Kansas Department of Administration

Running and Downloading SHARP Reports

A quick guide to running and downloading reports from SHARP.

If you have never ran a report, please read: Reporting Computer Based Training

This guide will help you run and download both PDF and DAT files. It also will guide you through importing DAT files into Excel.


  1. Enter your Run Control ID or press Search. If you have never setup a Run Control ID, click the Add A New Value link or tab. (Enter anything. You will use this when running reports.)
  2. Enter the parameters of your report. (Examples: Department ID, Employee ID, Dates, Drop Down options, Page Break Level (3 digit Agency level, 5 digit Division level, 10 digit Department level, etc.)
  3. Press Run.
  4. On the Process Monitor, change the Server Name to PSUNX. If this is a Crystal Report read this Guide.
  5. Choose Web for the *Type and PDF for the *Format.
  6. Click Ok. You will be taken back to the Report Parameters page.
  7. Click the Process Monitor link. You will see your report listed.
  8. Press Refresh until the Run Status is Success and the Distribution Status is Posted, click the Details link. If you run a report accidentally or incorrectly - press the Details link right away.
  9. You will be taken to the Process Detail page. Click the View Log/Trace link. (To Cancel a request click the Cancel Request radio button and click OK.)
  10. Look for the PDF file. (**If you are running a Flat File to download into Excel, look for the file ending in DAT).
  11. Right click and choose Save Target As and choose a location to save the file (remember this folder). If you saved a PDF file, you can open it. If you saved a DAT file, continue with these instructions.
  12. Open Excel and choose File>Open. Change the File Type from .xlsx to "All Files (*.*)".
  13. Choose the folder where you saved the downloaded report, highlight the saved DAT file and click Open.
  14. The Text Import Wizard will open. Choose Delimited.
  15. Set the Start import row to "1". Click Next
  16. In the Delimiters section, choose Tab and Semicolon. Text qualifier can be ". Click Next.
  17. Highlight all the cells in the Data preview area and click Text in the Column data format section. Click Finish.
  18. Go to File>Save As. Locate the folder where you want to save the file, change the File Type to .xlsx and assign a name. Click Save.
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