a CIP asset are captured in AM. Agency staff must determine if integration will be used or if asset costs will be manually adjusted in AM. The agency must determine the best process to communicate CIP costs between the Accounts Payable and Asset Management modules. SMART Job Aid: CIP Assets
Capital Asset Reporting Reminders: Agencies should keep SMART AM up-to-date to ensure all assets are entered before FY closing. If an error or omission is found after year-end closing, in addition to entering the correction in SMART AM, a detailed explanation should be included on the Form DA-82 Capital Asset Supplemental Information.
The following guidance is provided to assist in completing capital asset reporting:
- Capital asset physical inventories are to be completed annually. Inventories are recommended to be conducted prior to June 15th to allow for corrections/additions to be recorded in the SMART AM module prior to SMART Year-End deadlines.
- Verify correct Profile ID and Category Code are used for assets. Asset Profiles drive the depreciation and accounting entry creation for CAFR purposes, it is crucial that the correct Asset Profile is used. SMART Job Aid: Incorrect Asset Profiles and Corrections / Profile ID Section Job Aid
- Agencies should review Construction-In-Progress (CIP) before year-end closing to ensure all costs are included in the asset module. CIP costs can be entered directly into AM as an addition/adjustment on the Cost Adjust/Transfer page to add costs as expenditures are incurred. SMART Job Aid: CIP Assets
- Completed CIP assets need to be recategorized, the profile ID updated to a non-CIP profile, and other requirements completed as further defined in the job aid. SMART Job Aid: CIP Assets (See Section: Steps to Perform After CIP Asset is Complete)
- All assets that have been sent to state surplus, sold, or otherwise no longer in the agency’s possession should be disposed of in the SMART AM module accordingly. SMART Job Aid: SMART
- Verify reported asset cost allocations, and update asset costs, if necessary. SMART Job Aid Adjustments and Additions to Cost and/or Quantity
- For agencies utilizing integration, all outstanding Asset Integration Interface ID’s must be processed. SMART Job Aid: Reviewing Transaction Loader Tables
For assistance with entering/updating assets in SMART, please submit a SMART Service Desk ticket. For policy/recording questions please email the Statewide Agency Audit Services team at ARpreaudit@ks.gov.
Policy Manual 13,001 Capital Asset Records
Form DA-87 Annual Capital Asset Reporting Log
SMART Module of the Month Training – Safeguarding Assets
Additional SMART Asset Management job aids are available online via SMART Web.
Printable Version 18-A-007
Informational Circular No. | 18-A-008 | |
Supersedes Informational Circular No: | 17-A-011 | |
Effective Date: | Immediately | |
Approval: | Nancy T. Ruoff (Original Signature on File) |
Name | Department | Phone Number | |
Nancy Haufler | SMART - Statewide Accounting | (785) 296-5368 | nancy.haufler@ks.go |
Amanda Entress | SHARP - Statewide Payroll | (785) 296-3887 | amanda.entress@ks.gov |
Lucinda Anstaett | Office of the State Treasurer | (785) 296-4151 | lucinda@treasurer.ks.gov |
Summary: Schedule of accounting events relevant to the closing of Fiscal Year 2018 and the opening of Fiscal Year 2019
K.S.A. 75-3002 establishes the state fiscal year as commencing on the first day of July in each year and closing on the thirtieth day of June of the succeeding year. In order for fiscal year 2018 activity to be completed by June 30th, the cutoff date for most agency processing will be Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 6:00 PM.
SMART will be closed to agencies from Thursday, June 28, 2018 through Saturday, June 30, 2018 so the SMART Team can review and finalize all outstanding FY 2018 business. SMART will also be closed the morning of Friday, July 6, 2018 to run the fiscal year 2018 closing processes and verify the fiscal year end journals were completed correctly.
The workload for both agencies and the SMART Team increases greatly during the fiscal year end closing period. In order to facilitate successful year end processing, reminders and guidelines for agencies are included below.
It is necessary for agency accounting staff to be available during the day Thursday, June 28, 2018 and Friday, June 29, 2018 in case assistance is needed as the SMART Team is preparing the system for closing.
General Items
All FY 2018 transactions must be successfully edited, budget checked, matched, agency approved, dispatched, and submitted into workflow for central approval, as appropriate, by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. After this time, SMART will be closed to all agency users, and the SMART clean-up process will begin on Thursday, June 28, 2018.
State agencies should be reviewing financial data and processing any necessary corrections before the end of the fiscal year. Please consult the month end checklists available on the SMART website, Smart Website, to assist with this review. There are additional queries listed in the REFERENCES section at the end of this document that may also be helpful. The SMART Team is actively working to assist agencies in preparation for fiscal year end. ManageEngine Service Desk tickets will be sent to agencies as outstanding or incomplete transactions are found. The transactions identified by the SMART Team will likely be just a subset of the outstanding, incomplete or incorrect transactions agencies will identify between now and the end of the fiscal year.
General Ledger Encumbrances (non-supplier specific encumbrances) will be used to encumber fiscal year 2018 budget in limited circumstances. The GL-F016 GL Encumbrance Request Form is located on the Department of Administration website at the following link: Document Center
Complete the GL-F016 GL Encumbrance Request Form and attach it (as an Excel file, not PDF) to a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket by 5:00 PM on Friday, June 22, 2018. Provide a description of the obligation and the reason the supplier is not known or the Purchase Requisition/Order process is not practical for encumbering budget. Requests will be routed to the Division of the Budget (DoB) for approval. The description of the obligation on the GL Encumbrance form (GL-F016) must match the description of the transactions processed in the future which use the encumbered funds.
GL Encumbrance Journals may be keyed by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer staff into SMART prior to receiving DoB approval to give each agency the opportunity to review the document and its effects in SMART prior to close. Agencies will be notified via ManageEngine Service Desk ticket of the Journal ID(s). In the event DoB denies the GL encumbrance, the affected agency will be notified via ManageEngine Service Desk ticket and the document will be deleted from SMART.
Budget Period 2018 expense, encumbrance, and revenue data from SMART Commitment Control Ledger groups (CC_IBARS_E, CC_IBARS_R) will be electronically submitted to the Division of the Budget by Wednesday, August 1, 2018 for loading into the IBARS system.
The dates provided in this document that relate to fiscal year closing and opening activities may be revised, as necessary, by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer. Revisions to SMART processing dates will be sent via email to all users subscribed to the SMART Infolist listserv (subscribe at Subscribe here). After issuance, SMART Announcements are also posted on the SMART Website at Smartweb announcements
Any revisions to payroll processing dates will be issued as a SHARP message to subscribers of the SHARP infolist listserv (subscribe at Subscribe here).
Accounts Payable
The final day agencies can enter a voucher in accounts payable for FY 2018 business will be Wednesday, June 27, 2018. Here is additional information that will help you with accounts payable:
Please refer to PM 14,002 (Policy Manual) to help determine the appropriate processing period for each type of account code activity.
Interfacing agencies must have their final INF02 (Inbound Voucher) for FY 2018 business submitted by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, June 26, 2018.
For agencies that upload and submit vouchers via INF50 (Voucher Spreadsheet Upload), the final INF50 uploads for FY 2018 business must be submitted by 1:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.
In order for accounts payable transactions to complete for FY 2018, all vouchers must be entered, matched, budget checked and approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. The last hourly batch will run at 4:00 PM. Any transaction still in process after 4:00 PM must be manually budget checked, matched, and then approved to be postable or posted by 6:00 PM.
Any FY 2018 accounts payable transaction that cannot be entered in SMART by the cutoff date must be encumbered by using a purchase order.
Any voucher that has not been successfully edited, matched, budget checked and approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 will be deleted by the SMART Team.
Interfacing agencies may submit their INF02 files for FY 2019 business in advance with an accounting date on or after July 1, 2018. The files received and processed prior to July 1st will be in voucher build error until FY 2019 is opened. At that time, vouchers will be built and will be eligible for pay cycle once they are matched, budget checked, and approved.
Any INF02 submitted after Tuesday, June 26, 2018 must have an accounting date of 07/01/2018 or greater and will process for FY 2019. Any vouchers built on or after 07/01/2018 with an accounting date prior to 07/01/2018 will be in recycle status due to FY 2018 being closed. Agencies will be asked to delete these vouchers and will need to submit a corrected INF02.
Travel Authorizations
K.S.A. 75-3208 requires approval for all out of state travel. One method of approval is the use of a Travel Authorization. Pursuant to PM 10,300 Statewide Encumbrance Policy, Travel Authorizations are required for all out of state travel, and international travel events, and any travel or expense reimbursement that will not be entered by the fiscal year end cutoff date. Travel Authorizations must be entered and fully approved prior to the dates of travel.
A reminder to help ensure the Travel Authorization (TA) will properly liquidate the encumbrance when pulled into an Expense Report (ER) and that the Expense Report (ER) will pass budget check, the funding on the TA shall match the funding on the ER:
- Number of TA lines > or = Number of ER lines
- TA fund/budget unit = ER fund/budget unit
- TA fund/budget unit amount > or = ER fund/budget unit amount
All in state and out of state travel occurring in FY 2018 must be reimbursed using FY 2018 funds. If an expense report will not be submitted and fully approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018, a Travel Authorization must be entered and fully approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. Travel Authorizations must be entered and fully approved prior to the dates of travel.
Any travel authorization that has not been fully approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 will be deleted or cancelled by the SMART Team and will not be available for use.
If you need to encumber money for Prepaid expenses that will not be paid by close of FY 2018, you will need to create a purchase order for the prepaid items.
Travel Authorizations for FY 2019 shall not be entered until FY 2019 is open to agencies.
Expense Reports
Expense Reports chargeable to FY 2018 must be submitted and fully approved in SMART by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. Per PM 10,300 Statewide Encumbrance Policy, for any travel or expense reimbursement chargeable to FY 2018 that cannot be submitted and fully approved in SMART by the 6:00 PM Wednesday, June 27, 2018 deadline, the agency must process a Travel Authorization.
Any expense report that has not been fully approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 will be deleted or closed by the SMART Team and will not be available for processing.
Per K.S.A. 75-3201 and as stated in PM 3,903 --Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement Handbook, employees who travel are to submit paperwork for their expenses at least once a month.
If agency employees have expense reports for travel occurring in FY 2018, and there is no approved travel authorization or GL encumbrance in SMART, the use of the Prior Fiscal Year Claims Process as described in PM 11,966 is required. The Policy Manual can be found at the following link: Policy Manual
Imprest Funds
Expenditures paid from imprest funds dated on or before June 30, 2018 must be recorded in SMART prior to the deadline for payment voucher submission. For imprest fund expenditures not expected to be recorded in SMART by the fiscal year end cutoff for payment vouchers, a purchase order (PO) or general ledger encumbrance (GL encumbrance) must be created as appropriate using the correct budget period and funding. Prior to July 15, 2018, the agency must replenish the imprest fund and record expenditures to the appropriate suppliers (using the PO or GL encumbrance). The expenditure fiscal year determination contained in PM 14,002 also applies to imprest funds. Refer to PM 10,802 for additional information regarding imprest funds. PM 10,802 can be found at the following link: Policy Manual
Petty Cash Funds
Petty cash procedures are the same as those set forth in the Imprest Funds section above. The expenditure fiscal year determination contained in PM 14,002 also applies to petty cash funds. Refer to PM 10,752 for additional information regarding petty cash funds. PM 10,752 can be found at the following link: Policy Manual
To encumber monies for FY 2018, requisitions must be sourced to purchase orders (POs) and the purchase orders must be approved, budget checked and dispatched by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.
If an Agency needs to process a requisition using FY 2019 funds prior to July 1, 2018 the agency should take the following steps:
- Starting Tuesday, May 1, 2018 enter the requisition and select the ‘Save for Later’ option.
- Starting Friday, June 1, 2018 submit a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket requesting the budget date on the requisition be changed to a FY 2019 date.
- Once the budget date has been changed, select the ‘Save & submit’ button on the requisition.
The requisition will source to a PO; however, the PO will not pass budget check until the FY 2019 appropriations budget has been loaded into SMART.
Purchase orders entered after 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 will NOT be back dated to a 2018 Fiscal Year budget date.
Refer to Procurement Informational Circular 18-01, Schedule for Submission of Purchase Requisitions to Close Fiscal Year 2018 and begin Fiscal Year 2019 for additional purchasing deadlines. Link to Procurement Informational Circulars: Informational Messages and Circulars
Procurement Cards
Agencies are encouraged to reconcile P-Card transactions on a daily basis, especially during the month of June. Final FY 2018 P-Card transactions will be available for reconciliation on Thursday, June 21, 2018. P-Card transactions must be verified and approved by 6:00 PM on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 to be eligible for P-Card voucher build on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. No P-Card reconciliation for FY 2018 transactions shall take place after 6:00 PM on Tuesday, June 26, 2018.
The P-Card voucher build process will run each day beginning Thursday, June 21, 2018. The final P-Card voucher build process for FY 2018 will run the morning of Wednesday, June 27, 2018. In order for P-Card vouchers to complete for FY 2018, they must be successfully budget checked and approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. The last hourly batch will run at 4:00 PM. Any P-Card voucher still in process after 4:00 PM must be manually budget checked and then approved to be postable or posted by 6:00 PM.
Any P-Card voucher that has not been successfully edited, budget checked and approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 will be deleted by the SMART Team.
Asset Management
All FY 2018 asset transactions must be entered by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. This includes additions, adjustments, transfers, and retirements, as well as updating costs for CIP assets.
Note that for new assets being entered in SMART, the Transaction Date is the date the asset was placed in service.
Please see Informational Circular 18-A-007 Capital Asset Reporting for details outlining the requirements for proper recording of capital assets.
SMART queries are available to assist agencies in reviewing and reconciling capital assets:
- Capital Asset Inventory List query – KS_AM_ASSET_CAPITAL_INV_LIST – query provides a complete agency inventory of capital assets recorded in the SMART AM module (use data filters to select CAFR book).
- Capital Outlay Purchase query – KS_AM_VCHRS_WITH_54XXXX_ACCT – query provides a list of vouchers using the capital outlay account codes for the specified dates.
For agencies utilizing asset integration, all outstanding Interface IDs for FY 2018 must be processed by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. If an asset is acquired by your agency at the end of the fiscal year and the voucher will not be posted by Thursday, June 21, 2018, please enter the asset(s) manually via Express Add. Any remaining FY 2018 Interface IDs after Wednesday, June 27, 2018 will be deleted by the SMART Team.
Additional job aids can be found at: Additional job aids
Project Costing
All billing worksheets where revenue should be recognized in FY 2018 should be approved or written-off and any related deposits completed by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.
It is recommended that all billing worksheets created prior to April 1, 2018 be reviewed and processed by Friday, May 25, 2018. The KS_PC_BILLING_WORKSHEET query in the HELPFUL QUERIES section of this circular is designed to help identify unprocessed billing worksheets by accounting date.
Accounts Receivable
Fiscal year 2018 deposits must be entered as follows:
Deposits should be entered, agency approved, and budget checked prior to 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.
Thursday, June 28, 2018 through Friday, June 29, 2018 online entry into SMART will be closed to agencies.
Deposits received Thursday, June 28 and Friday, June 29 shall be processed as follows:
Credit Card Receipts - Credit card receipts will load into SMART as scheduled at 8:00 AM each day Thursday, June 28, 2018 and Friday, June 29, 2018. See below for instruction on Deposit Adjustments for Credit Card Clearing Funds.
INF43 and INF44 - For agencies that upload and submit deposits via INF43 (Excel Deposit Upload) and INF44 (Inbound Deposit) -- continue to upload and submit FY 2018 deposits via INF43 and INF44 until 11:00 AM on Friday, June 29, 2018. SMART AR Deposit jobs will run according to the regular hourly schedule.If you process an INF43 or INF44, please e-mail the State Treasurer’s Cash Management Group at cash@treasurer.ks.gov to notify them of the Business Unit, Deposit ID (if known), and deposit total so they can approve the transaction in SMART. STO will perform their normal approval and release at 3:00 PM Thursday, June 28, 2018. STO will perform the final FY 2018 approval and release at 1:00 PM Friday, June 29, 2018.
- “Deposits in transit” - “Deposits in transit” are specifically defined as Deposits made with the State Treasurer on Thursday, June 28, 2018 or Friday, June 29, 2018 using the Temporary Deposit Form. For agencies that do not use the INF43 or INF44 processes and need to make a deposit while SMART is unavailable -- the State Treasurer’s Office has created the Temporary Deposit Form to allow you to continue to deposit funds. Using the Temporary Deposit Form is preferable to holding checks and cash at your agency and allows you to meet the requirement to deposit funds collected each day. Please bring the completed form, along with the cash and checks (calculator tape attached) to the State Treasurer’s Office.
Deposits made with the State Treasurer using the Temporary Deposit Form (Deposits in transit) must be entered and approved in SMART during the time June 2018 Accounts Receivable is reopened on Monday, July 2, 2018 through Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at 3:00 PM. Deposits in transit shall be entered using an accounting date of June 30, 2018.
The accounting date of 6/30/2018 must be entered on the Totals tab in addition to being entered on the Payments tab for each deposit line. “Deposits in transit” should be recorded using a revenue account code (4XXXXX). A “deposit in transit” cannot debit expenditures.
Please be aware that deposits with an accounting date of June 30, 2018 and processed in July 2018 will impact the General Ledger for FY 2019.
Deposits with a June 30, 2018 accounting date that have not been agency approved by 3:00 PM on Tuesday, July 3, 2018, will be deleted by the SMART Team.
Deposit Adjustments for Credit Card Clearing Funds:
Deposit adjustments are required for credit card deposits to recognize the revenue and move the monies out of the credit card clearing funds and into the appropriate funds.
All deposits received prior to June 27, 2018 that require deposit adjustments, such as those deposits into clearing funds for credit card receipts, must have deposit adjustments entered in SMART by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.
The credit card deposits will load into SMART as scheduled at 8:00 AM on Thursday, June 28, 2018 and Friday, June 29, 2018 when agencies do not have access to SMART.
On Monday, July 2, 2018 and Tuesday, July 3, 2018 the SMART Accounts Receivable module will be reopened to agency users to complete June 2018 (FY 2018) transactions. Use the instructions below for any remaining prior year deposit adjustments that need to be completed. FY 2018 deposit adjustments that have not been agency approved by 3:00 PM on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 will be deleted by the SMART Team.
- Follow SMART job aid “Credit Card/E-Check Deposits – Revenue Only” on how to locate credit card deposits and how to complete the deposit adjustments.
- On the deposit adjustment Totals tab, the Accounting Date must be 6/30/2018.
- On the deposit adjustment Payments tab, the Accounting Date on each transaction line must be 6/30/2018
- The SMART Accounts Payable module for FY 2018 will be closed by July 1, 2018, prohibiting the use of expenditure account codes in the deposit adjustment transactions.
- To account for credit card fees agencies should do the following:
- One deposit adjustment to recognize all revenue in the appropriate fund for fiscal year 2018.
- If the original deposit adjustment is net of credit card fees that were charged to the agency, then the deposit adjustment must be grossed up to recognize all revenue. (Example: $95.00 on original deposit + $5.00 credit card fee not recorded on deposit = $100.00 recognized as revenue on deposit adjustment.)
- A second deposit adjustment processed in FY 2019 Accounts Receivable module to recognize any credit card fee expenses.
- One deposit adjustment to recognize all revenue in the appropriate fund for fiscal year 2018.
- For limited agencies who reduce their expenditures for charges that are passed on to other agencies:
- Instead of reducing expenditures, the agency must recognize the revenue by using a revenue account code such as 462110 – Recovery of Current Fiscal Year Expenditures.
- To account for credit card fees agencies should do the following:
Please be aware that deposit adjustments with an accounting date of June 30, 2018 and processed in July 2018 will impact the SMART General Ledger for FY 2019. This may cause reconciling items for agencies between the Accounts Receivable module and the General Ledger module.
Deposit adjustments with a June 30, 2018 accounting date that have not been agency approved by 3:00 PM on Tuesday, July 3, 2018, will be deleted by the SMART Team.
The accounting dates on both the interfund voucher and the interfund deposit must fall within the same fiscal year.
Both sides of the interfund must be successfully edited, matched and approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. Budget checking for interfunds occurs during nightly batch.
ALL remaining FY 2018 interfund deposits and interfund vouchers that have not been successfully edited, matched and approved by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 will be deleted by the SMART Team.
Agencies with interfunds remaining due to budget check exceptions will be contacted by the SMART Team on Thursday, June 28, 2018 in an effort to resolve the budget check exceptions. Any interfunds remaining due to an inability to resolve budget check exceptions by 6:00 PM on Thursday, June 28, 2018 will be deleted.
Interfunds for FY 2019 shall not be entered until FY 2019 is open to agencies.
GL Journals
To affect fiscal year 2018, all GL Journals must be successfully edited, budget checked, agency approved, and submitted into workflow for central approval by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.
Interfacing agencies must have their final INF06 (Inbound GL Journal) for FY 2018 business submitted by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, June 26, 2017.
GL Spreadsheet Journals can be uploaded manually until 3:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. The journals must be edited, budget checked, approved and submitted for central approval by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.
Any online, spreadsheet, or interface FY 2018 GL Journals with an accounting date of 6/30/2018 or before, that do not have agency approvals by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018, will be considered an abandoned transaction and will be deleted by the SMART Team.
Commitment Control
FY 2019 Budget Journals for agencies who use “Track with Budget” must be entered prior to any FY 2019 pre-encumbrance (if applicable), encumbrance, expenditure, or revenue transactions are entered in SMART. Otherwise the transactions will fail budget check.
System Availability
Normal hours of availability are shown below.
Monday through Saturday, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The cutoff for receiving SMART interface files is 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
Sunday, 1:00 PM through Monday, 6:00 PM. Not all Sundays are open. Please refer to the SMART Calendar: Calendar
SMART availability during fiscal year end processing.
Monday, June 18, 2018 through Saturday, June 23, 2018, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The cutoff for receiving SMART interface files is 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
Sunday, June 24, 2018 is a maintenance day. The maintenance window begins Saturday evening at 6:00 PM and ends Sunday evening by 6:00 PM. SMART will open at 1:00 PM if maintenance is complete, or immediately following the completion of maintenance if after 1:00 PM.
Sunday, June 24, 2018, 1:00 PM through Monday, June 25, 2018, 6:00 PM.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018, and Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
SMART Closed Thursday, June 28, 2018 through Saturday, June 30, 2018.
Sunday, July 1, 2018, 1:00 PM through Monday, July 2, 2018, 6:00 PM.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. SMART daytime and nighttime batch processes will not run.
Thursday, July 5, 2018, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM (normal availability and processing).
SMART Closed Friday, July 6, 2018, 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM – an announcement will be sent when SMART is opened to agency users.
Saturday, July 7, 2018, 7:00 AM – SMART resumes normal availability and processing.
Kansas Service Desk
Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, not available.
Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Saturday, 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Sunday, 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Accounts Receivable (Deposit) Processing when SMART is closed to users the morning of Friday, July 6, 2018:
SMART will be closed to agency users the morning of Friday, July 6, 2018 to run the fiscal year close processes. The following process should be followed to make FY 2019 deposits:
The State Treasurer’s Office will have limited access to SMART to allow them to process deposits during the morning hours.
If you are expecting funds to be wired to the State Treasurer on Friday, July 6, 2018, please enter and approve the appropriate deposit in SMART by 6:00 PM on Thursday, July 5, 2018. When the wire transfer arrives at the Treasurer’s Office, they will match the funds to the appropriate deposit transaction, and complete the State Treasurer Approval on the deposit. This deposit will then be recorded in SMART as usual during the next nightly batch.
Agencies may continue to upload and submit FY 2019 deposits via INF43 (Excel Deposit Upload) and INF44 (Inbound Deposit) on Friday, July 6, 2018. SMART AR Deposit jobs will run at 10:00 AM, Noon and 2:00 PM. If you process an INF43 or INF44, please e-mail the State Treasurer’s Cash Management Group at cash@treasurer.ks.gov to notify them of the Business Unit, Deposit ID (if known), and deposit total so they can approve the transaction in SMART.
For agencies that do not use the INF43 or INF44 processes and need to make a deposit during the morning of Friday, July 6, 2018 while SMART is unavailable -- the State Treasurer’s Office has created the Temporary Deposit Form to allow you to continue to deposit funds.
On Friday, July 6, 2018 (when SMART is again open for business), agencies will need to enter and approve the appropriate “temporary” deposit.
Credit Card Receipts will load into SMART as scheduled at 8:00 AM on Friday, July 6, 2018. Agencies will be able to enter the appropriate Deposit Adjustments later in the day on Friday, July 6, 2018.
Any questions about this process should be addressed to Brenda Linder, (785) 296-4144, or e-mail brenda@treasurer.ks.gov.
FY 2018 Closing and FY 2019 Opening Schedule Day by Day Summary
SMART Training Resources -- Home, click the Training link
Month-End Checklists: Month End Checklists
Accounts Receivable Month End Checklist
Accounts Payable Month End Checklist
Asset Management Month End Checklist
GL Month End Checklist
PO Month End Checklist
Travel & Expense Month End Checklist
Temporary Deposit Form
GL Encumbrance Request Form
Navigation: Reporting Tools>Query>Query Viewer
Travel and Expense
KS_EX_UNPROCESSED_TRAVEL_AUTHS – Users will enter a date range based upon the accounting date of the Travel Authorization. This will typically be the date the Travel Authorization was created. The query returns all Travel Authorizations that have not fully processed in the system sorted by TA Status, Travel Date From and Travel Auth ID number. Note** Travel Authorizations with a valid budget status have encumbered budget.
KS_EX_UNPROCESSED_EX_REPORTS – Users will enter a date range based upon when the Expense Report was created. The query returns all unprocessed Expense Reports sorted by Status and Report ID.
Accounts Payable
KS_AP_UNPROCESSED_VOUCHERS – Users will enter a date range based upon the accounting date of the vouchers. This will typically be the date the voucher was created. The query returns all vouchers that have not fully processed in the system sorted by Voucher ID.
KS_AP_VOUCHERS_NOT_POSTED – Users will enter Business Unit and a date range based on the accounting date of the vouchers. This will typically be the date the voucher was created. The query returns all vouchers that have a valid budget status and therefore have impacted Commitment Control but have not posted to the GL. Provides match, budget check and approval statuses.
KS_AP_UNPROCESSED_INTRFND_VCHR – Users will enter a date range based on the accounting date of the vouchers. The query returns all interfund type vouchers that have not fully processed. This will include interfund type vouchers that are not attached to an interfund.
KS_APAR_PENDING_INTRFNDS -This query will show pending Interfunds, both Initiated and Received by your agency, that are tied to a Voucher or Deposit.
KS_INTRFNDS_APPR_NOT_POSTED - User will enter Business Unit. The query will return results for either side (deposit or voucher) to which your agency is a party, and at least one of the following is true: 1) Voucher is not posted 2) Payment is not posted 3) Deposit is not posted. This query should give you an indication of transaction exceptions that may need further review. Depending on when you run the query, you may have interfunds that were approved in the current day’s activity that have not yet posted in the nightly batch. If the deposit or voucher approval date reflects the current or previous day’s date, you can likely ignore it. We recommend running it first thing in the morning before new approvals are registered to avoid extraneous results. We recommend running this query at least monthly and more frequently as fiscal year end close approaches.
Asset Management
KS_AM_VCHRS_WITH_54XXXX_ACCT - This query displays a list of all vouchers within a specified date range with 54XXXX account codes. You should use the Asset Inventory List report in conjunction with this query to make sure all capital assets have been added to SMART.
Project Costing
KS_PC_BILLING_WORKSHEET – This query shows a list of all unprocessed billing worksheets that can be either billed or written off to help get Federal Funds into a positive cash position by year-end.
General Ledger
KS_GL_JOURNALS_BUDGET_ERROR – This query displays any GL Journals in Budget Check error.
KS_GL_JOURNALS_ERRORS – This query will show GL Journals in Edit error and cannot be posted.
KS_PO_NEGATIVE_PO_LINES - This query was designed to identify those POs that have a negative PO line. Negative PO lines create unauthorized budget. Agencies must cancel or close any negative PO lines currently in SMART by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.
KS_PO_PCRD_VCHR_DELETED - This query was designed to identify those P-Card vouchers/lines that have been deleted. Agencies should not delete P-Card vouchers/lines. The deletion of a P-Card voucher/line does not update the P-Card transaction; consequently, the P-Card transaction retains a voucher ID and voucher line number that no longer exists in SMART. This gives the appearance that the P-Card transaction has not been paid.
KS_PO_REQS_OPEN_PNDNG – This query was designed to identify those requisition lines that need to have some action taken by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.
Printable version of 18-A-008
Informational Circular No. | 18-A-009 | |
Effective Date: | Immediately | |
Contact Name: SMART processing questions Accounting policy questions |
Email: Submit a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket ARpreaudit@ks.gov |
Approval: | DeAnn Hill (Original Signature on File) |
Summary: Establishing Policy for Fiscal Year-End Negative Cash Balances for Federal Funds
This informational circular is being issued to announce Policy Manual 8,004 Federal Funds – Fiscal Year-End Negative Cash Balances.
Historically, the Department of Administration required all funds to have a cash balance of zero or positive at fiscal year-end. Upon written request to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer certain federal funds have been permitted to carry a negative cash balance during the fiscal year, on the condition that the fund be restored to a zero or positive cash balance at fiscal year-end.
Effective immediately, when a negative cash balance is anticipated in a federal fund at fiscal year-end and reimbursement from the federal agency has not been received and posted, agencies are required to record an accounts receivable in SMART for the amounts expended but not yet reimbursed by the federal agency.
Agencies are no longer required to maintain a zero or positive cash balance at fiscal year-end in federal funds. Recording an accounts receivable will eliminate the need for agencies to process journal adjustments that temporarily record federal fund expenditures elsewhere.
Agencies currently using SMART Project Costing in conjunction with Customer Contracts for reimbursement processing may continue to use the modules to track grant expenditures. Reimbursable transactions from the billing worksheet must be approved and have generated pending items in the Accounts Receivable module to meet the requirements of this circular.
Note: A review of the statewide financial reporting impact of PM 8,004 will be conducted prior to May 2019 and periodically thereafter.
For Policy Questions: Email Statewide Agency Audit Services Team at ARpreaudit@ks.gov
For SMART Processing Questions: Submit a ManageEngine Service Desk ticket.
Policy Manual 8,004 Federal Funds – Fiscal Year-End Negative Cash Balances
Related SMART Accounts Receivable job aids are available online via SMART Web.
Printable Version of 18-A-009
Informational Circular No. |
18-A-010 | |
Effective Date: | Currently in Effect | |
Contact: | Email: ARpreaudit@ks.gov Please use "Policy Question" as subject |
Approval: | DeAnn Hill (Original Signature on File) |
Summary: Confirming existing policy - board member and state employee mileage reimbursement for use of privately owned vehicles.
This Informational Circular addresses several recent agency inquiries regarding the reimbursement to board members for the cost of using privately-owned vehicles for official state business.
Under statutory provisions, board members are paid mileage under the same reimbursement policies established for state employees. As an exception, board members who are also active legislators, are reimbursed under the provisions of KSA 75-3212(d).
Per KAR 1-18-1a(d) if a mode of transportation is available and is less costly than transportation by privately-owned conveyance, mileage payments for use of a privately-owned conveyance shall be limited to the cost of that other mode of transportation.
Form DA-127 Private Mileage / Rental Comparison should be used to determine the least costly mode of transportation for in-state travel. The lesser amount of the cost comparison will be the maximum allowable reimbursement amount.
Board members and state employees are not required to use a state-owned or state-leased vehicle to conduct official business. The use of a privately-owned vehicle does not disallow reimbursement. However, if a privately-owned vehicle is used, reimbursement is limited to the sum of fuel costs, and the cost of a compact car under the current statewide mandatory Vehicle Rental Service contract.
Additionally, an employee that has a disability requiring the use of a privately-owned vehicle that is specially equipped, is exempt from the limitation of the cost of a compact car under the Vehicle Rental Service contract.
For additional information regarding travel reimbursements and state agency vehicle usage please reference the Travel Information for State Employees website.
Printable Version of 18-A-010