Kansas Department of Administration

FY 1998

98-a-001 - Private Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates (July 1, 1997) (Supersedes 1343) (superseded by 99-a-001)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 98-A-001 (Supersedes 1343)
DATE: July 1, 1997
SUBJECT: Private Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 1997
A & R CONTACT: Audit Services Team (785) 296-2311  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Private Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates Effective July 1, 1997

Private vehicle mileage reimbursement rates for travel taking place on, or after, July 1, 1997, have been established and appropriate amendments to K.A.R. 1-18-1a are in process. The amended rates are:

15¢ per mile for privately-owned motorcycles

31¢ per mile for privately-owned automobiles

43¢ per mile for privately-owned airplanes

43¢ per mile for privately-owned specially equipped vans for the physically handicapped

Note: The provision to reimburse mileage at the central motor pool rate for compact cars remains in effect for any state employee choosing to use a privately-owned automobile, when a state-owned or leased vehicle is available for use.

This document supersedes the mileage rates presented in Informational Circular 1343.


98-a-002 - Revised Subsistence Rates (July 1, 1997) (Supersedes 1343) (superseded by 99-a-002)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 98-A-002 (Supersedes 1343)
DATE: July 1, 1997
SUBJECT: Revised Subsistence Rates
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 1997
A & R CONTACT: Audit Services Team (785) 296-2311  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Revised Meal Allowance and Lodging Rates Effective July 1, 1997

Kansas Administrative Regulation 1-16-18 has been amended, effective July 1, 1997, to increase the subsistence allowance rates as follows:

Lodging Expense Limitations:    

In-state $ 52.00
In-state, designated highcost geographic area $ 65.00
Out-of-state, regular $ 78.00
Out-of-state, designated highcost geographic area $113.00
Borough of Manhattan, and District of Columbia $124.00
International travel Actual



Meal Allowance:    

In-state $ 6.50 per quarter-day
In-state, designated highcost geographic area $ 7.00 per quarter-day
Out-of-state, regular $ 7.00 per quarter-day
Out-of-state, designated highcost geographic area $ 7.50 per quarter-day
Borough of Manhattan and District of Columbia $10.00 per quarter-day
International travel $10.00 per quarter-day or actual
expenses not to exceed $72 per day

Reduced Meals Allowance:

If the cost of meals is included within the cost of registration fees or other fees and charges paid by the agency or supplied without cost by another party, the meals allowance should be reduced as follows:

  Breakfast Lunch Dinner
In-state $6.00 $7.00 $13.00
In-state, designated high-cost geographic area $6.50 $7.50 $14.00
Out-of-state, regular $6.50 $7.50 $14.00
Out-of-state, designated high-cost geographic area $7.00 $8.00 $15.00
Borough of Manhattan, and District of Columbia & International $9.50 $10.50 $20.00

This document supersedes Informational Circular No. 1343.


98-a-003 - Direct Payment of Lodging (July 1, 1997)
DATE: July 1, 1997
SUBJECT: Direct Payment of Lodging
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 1997
A & R CONTACT: Audit Services Team (785) 296-2311  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Establishes basic policies regarding lodging expense paid directly to lodging establishments

SB 104, Session of 1997, authorizes payment of lodging expenses directly to lodging establishments on behalf of state employees in travel status on official state business. SB 104 does not authorize advance payment for lodging. This circular is intended to provide minimum requirements and basic recommendations for payments in conjunction with this program:

Each payment voucher for lodging expense should include the following information:

Name of traveler(s)
Dates of lodging
Location of lodging
Purpose of travel

Only lodging (lowest available rate for normal single occupancy) and appropriate taxes (no sales tax within the State of Kansas) should be paid. Official telephone calls may also be paid directly to the lodging establishment if a statement is included on the payment voucher that the call is in accordance with an established agency policy.

The number of rooms, daily rate (including taxes) and number of days should all be shown on the voucher in order to calculate the voucher total.

Itemized billings should be accumulated and reviewed by the agency, but are not required to be submitted to the Division of Accounts and Reports with the payment voucher. Charges for meals, room service, personal phone calls, movies, laundry, and any other miscellaneous personal charges should be paid by the traveler prior to or at the time of checkout.

Travelers authorized to bill lodging directly to the agency should be specific at check-in as to the appropriate agency to be billed for the charges.

Direct payment of lodging does not supersede or replace any requirements for out-of-state travel approval, approval to exceed lodging rates, or temporary high-cost designation. Agencies should continue to attach appropriate approval forms or affix appropriate signatures to payment vouchers in accordance with the previous instructions you have provided to the Division of Accounts and Reports on Form DA-26 (Paragraph 2101 of the Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement Handbook).


98-a-004 - Budgetary Worksheet Reports (August 5, 1997) (Supersedes 97-a-001) (superseded by 99-a-005)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 98-A-004 (Supersedes 97-A-001)
DATE: August 5, 1997
SUBJECT: Budgetary Worksheet Reports
A & R CONTACT: Customer Services Team (785) 296-2130  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Transmittal of budget worksheet reports for preparation of fiscal year 1999 budget

Enclosed are three budget worksheet reports prepared from the records of the Division of Accounts and Reports. A brief explanation of these reports follows.

The budget worksheets have a category of expenditures listed as an informational total titled "Nonreportable Expenditures". Non-reportable expenditures have been defined by the Division of the Budget as expenditures which represent duplication within an agency's budget. The following expenditures shown on the DA-406 budget worksheet, if made from other than the State General Fund (1000), are classified as non-reportable.

5150 -- Local City-County Sales Tax Payments
5170 -- State Aid to Other State Agencies
5180 -- Local City-County Transient Guest Tax Payments
All -- 7XXX Primary Classification Object Codes

The first two enclosed reports (DA-406 and DA-410 worksheets) contain budgetary expenditures for fiscal year 1997 classified by program and by object of expenditure. These reports can be used by the agency in preparing the "Expenditures" form (DA-406) and the "Plan for Financing" form (DA-410) for submission to the Division of the Budget, as part of the fiscal year 1999 budget. The third report (DA-404 worksheet) can be used in preparing the "Resource Estimate by Fund" (form DA-404) for the fiscal year 1999 budget.

The expenditures shown in the DA-406 and DA-410 worksheet reports conform to the definition of expenditures used for budget purposes; i.e., "all expenses, liquidated and unliquidated encumbrances, that were charged against an agency's funds during the particular fiscal year regardless of the fiscal year in which cash disbursements for these expenses were made". Expenditures reported for fiscal year 1997 include the outstanding encumbrances at June 30, 1997, reported on your "List(s) of Outstanding Obligations" (form DA-118), printers requisitions, unpaid purchase orders, contract cover sheets, as well as the actual cash disbursements charged to the fiscal year. The combination of actual cash expenditures and unpaid encumbrances at June 30 represents the total budgetary expenditures.

Reappropriations of savings was authorized by the 1997 legislature. These Kansas Quality Management (KQM) reappropriations are reflected as separate summary sub-accounts in the Budget worksheets for both appropriated and special Revenue funds.

If errors in program or object classification have been made in either cash expenditures or the coding of outstanding encumbrances, it will be necessary for the agency to correct those errors prior to preparing fiscal year 1997 expenditure data for inclusion on all of the forms (DA-402, DA-404, DA- 406, DA-410 and DA-412) of the fiscal year 1999 budget submission.

Shirley A. Moses, Director
Division of Accounts and Reports  

Gloria M. Timmer, Director
Division of the Budget

98-a-005 - Requests for Copies of Paid Warrants (October 3, 1997) (superseded by 01-a-008)
DATE: October 3, 1997
SUBJECT: Requests for Copies of Paid Warrants
A & R CONTACT: Tammy Lee, Accounting Services Section (785) 296-3292  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Agencies should now request copies of warrants paid (redeemed through the banking channels) on or after July 1, 1996 directly from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City using the attached form.

Effective immediately, agencies may request copies of state warrants paid on or after July 1, 1996 directly from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (FRB). If your agency does not have access to the information required to use this process, Accounts and Reports will continue to request these copies on your behalf. Form AR-70 must be used for these requests. A copy is attached for your use. All requests must be made by FAX to the number shown on the form - no phone calls will be accepted by the Federal Reserve.

The following information must be completed on each request:

Date - The date you are requesting the warrant image.

Agency Number - Your three digit STARS agency number.

Agency Name - The name of your agency.

Agency Contact - The name of the person making the request. This is the person who will be contacted for additional information or clarification if problems are encountered in retrieving the warrant image.

Phone (Voice) - This is the agency contact's telephone number.

Please return images to the following FAX number - This is the fax machine number to which the Federal Reserve should transmit the images. You may use a different FAX number on each request submitted, but all images requested on a form will be returned to the same FAX number shown on the form.

Warrant Number - This is the warrant type followed by the seven digit warrant number. A list of the valid warrant types is shown at the bottom of Form AR-70. In order to retrieve a warrant image, this field must be eight digits, and must be shown with the warrant type first.

Warrant Amount - The amount of the warrant.

Warrant Paid Date - This is the date the warrant was redeemed by the State Treasurer.

DIN Number - This is the Document Identification Number.

The Warrant Paid Date and the DIN Number may be obtained using the State Treasurer's Web Site, State Agency Warrant Search Page (http://www.treasurer.state.ks.us/quiklook.htm).

Requests received by the FRB by 2:00 p.m. each day will normally be returned to you by 5:00 the same day. Requests received by the FRB after 2:00 p.m. will be processed by 9:00 a.m. the following day.

Please remember that the FRB can retrieve images of only those warrants paid on or after July 1, 1996. Copies of warrants paid prior to that date should continue to be requested from the Accounting Services Section.


98-a-006 - Billing for Services Provided to Agencies (October 7, 1997) (Supersedes 800 and 1228)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 98-A-006 (Supersedes 800 and 1228)
DATE: October 7, 1997
SUBJECT: Billings for Services Provided to State Agencies
A & R CONTACT: Sheryl Weller, Administrative Services Section (785) 296-2708  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Billings will no longer be generated for special services provided by the Division of Accounts and Reports. This will be in effect for Fiscal Year 1998 and beyond.

Effective with services provided in FY 1998, billings will no longer be generated for the following special services provided by the Division of Accounts and Reports:

Warrant Cancellations
Duplicate Warrants
Warrant Remakes
Duplicate W-2s
Photocopies and Images of Warrants
Authenticated Copies of Warrants
Outstanding Warrant Notifications
Handwritten Specials
Voucher Copies

98-a-007 - Private Vehicle Reimbursement when State Car Available (October 7, 1997) (superseded by 99-a-001)
DATE: October 7, 1997
SUBJECT: Private Vehicle Reimbursement when State Car Available
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 1997
A & R CONTACT: Audit Services Team (785) 296-2311  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Effective October 1, 1997, Central Motor Pool has lowered the compact car rate, thereby reducing the reimbursement rate for employees choosing to drive a private vehicle when a state car is available.

K.A.R. 1-18-1a establishes the private vehicle mileage reimbursement rates for employees traveling on official business. Subsection (d)(3) provides that if an employee chooses to use a privately-owned vehicle when a state-owned or leased vehicle is available shall be reimbursed at the central motor pool rate for compact cars. For FY 1998, this rate had been established at 21 cents per mile. Effective for travel occurring on or after October 1, 1997, the compact car rate has been reduced to 18 cents per mile. The complete schedule of new motor pool rates was distributed to all state agencies in a September 30, 1997 memorandum from the Director of Facilities Management.

Please communicate this information to all affected employees of your agency.

98-a-008 - Employee Moving Expense Reimbursement (October 13, 1997) (Supersedes 1255 and 1265 (except the Bid Form))
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 98-A-008 (Supersedes 1255 and 1265 (except the Bid Form))
DATE: October 13, 1997
SUBJECT: Employee Moving Expense Reimbursement
A & R CONTACT: Payroll Processing - Sunni Zentner, Payroll Services (785) 296-7058  
  Moving Reimbursement - Randy Kennedy, Accounting Services (785) 296-2125  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Summarization of current moving statues and regulations. This circular also identifies the additional moving expenses which must be reimbursed though supplemental payroll.

Chapter 115, New Section 1, of the 1997 Kansas Session Laws authorizes additional moving and relocation expenses, in addition to those allowed by previously issued Informational Circular 1255. The Secretary of Administration has also amended K.A.R 1-16-2a to reflect these changes.

Moving and relocation expenses are reimbursable for in-state and out-of-state applicants (new hires). The prior approval of the governor shall be required if the applicant resides out-of-state.

Moving and relocation expenses for current employees may be paid when the new official station is more than 25 miles from the old duty station. Moving and relocation expenses will not be paid when a transfer is made primarily for the convenience or benefit of the employee or at the employee's request.

Effective for moves occurring on or after July 1, 1997, the following additional expenses are considered qualified moving expenses but are always required to be paid through SHARP with earnings code MVT (See Accounts and Reports Informational Circular 97-P-026):

  • Expenses related to one pre-move trip to look for a new residence.
  • Meal allowance while en route from the old residence to the new residence (must be a move of at least 30 miles).
  • Subsistence expenses while occupying temporary quarters for a period of 30 days. Additional 30 day periods may paid when deemed necessary by the agency head, with the approval of the Director of Accounts and Reports, on Form DA-34, Subsistence or Storage Extension Request.

The following items are considered supplemental wages and should be paid through SHARP with earnings code MVT when the new work location is greater than 25 miles but less than 50 miles further from former residence than was the former place of work:

  • Lodging en route from the old residence to the new residence (must be a move of at least 30 miles);
  • Cost of moving personal effects;
  • One way mileage at the standard state rates; and
  • Temporary Storage (defined as 30 days or less).

When the new work location is a least 50 miles further from former residence than was the former place of work, the following moving expenses should be submitted on a payment voucher (DA-120 or DA-103) or a travel voucher (DA-125). Expenditure subobject 2130 should be used for in-state moves or 2140 for out-of-state moves:

  • Cost of moving personal effects;
  • Mileage and lodging en route while moving from the old residence to the new residence; and
  • Temporary storage (defined as 30 days or less).

Moving reimbursement continues to be subject to the following limitations and requirements:

  • A DA-22, Agreement for Reimbursement of Moving Expenses, signed by the employee should be attached to the payment voucher, or the voucher should indicate that it is retained in the agency's files.
  • Each employee shall attempt to obtain three firms bids and shall be responsible for selection of the lowest cost responsible carrier. A standard bid form is attached to Informational Circular Number 1265, and may continue to be used at this time. Use of this form is not mandatory, but provides a consistent format which may be used by employees seeking bids. The three bids should be attached to the SHARP payment document.
  • Maximum reimbursement is limited to 12,000 pounds.
  • The original bill of lading should be attached to the payment voucher.
  • The employee should be reimbursed or the warrant may be made payable jointly to the employee and the carrier (however, you must use the employee's social security number with a different vendor number suffix).

Payments for out-of-state employee moves require that a copy (signed by the Governor) of the "Request to Pay Out-of-State Applicants" must be attached to the payment voucher.

The following forms related to employee moving have been revised for your use. A copy of each is attached to this circular:

Agreement for Reimbursement of Moving Expenses (DA-22)
Subsistence of Storage Extension Request (DA-34)
Request to Pay Expenses of Out-of-State Applicants

Attachments: forms (pdf) 

98-a-009 - Consolidation - Kansas City, Kansas and Wyandotte County (December 19, 1997)
DATE: December 19, 1997
SUBJECT: Consolidation - Kansas City, Kansas and Wyandotte County
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998
A & R CONTACT: Accounting Services Section (785) 296-2311  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: This circular transmits the STARS vendor numbers to be used for payments to the consolidated entity of Kansas City, Kansas/Wyandotte County on, and after, January 1, 1998.

Senate Bill 464, 1996 Session, amended K.S.A. 19-205 to provide for the consolidation of Kansas City, Kansas and Wyandotte County. The bill provides that unless otherwise provided by law, the consolidated city-county shall be eligible for the distribution of any funds from the state and federal government as if no consolidation had occurred. The Division of Accounts and Reports has worked with the officials of the consolidated city-county entity to establish the appropriate vendor records in STARS. The attached listing sets forth those vendor numbers for Kansas City, Kansas and Wyandotte County that have been used in the last year (left column) and the corresponding vendor number for the consolidated entity (right column). The consolidated vendor records reflect address corrections identified during the review process.

Through December 31, 1997, payments made to Kansas City, Kansas and Wyandotte County will be processed using the existing STARS vendor numbers. Effective January 1, 1998, the vendor numbers for these individual entities will be deactivated in STARS and replaced by vendor numbers for the consolidated entity. On, and after, January 1, 1998, payments to the consolidated entity will be made using the vendor number of the new entity.

Since payments by the State are processed centrally based upon vouchers submitted by state agencies, it is imperative that the Division of Accounts and Reports and state agencies coordinate their efforts to insure that payments to the consolidated entity are accurately processed.



(To be used through December 31, 1997)
(To be used on, or after, January 1, 1998)
Wyandotte County Commissioners

710 N. 7th St., Rm 202
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wyandotte County Commissioners
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th., Rm 202
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Wyandotte County Treasurer

710 N. 7th St., Rm 204
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wyandotte County Treasurer
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St., Rm 204
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Kaw View Juvenile Home

710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3006
Kaw View Juvenile Home
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3006
Wyandotte County District Court
Clerk of the District Court
710 N. 7th St., Rm 301
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wyandotte Co. District Court - Dist Court Clerk
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St., Rm 301
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wyandotte County Treasurer
%Clerk of District Court
710 N. 7th ST., Rm 204
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wyandotte County Treasurer-% Dist Court Clerk
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th ST., Rm 204
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Sheriff of Wyandotte County

710 N. 7th St., Rm 504
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Sheriff of Wyandotte County
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St., Rm 504
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wyandotte County District Court
Special Prosecutor Trust Fund
710 N. 7th St., Rm 301
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wy. Dist. Crt-Spec Prosecutor Trust Fund
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St., Rm 301
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wyandotte County District Court

710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3077
Wyandotte County District Court
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3077
Wyandotte County District Attorney
Victim/Witness Assistance Program
710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101-3077
Wy. Co. Dist. Attny-Victim/Witness Asst. Prog.
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101-3077
Wyandotte County Ext Office

9400 State Ave
Kansas City, KS 66112 1540
Wyandotte County Ext Office
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
9400 State Ave Kansas City,
KS 66112 1540
Register of Deeds

710 N. 7th St., Rm 102
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Register of Deeds
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St., Rm 102
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Health Dept., Wyandotte County

619 Ann Ave
Kansas City, KS 66101 3038
Health Dept., Wyandotte County
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
619 Ann Ave
Kansas City, KS 66101 3038
Wyandotte County Law Library
Wyandotte County Courthouse
710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3077
Wyandotte County Law Library
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3077
Clerk of the District Court of
Wyandotte County
710 N. 7th St., Rm 301
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Clerk of the District Court of Wyandotte Co.
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St., Rm 301
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Kansas Correctional Association
Wyandotte Co Community Corrections
812 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3037
Ks Correctional Assn-Wy Co Comm. Correctns
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
812 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3037
Wyandotte County Commissioners
C/O Auditor Office
710 N. 7th ST RM 103
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wy. Co. Commissioners-C/O Auditor Office
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th ST RM 103
Kansas City, KS 66101 3047
Wyandotte County Parks

3488 West Dr.
Kansas City, KS 66109 3565
Wyandotte County Parks
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
3488 West Dr.
Kansas City, KS 66109 3565
Wyandotte County Noxious Weed Dept

9400 State Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66112 1540
Wyandotte County Noxious Weed Dept
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
9400 State Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66112 1540
Wyandotte County Juvenile
Detention Center
710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3077
Wyandotte County Juvenile Detention Center
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
710 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3077
Wyandotte County AAA
9400 State Ave
Kansas City, KS 66112 1540
Wyandotte County AAA-848560970100
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
9400 State Ave
Kansas City, KS 66112 1540
City of Kansas City, Kansas
One McDowell Plaza
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3064
City of Kansas City, Kansas
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Kansas City City Treasurer
1 McDowell Plaza
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3064
Kansas City City Treasurer
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Reardon Civic Center

500 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66101 2930
Reardon Civic Center
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
500 Minnesota Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66101 2930
Municipal Court
City of Kansas City, Kansas
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Municipal Court of Kansas City, Kansas
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
KCK-Wyandotte County Civil Defense

701 N. 7th St., Rm B-20
Kansas City, KS 66101 3064
KCK-Wyandotte County Civil Defense
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St., Rm B-20
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
State Distributions by State Treasurer
City of Kansas City, Kansas
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3064
State Dist. by State Treasurer-Kansas City, KS
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Legal Dept. -- City Att's Office
City of Kansas City, Kansas
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Legal Dept-City Att's Office-City of Ks. City, KS
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Public Transportation Office
City of Kansas City, KS
701 N. 7th St., Rm 504
Kansas City, KS 66101 3064
Public Trans. Office-City of Kansas City, KS
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St., Rm 504
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Kansas City Police Dept.

701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3064
Kansas City Police Dept.
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Kansas City Kansas
Emergency Preparedness Dept
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3064
Kansas City, Ks. Emerg. Preparedness Dept.
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Kansas City Kansas Police Dept.
Training Academy
1228 N. 79th St.
Kansas City, KS 66112 3308
Kansas City, Ks Police Dept. Training Academy
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
1228 N. 79th St.
Kansas City, KS 66112 3308
Department of Development
City of Kansas City, Kansas
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3064
Dept. of Development-City of Kansas City, Ks.
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66101 3065
Parks & Recreation Department
of Kansas City Kansas
75 S 23rd St
Kansas City, KS 66102 4717
Parks & Recreation Dept. of Kansas City, Ks.
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
75 S 23rd St
Kansas City, KS 66102 4717
City of Kansas City, Kansas
& Seneca Environmental Services
1 McDowell PLZ
Kansas City, KS 66103 1740
City of Kansas City, Ks & Seneca Environ Serv
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
701 N. 7th St.
Kansas City, KS 66103 1740
City of Kansas City, Kansas
& Geocore Services, Inc.
PO Box 386
Salina, KS 67402 0386
City of Kansas City, Ks & Geocore Serv., Inc.
Unified Govt of Wyandotte Co., K.C., Ks
PO Box 386
Salina, KS 67402 0386


98-a-010 - Monthly Financial Report (February 2, 1998) (obsolete)
DATE: February 2, 1998
SUBJECT: Monthly Financial Report
EFFECTIVE DATE: February 2, 1998
A & R CONTACT: Pam Karns, Accounting Control and Reporting Team (785) 296-2660  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Enhanced monthly financial information is located on the internet for review and comment. The publication of the State of Kansas Monthly Financial Report will be discontinued effective with fiscal year 1999.

In efforts to improve quality and at the same time conserve resources, we will begin publishing enhanced monthly financial information for the State of Kansas on the Internet. This information is entitled the Monthly Financial Perspective and will be available in the Financial Reporting section of the Division of Accounts and Reports web site at:  http://www.ink.org/public/da/ar/finrept/finrept.html

The State of Kansas Monthly Financial Report will be published concurrently through the remainder of this fiscal year. Effective with fiscal year 1999, the Monthly Financial Perspective will replace the publication of the State of Kansas Monthly Financial Report.

You are encouraged to visit our web site and take a look at this new publication, the Monthly Financial Perspective. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Those who do not have access to the Internet and wish to receive a copy of the Monthly Financial Perspective may do so by contacting Ron Ash, Accounting Services Section, voice: (785)296-4904, fax: (785)296-6841 or e-mail: rona@daar.wpo.state.ks.us .

98-a-011 - Hotel Accommodations - Introductory Rate (February 5, 1998) (expired)
DATE: February 5, 1998
SUBJECT: Hotel Accommodations - Introductory Rate
A & R CONTACT: Audit Services Team (785) 296-2311  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Ramada Inn at the Plaza - Topeka - Introductory Rate for State Employees

We have been notified that the Ramada Inn at the Plaza in Topeka, Kansas is offering an introductory rate of $39.00 plus tax. If the hotel is already at 75% occupancy on dates requested, the rate will be $42 through April 30, 1999. The rate quoted at the time of reservation will be the standing rate.

Reservations may be made by contacting the Ramada Inn at the Plaza, 3802 S. Topeka Blvd., Topeka, Kansas 66609 at (785) 266-8880, ext. 471, 8:00 to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday to take advantage of this special rate.


98-a-012 - Private Vehicle Mileage (February 18, 1998) (Supplements 98-A-001) (superseded by 99-a-001)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 98-A-012 (Supplements 98-A-001)
DATE: February 12, 1998
SUBJECT: Private Vehicle Mileage
A & R CONTACT: Audit Services Team (785) 296-2311  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Clarification of the privately owned vehicle mileage rate for persons using a vehicle equipped for the physically handicapped.

Informational Circular 98-A-001 included the following category for privately owned vehicle mileage reimbursement:

43¢ per mile for privately owned specially equipped vans for the physically handicapped.

Subsequent to issuance of this circular, K.A.R. 1-18-1a was further amended to change "vans" to "vehicles". We believed that, since the appropriate reimbursement rate is determined by the employee's agency, this terminology change would not affect the practical application of the reimbursement rates to individual situations. However, some confusion and concern may exist as to how this regulation is to be applied to specific reimbursement situations.

Examples of specially equipped vehicles include, but are not limited to, those equipped with hand controls or lift devices. Other situations may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis if you are uncertain about the applicability of this rate.

Adjustments to previous mileage claims may be made retroactively for travel occurring on or after July 1, 1997.

98-a-013 - Deletion of Expenditure Subobject Codes 2110 and 2150 (March 27, 1998)
DATE: March 27, 1998
SUBJECT: Deletion of Expenditure Subobject Codes 2110 and 2150
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 30, 1998
A & R CONTACT: Pam Karns, Financial Integrity Team (785) 296-2660 (785) 296-2660  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Deletion of expenditure subobjects 2110 and 2150 established to track expenditures under the statewide freight contract.

ASTRA requested the Division of Accounts and Reports to review the necessity for maintaining expenditure subobject codes 2110 (Freight) and 2150 (Package Delivery Service). These codes were requested several years ago by the State Division of Purchases to enable them to track expenditures under the new statewide freight contract. The State Division of Purchases has informed us this requirement no longer exists and the above expenditure subobjects may be deleted. The replacement expenditure subobject should be 2190 (Other Freight and Express).

Agencies should review and correct all encumbrance documents containing these expenditure subobjects extending beyond FY 98. These subobjects will no longer be valid after the closing of FY 98 business transactions.

These subobjects will be deleted from the Uniform Expenditure Classification of Expenditure Subobject Codes filing (P.P.M. No. 7,002) and will be reflected in the next revision of this filing.


98-a-014 - Year 2000 Conversion for STARS and the STARS Ad-Hoc Reporting System (March 27, 1998) (Obsolete)
DATE: March 27, 1998
SUBJECT: Year 2000 Conversion for STARS and the STARS Ad-Hoc Reporting System
EFFECTIVE DATE: April 16, 1998
A & R CONTACT: Mike Lovich, Business Process Management Team (785) 296-2131  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Notification of conversion date for STARS and the STARS Ad-Hoc reporting system year 2000 compliance

In September of 1997, the Division of Accounts and Reports issued an informational guide to provide agencies with basic information and necessary action steps to plan for the conversion to year 2000 compliance for STARS and the STARS Ad-Hoc Reporting System. A copy of that letter and the informational guide may be obtained electronically at the STARS Year 2000 Project Center (http://www.ink.org/public/da/ar/forum/stars2000/stars2000.html), a part of the Division of Accounts and Reports web site. The conversion dates for the project are now rescheduled for April 17, 18, and 19.

The final STARS cycle prior to conversion will be made on the night of Thursday, April 16, 1998. Actual conversion will begin early on the morning of Friday, April 17, 1998, and STARS will not be available for use on that date. It is our goal to complete the conversion activities by Sunday night, April 19, 1998, so that STARS will be available to users on the morning of Monday, April 20, 1998. Users should plan on STARS not being available on Friday, April 17 and plan for the possibility that STARS will not be available on the following Monday. Notification will be posted to both the STARS on-line system and to the STARS Year 2000 Project Center, should it become necessary to continue the conversion effort into Monday.

Questions related to the STARS year 2000 project may be directed to Mike Lovich at voice (785) 296-2131, or via E-mail at mikel@daar.wpo.state.ks.us.


98-a-015 - Closing of Fiscal Year 1998 and Opening of Fiscal Year 1999 (April 20, 1998) + attachment (replaces 07-a-007) (replaced by 99-a-014)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 98-A-015 (Replaces 97-a-007)
DATE: April 20, 1998
SUBJECT: Closing of Fiscal Year 1998 and Opening of Fiscal Year 1999
A & R CONTACT: Central Accounting Services Section (785) 296-2660  
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Schedule of Accounting Events Relative to Fiscal Year Closing

It is time to close another fiscal year and we are asking for your cooperation to help ensure a successful and timely closing of FY 98 and opening of FY 99. Information concerning closing is contained in the Division of Accounts and Reports Policy and Procedure Manual filing no. 14,002 which is also in the General Accounting Services section of the Division of Accounts and Reports web site at: http://www.ink.org/public/da/ar/genacct/ppm/PPM_OVER.html.

K.S.A. 75-3002 establishes the state's fiscal year as commencing on the first day of July in each year and closing on the thirtieth day of June of the succeeding year. However, to allow state agencies time to process as much old year business as possible, the old year records remain open through the second Monday of July (PPM No. 14,002). During this period the Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) processes old and new fiscal year business concurrently.

During this concurrent processing period, FY 98 documents receive a higher processing priority than do FY 99 documents. This, and the large volume of last minute old year business received for processing, can cause delays in the processing of FY 99 business. There is a period (usually three or four days) after the third Monday in July in which no daily transactions are processed. During this period, total effort is directed to processing transactions necessary to complete the transition from FY 98 to FY 99. These delays are an inherent part of the fiscal year closing process.

Your understanding of the unique circumstances encountered during the fiscal year transition period will help to reduce the number of delays experienced during fiscal year closing. Obviously, the workload both at your agency and the Division of Accounts and Reports is greatly increased during this period; therefore, following certain guidelines will result in a smoother flow of transactions.

FY 98 business should be processed in a timely manner at both the agency level and the central level. This will relieve some delays caused by the multitude of last minute vouchers received by the Division of Accounts and Reports. Some degree of relief can also be realized by state agencies reviewing the May monthly reports and submitting necessary requests for corrections before June 30. This will significantly reduce the volume of last minute journal entries.

All transactions submitted during the concurrent processing period should be carefully reviewed for accurate and complete coding, authorized signature, sufficient unencumbered balances, and any potential errors that may require additional processing time. Transaction year 98 and 99 documents should be batched separately. During concurrent processing STARS batch sheets for 98 transaction year should have a batch date of 06-30-98, an effective date of 06-30-98, and BFY of 98. Keeping the exceptions to a minimum during this period will result in more efficient and timely processing of transactions.

During the concurrent processing period, special attention should be given by agencies to the unencumbered balances of those funds whose budget units are classified as "expenditure only". To make "carry forward" balances available as of July 1 for use by state agencies, STARS has been programmed to allow new year transactions charged to "expenditure only" accounts to edit against fund-level (both FY 98 and FY 99) receipts. However, during this period, FY 98 transactions only edit against FY 98 receipts.

During the concurrent period, those state agencies having accounts structured as "receipt and expenditure" must ensure that FY 99 receipts are available to cover FY 99 expenditures from budget units classified as both receipt and expenditure. The available cash in prior fiscal year receipt and expenditure budget units will not be available to fund FY 99 expenditures until FY 98 is closed and balances carried forward.

During the concurrent transition period, personnel at all levels are subjected to increased workloads and pressures. Errors will be resolved in the most efficient and timely manner possible. Emergency situations will be reviewed and acted upon as soon as possible. Transactions categorized as emergency payments should be batched separately and sent to the attention of Jerry Serk, Central Accounting Services Section, Division of Accounts and Reports, 900 S.W. Jackson Street, Room 351-S, Topeka, Kansas.

Every effort must be made to ensure that payment of legal obligations to vendors are not delayed. With your proactive support and assistance, we look forward to a timely year-end transition. A schedule of events concerning the closing of Fiscal Year 1998 and the opening of Fiscal Year 1999 has been prepared to identify certain functions and events of mutual interest to state agencies and the Division of Accounts and Reports. These items and dates are as follows:

April 17 Letter Advising Agencies to Prepare Real Estate Encumbrance Renewals (Affected Agencies Only)
May 4 Letter Requesting Agencies to Review Outstanding Encumbrances
May 18 Letter to Agencies Transmitting List of Outstanding Obligations (DA-118) Instructions
May 21 Year-End Closing Information at ASTRA meeting
June 1 Annual Review of Housing, Food Service and Other Employee Maintenance Rates (DA-171)
June 17 Fiscal Year 1999 Valid Funds Tape and Valid PCA Tape Sent to State Treasurer
June 18 Preliminary Fiscal Year 1999 Central Chart of Accounts Mailed to State Agencies
June 18 Informational Circular to All State Agencies Regarding Fiscal Year Rate Changes in Payroll Deductions and Contributions
June 22 Review Any Outstanding Checks and Process Paycheck Reversals Prior to June 24, 1998 Which is the Last Off -Cycle Payroll Charged To Fiscal Year 1998. Any Checks Issued in This Cycle Will Be Dated June 29, 1998 and Charged to Fiscal Year 1998
June 29 Updates to Payroll Funding Group Definitions for Fiscal Year 1999 Must be Entered into SHARP by 5:00 P.M. in Order to be Reflected in the Charges for Any Paychecks Resulting from the KA3 Off-Cycle for the Period Ending June 13, 1998 (First Off- Cycle Payroll Charged to Fiscal Year 1999)
June 30 Regents Establish Payroll Clearing Fund Indexes in STARS for Fiscal Year 1999
July 1 Fiscal Year 1999 Transactions Accepted for Processing: Also Commencement of Concurrent Processing Period for Final Fiscal Year 1998 Transactions
July 2 Updates to Payroll Funding Group Definitions for Fiscal Year 1999 Must be Entered into SHARP by 5:00 P.M. in Order to be Reflected in the Charges for the On-Cycle Paychecks Dated July 10, 1998 (First On-Cycle Paychecks Charged to Fiscal Year 1999)
July 6 DA-35 Electronic Files (Prior Period Funding Payroll Adjustments) Must be Received by 5:00 P.M.
July 13 State Treasurer Accepts Final Fiscal Year 1998 Receipts Vouchers from State Agencies up to 3:00 P.M.
July 13 Central Accounting Services Section Accepts Final Expenditure and Encumbrance Batches from State Agencies for Fiscal Year 1998 Until 5:00 P.M.
July 13 Agencies Entering STARS Payment Vouchers On-Line Must Have Final Documents for Fiscal Year 1998 Entered by 5:00 P.M.
July 14 Agencies Entering Payment Vouchers On-Line in STARS With a June Effective Date Must Have Paper Documents into the Central Accounting Services Section by 12:00 Noon to Avoid Transactions Being Deleted from the System
July 15 Agencies May Enter DA-118's On-Line Until 5:00 P.M.
July 16 Agencies Entering DA-118's On-Line Must Have Paper Documents delivered to the Accounting Services Section By 12:00 Noon to Avoid Transactions Being Deleted from the System
July 21 Final Processing of June 1998 Transactions Expected; End of Concurrent Processing
July 22 Commencement of Processing for Monthly and Annual Reports and Statements: Also, Processing of Closing and Opening Entries and Preparation of Opening and Closing Transaction Statements
July 27 June 1998 Monthly STARS Statements Expected to be Mailed to Agencies
July 27 Resume Processing of July 1998 (Fiscal Year 1999) Transactions
July 29 Fiscal Year 1998 Closing Statements and Fiscal Year 1999 Opening Statements Expected to be Mailed to Agencies
August 5 DA-404, DA-406 and DA-410 Budget Worksheets Expected to be Distributed



Oh No, Not Year-end Again!

clipart - man pulling hairAre you dreading the approaching end of fiscal year 1998? You are probably not alone.

The successful closing of a fiscal year and the opening of the subsequent fiscal year requires cooperation between agencies and central services personnel. This year, as a supplement to the enclosed year-end schedule informational circular, the Agency STARS Rapport Association (ASTRA) has invited Department of Administration and other central service providers to speak on the subject of year-end policies, procedures and schedules at their May 21, 1998 meeting. This unique opportunity will let you, our customer, hear first-hand how the various individual processes fit together to form the overall year-end closing process. There will be a high-level presentation, followed by focus groups on selected processes. A detailed agenda will be issued by ASTRA at the end of April, or early in May. Contact your agency ASTRA representative for additional information, or call Fran Wilbrant (KSU) at 785-532-4341, Susan Duffy (Historical Society) at 785-272-8681 extension 204, or Ruth Scott (Corporation Commission) 785-271-3274 for registration information.

clipart - woman pulling hairIn view of the increased workloads, shortened time frames, and other complex issues associated with the year-end process, it is doubtful that any of us will ever place it on our top ten list of "Things I Most Enjoy about Summer." However, by working together and sharing knowledge and experience, we might be able to remove it from our list of "Things I Least Enjoy about Summer."

Be sure to read the Informational Circular thoroughly and bring it, along with questions, comments or suggestions to the ASTRA meeting on May 21st!

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