Kansas Department of Administration

Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards - SEFA

The 2024 Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) documents:

Please note the 2024 Compliance Supplement has been released: 

Office of Federal Financial Management | OMB | The White House

All agencies are required to complete and submit the Agency Certification form whether or not they expended federal funds for FY 2024. 

Agencies that expended Federal funds in FY 2024 will need to complete and return the DA-89 designed and revised for 2024. Agencies are reminded that use of a prior year DA-89 can result in erroneous reporting, since ALN numbers and reporting clusters can be added, deleted, or changed.  

SEFA FY2024 Agency Certification 

DA89 24 SEFA

SEFA DA89 FY2024-Examples (do not use as DA89)

SEFA Documentation Instructions 

SEFA FY2024 DA89 Checklist 

All documents are due to the Office of Accounts and reports (OAR) by August 16, 2024.
If you have questions or comments concerning the SEFA process or documents please submit your inquiry to one of the following:

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