Kansas Department of Administration

FY 2007

07-a-001 - Private Vehicle Mileage (June 21, 2006) (Supersedes 06-a-001)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 07-A-001 (Supersedes 06-a-001)
DATE: June 21, 2006
SUBJECT: Private Vehicle Mileage
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2006
A & R CONTACT: Randy Kennedy (785) 296-2125 (randy.kennedy@da.state.ks.us)
Shirley Gilchrist (785) 296-2882 (shirley.gilchrist@da.state.ks.us)
Ginnie Schirmer (785) 296-7021 (ginnie.schirmer@da.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: signature - Bob Mackey
SUMMARY: FY 2007 Privately Owned Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates

As authorized by K.S.A.75-3203a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed the private vehicle mileage reimbursement rates for FY 2007 at:

  • 30.5¢ per mile for privately owned motorcycle
  • 43¢ per mile for privately owned automobile
  • $1.07 per mile for privately owned airplane (based on air miles rather than highway miles)

These rates reflect increases in each of these categories.


07-a-002 - FY 2007 Subsistence Rates (June 21, 2006) (Supersedes 06-a-002)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 07-A-002 (Supersedes 06-a-002)
DATE: June 21, 2006
SUBJECT: FY 2007 Subsistence Rates
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2006
A & R CONTACT: Randy Kennedy (785) 296-2125 (randy.kennedy@da.state.ks.us)
  Shirley Gilchrist (785) 296-2882 (shirley.gilchrist@da.state.ks.us)
  Ginnie Schirmer (785) 296-7021 (ginnie.schirmer@da.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: signature - Bob Mackey
SUMMARY: FY 2007 Meal Allowance and Lodging Rates


As authorized by K.S.A.75-3207a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed the rates for FY 2007 at:

Meal Allowance:

In-state $ 8.00 per quarter-day
Out-of-state, regular $ 8.00 per quarter-day
Out-of-state, designated high-cost geographic area $ 9.00 per quarter-day
Out-of-state, special designated high-cost geographic areas $11.00 per quarter-day
International travel $11.75 per quarter-day or actual expenses not to exceed $81 per day


Reduced Meal Allowance: 

If the cost of meals is included within the cost of registration fees or other fees and charges paid by the agency or supplied without cost by another party, the meals allowance should be reduced as follows:

  Breakfast Lunch Dinner
In-state $7.50 $8.50 $16.00
Out-of-state, regular $7.50 $8.50 $16.00
Out-of-state, designated high-cost geographic area $8.50 $9.50 $18.00
Out-of-state, special designated
high-cost geographic areas



International $11.25 $12.25 $23.50

Same Day Meal Allowance:

The rates as established in accordance with K.A.R. 1-16-18(c)(3) are the same as indicated in the table above for reduced meals allowance.

Lodging Expense Limitations:

In-state $71.00
Out-of-state, regular $89.00
Out-of-state, designated high-cost geographic area $131.00
Out-of-state, special designated high-cost geographic areas $146.00
International Actual
Conference lodging qualified under K.A.R. 1-16-18a(e) Actual


K.S.A. 75 3207a(f) provides that the daily lodging expense limitations established above may be exceeded by the lesser of either: (1) an additional 50% of the applicable lodging expense limitation, or (2) the actual lodging expense incurred.

These lodging limits continue to be applied to the lodging rate before taxes. Thus, the amount reimbursed or paid for lodging expenses may exceed the established lodging limitation by as much as the amount of associated taxes.


07-a-003 - Procedures for filing 2006 Form 1099 Information Returns (December 4, 2006) (Supersedes 06-A-004)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 07-A-003 (Supersedes 06-A-004)
DATE: December 4, 2006
SUBJECT: Procedures for filing 2006 Form 1099 Information Returns
A & R CONTACT: Tara Schmanke (785) 296-5304 (tara.schmanke@da.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: signature - Bob Mackey
SUMMARY: Procedures for Filing 2006 Form 1099 Information Returns


Agencies of the State of Kansas are considered to be a single payer by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and payment information is required to be filed by one transmitter.  In addition, federal laws and regulations require the filing of information returns to be submitted by magnetic media or electronically.  In order to comply with the reporting requirements of the IRS and to avoid the assessment of penalties, the Division of Accounts and Reports will transmit all 2006 calendar year 1099 information returns for the State of Kansas electronically.

Some payments by state agencies are IRS reportable but are either not included in the Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) or the IRS required data is not provided by STARS.  These payments require unique reporting procedures.  Such expenditures include certain interest payments, State Fair premiums and purchases of real property.

Locally administered interest payments exceeding $10 are to be reported on Form 1099-INT.  An example of these payments is interest paid from trust funds to clients by institutions like the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services and the Department of Corrections.

IRS regulations require the State of Kansas to report on Form 1099-S any purchases of real property exceeding $600.  Additional requirements for this form include a description or address of the property and the closing date of the purchase transaction.  (Rental and construction costs are not to be included).

State Fair premiums are to be reported on form 1099-MISC.

Procedures for handling 1099 information returns for calendar year 2006 are as follows:

  1. Agencies that have made expenditures, as described, will be responsible for the preparation and delivery of the appropriate 1099 form to the payees prior to January 31, 2007.  Do not mail forms directly to the IRS or to the Kansas Department of Revenue.  The payer's FEIN to use for the State of Kansas is 48-1124839. 
  2. Agencies reporting applicable purchases of real property may submit the IRS and /or the State of Kansas copies of the 1099-S forms to the address below, and the Division of Accounts and Reports will submit this information to the IRS.

    For those agencies with other expenditures to report, and fewer than 20 records, you may use the DA-43 form (http://www.da.ks.gov/ar/forms/) <------- Broken link or you may submit a text file or Excel file.  If you have 20 or more records to submit they should be submitted as a text file or an Excel file in the attached format shown on the Non-STARS record layout form.  All data should be remitted by February 12, 2007 to:

    Central Accounting Services Section
    900 SW Jackson, Room 351-S, LSOB
    Topeka, Kansas  66612-1248

    Attention:  Tara Schmanke

    If you are submitting a text file or Excel file please e-mail the file as an attachment to Tara.Schmanke@da.ks.gov.
  3. If any agency finds it necessary to issue a corrected information return, the payee should be provided a copy as soon as possible.  The IRS copy of the corrected form (marked "corrected") should be forwarded promptly to the Central Accounting Services Section of the Division of Accounts and Reports.


Attachment: Non-STARS record layout form

07-a-004 - Safe at Home Program and STARS Vendor File (December 26, 2006)
DATE: December 26, 2006
SUBJECT: Safe at Home Program and STARS Vendor File
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2007
A & R CONTACT: Nickie Roberts (785) 296-7917 (nickie.roberts@da.state.ks.us)
Tim Hund (785) 368-6347 (tim.hund@da.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: signature - Bob Mackey
SUMMARY: This circular describes the Safe at Home Program administered by the Kansas Secretary of State’s Office and describes how this might impact the STARS vendor file.

During the 2006 session, the Kansas Legislature created an address confidentiality program called "Safe at Home" to be administered through the Secretary of State's office. This program creates a substitute address for victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalking and trafficking, as well as a mail forwarding system at no cost to the victims. The law allows program participants to use the substitute address provided by the SOS on all public records in lieu of the residential address required by other Kansas laws.

If you have an employee or other vendor who is enrolled in this program, they should provide you with a participant card.  You will need to make a copy of this card (front and back).  If the STARS Vendor Record requires a change, send this card copy along with a TM-21 to the Division of Accounts and Reports.  If this is a new vendor, keep this card copy with your records documenting the STARS Vendor File record addition.

Please find below a link to the Session law with the language that will be codified into statute. Also, attached are the proposed temporary rules and regulations that have not yet been enacted, the proposed permanent rules and regulations that will hopefully be adopted in the spring, a brochure with general information about the program, and a sample participant card.


Address Confidentiality Temp Regs (.doc)
Address Confidentiality Perm Regs (.doc)
Safe at Home Brochure (.pdf)
Sample Participant Card (.pdf)

Session law: http://www.kslegislature.org/sessionlaws/2006/chap213.pdf


07-a-005 - Business Travel Accounts (BTAs) with April 2007 Expiration Dates (March 30, 2007)
DATE: March 30, 2007
SUBJECT: Business Travel Accounts (BTAs) with April 2007 Expiration Dates
A & R CONTACT: Tim Hund (785) 368-6347 (tim.hund@da.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: signature - Bob Mackey
SUMMARY: The expiration dates of BTAs that expire in April 2007 will automatically be extended to April 2009.

The expiration date for many, but not all, of the State’s Business Travel Accounts (BTAs) is April 30, 2007.  BTAs are cardless VISA accounts used to purchase transportation tickets for employee travel and to pay for vehicle rentals from Enterprise Leasing Company of Kansas.

The expiration dates of BTAs, with April 2007 expiration dates, will automatically be extended to April 2009.  The extension of expiration dates for these BTAs will be a seamless process for agencies, i.e., agencies will not experience a loss of service for their BTAs when expiration dates are extended to April 2009.

New CVV numbers will be assigned to BTAs with April 2007 expiration dates.  (The CVV number is a three digit verification number that merchants sometimes request to verify user identification.)  UMB Bank will directly notify agencies by letter of the new CVV numbers by mid-April 2007.)  These letters will be sent to the same name and address as the monthly BTA billing statements.

The Division of Accounts and Reports will provide a list of new CVV numbers to Short’s Travel Management, Inc. (the State’s Contractor for Travel Agency Management Services) and to Enterprise Leasing Company of Kansas, to ensure a smooth transition during the process of extending BTA expiration dates.  If your agency has provided the BTA number to other vendors, and these vendors use the CVV in transaction processing, you will need to provide the new CVV to the vendor prior to April 30, 2007.


07-a-006 - Schedule of Accounting Events Relative to Fiscal Year Closing (April 9, 2007) (Revises 06-A-009)
INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 07-A-006 (Revises 06-A-009)
DATE: April 9, 2007
SUBJECT: Closing of Fiscal Year 2007 and Opening of Fiscal Year 2008
A & R CONTACT: Annette Witt - Central Accounting Services Section (785) 296-8083 (annette.witt@da.ks.gov)
Steve Banning - Payroll Services Section (785) 296-7059 (steve.banning@da.ks.gov)
Lucinda Anstaett - Office of the State Treasurer (785) 296-4151 (lucinda@treasurer.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: Image of approval signature.
SUMMARY: Schedule of Accounting Events Relative to Fiscal Year Closing

This Informational Circular provides the scheduled dates for closing fiscal year 2007 and beginning fiscal year 2008.  Additional information concerning fiscal year end closing and DA-118 List of Outstanding Obligations instructions is contained in the Division of Accounts and Reports Policy and Procedure Manual filing nos. 14,002 and 14,003.  The Policy and Procedure Manual is located at http://da.ks.gov/ar/ppm/ppm01001.htm.  Other web resources available for fiscal year end processing information can be found at http://da.ks.gov/ar/yearend/default.htm <------- Broken link.

K.S.A. 75-3002 establishes the state fiscal year as commencing on the first day of July in each year and closing on the thirtieth day of June of the succeeding year.  To allow state agencies time to process as much old year business as possible, the old year records normally remain open through the second Monday of July (PPM No. 14,002).  However, for the fiscal year 2007 closing the cutoff date will be Wednesday, July 11, 2007, to allow two additional processing days.  Between July 1 and July 11, the Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) will process old and new fiscal year business concurrently.

The workload both at your agency and the Division of Accounts and Reports is greatly increased during the fiscal year end closing period.  We ask that you use the following reminders and guidelines to help facilitate the fiscal year end processing.


  • State Treasurer cash management fees for June 2007 will probably not be billed to agencies in time for payment in FY2007 business; agencies must encumber for payment if this obligation is not paid in FY2007.
  • Budget Worksheet data from STARS will be electronically submitted to the Division of the Budget by August 10th for loading into the Budget Management System.
  • The dates provided on this document that relate to fiscal year closing and opening activities will be revised, as necessary, by the Division of Accounts and Reports. Any revisions to payroll encumbrance or other processing dates will be issued as a SHARP message to subscribers of the SHARP listserve.  After issuance, SHARP messages are also posted on the SHARP Customer Service Website at http://www.da.ks.gov/SHARP/documents/message.htm. Revisions to STARS processing dates will be posted on the STARS News screen and notice of revisions to SOKI3+ processing dates will be sent via email to all users.


  • Normal hours of availability of STARS is 7AM to 5PM Monday through Friday; 24 hours on holidays and Saturdays, unless a special STARS cycle is requested; Sundays from 1PM through Monday, unless otherwise noted on the STARS News screen.
  • SHARP is available from 7AM to 6PM Monday through Friday and 1PM to 6PM Saturday and Sunday.  The cutoff for receiving SHARP interface files is 5PM.
  • SOKI3+ system is available 24 hours a day except for a maintenance period between 6PM and 7PM daily.


  • FY2007 documents receive a higher processing priority than FY2008 documents during the concurrent processing period.
  • There is a two or three day period beginning the third Thursday in July during which daily transactions may not be processed.
  • Transactions characterized as emergency payments requiring immediate attention during this time should be batched separately and sent to the attention of Jo Ann Remp, Division of Accounts and Reports, Central Accounting Services Section, 900 SW Jackson, Room 351-S, Topeka, Kansas.
  • State agencies should review the May monthly reports and process the necessary corrections through the SOKI3+ journal voucher system before June 30.
  • Transaction year 2007 and 2008 documents must be batched separately.


  • During the concurrent processing period, STARS batch sheets for FY2007 transaction year should have a batch date of “06/30/07,” an effective date of “06/30/07” and BFY of 2007.
  • During the concurrent processing period, STARS edits FY2008 transactions charged to “expenditure only” type accounts against fund level receipts (both FY2007 and FY2008).  FY2007 transactions edit only against FY2007 receipts.
  • The available cash in prior fiscal year “receipt and expenditure” type budget units will not be available to fund FY2008 expenditures until FY2007 is closed and balances carried forward.
  • In order to check balances in STARS during concurrent processing, agencies need to remember to make the appropriate selection for “prior month” (PM).
  • If your agency would like to receive reports for June business after July 1, you must ensure that a prior month (PM) report request record is entered into STARS.


  • During the concurrent processing period, both FY2007 and FY2008 documents may be processed in the SOKI3+ system; FY2008 interfund vouchers require a BFY of 2008 for both the receipt and expenditure transactions and FY2007 interfund vouchers process as normal.  FY2008 JV documents must use a BFY of 2008 throughout.  The operator must choose the appropriate BFY when initiating a JV or receipt voucher during concurrent processing.
  • Beginning July 13th through year-end closing, agencies should not release any SOKI3+ transactions with a BFY of 2007.  Only transactions with a BFY of 2008 will be processed during this period.
  • On July 21st, after year-end processing is complete, all fiscal year 2008 SOKI3+ transactions, including encumbered expenditures can be processed and released for upload to STARS.
  • All SOKI3+ transactions not uploaded to STARS on July 12th in the final FY2007 upload will be FY2008 business; any SOKI3+ interfund receipt transactions will need to have BFY 2008 and any SOKI3+ unencumbered interfund expenditure transactions will require an encumbrance number and appropriate transaction code changes.

The scheduled dates for closing FY2007 and beginning FY2008 are as follows:

Date Item
April 18 Letter sent advising agencies to prepare Real Estate Encumbrance Renewals (affected agencies only).
May 15 Letter sent requesting agencies to review outstanding encumbrances.
June 1 Agencies may begin entering on-line DA-118 transactions.
June 1 Annual review of housing, food service and other employee maintenance rates(DA-171).
June 15 Fiscal year 2008 valid funds tape and valid PCA tape sent to State Treasurer.
June 15 Preliminary fiscal year 2008 Central Chart of Accounts is available to agencies on the Accounts and Reports website http://da.ks.gov/ar/genacct/CoA/Default.htm.
June 22 Informational Circular to all agencies regarding fiscal year rate changes in payroll deductions and contributions.
June 22 Regents establish Payroll Clearing Fund indexes in STARS for FY2008.
June 25  Accounts and Reports, Payroll Services will insert a new row in the SHARP department budget tables effective dated June 17, 2007 which reflect a budget end date of June 16, 2008 and fiscal year of 2008.  Agencies should refrain from entering any rows with an effective-date greater than or equal to June 17, 2007 until after the FY2008 insert has been completed.
June 25 Last payroll off-cycle for fiscal year 2007.  Review any outstanding checks and process paycheck reversals prior to June 25, 2007.  Any checks issued in this off-cycle will be dated June 29, 2007 and charged to fiscal year 2007. Any supplementals or paycheck reversal/adjustment transactions entered after this date will be charged to fiscal year 2008.
June 26  Process payroll accounting transactions created for true EFT reversals and cancelled checks and encumbrances from the June 25 off-cycle.  Process payroll encumbrances for Friday, June 29 on-cycle pay date (last FY2007 on-cycle).
June 27 First payroll off-cycle for FY 2008.  Checks will be dated July 5.
June 28 Process payroll accounting transactions created for true EFT reversals and cancelled checks from the June 28 off-cycle with check date of July 2.
June 29 Liquidate payroll encumbrances for the Monday, June 25 off-cycle check date of June 29, and the on-cycle pay date of June 29.
July 1 Special STARS cycle for FY2008 appropriation transactions to be processed.
July 2 FY2008 transactions accepted for processing; beginning of concurrent processing period for final fiscal year 2007 transactions.
July 2 On-line entry of STARS expenditures against BFY2008 appropriated and limited funds.
July 2 SOKI3+ system allows FY2008 transactions beginning at 8:00 A.M.
July 2 Liquidate encumbrances for the June 27th off-cycle with check date of July 2.
July 2 State Treasurer cash management fees for June 2007 will probably not be billed to agencies in time for payment in FY2007 business; agencies must encumber for payment of this obligation if not paid in FY2007.
July 3 Process payroll accounting transactions created for true EFT reversals and cancelled checks from the July 2 off-cycle with check date of July 5.
July 3 Process payroll encumbrances for the July 2nd off-cycle.
July 5 Final FY2007 credit card receipts and credit card clearing fund fees and charges (via Paymentech, American Express and Discover Card) are processed by the State Treasurer.  All Paymentech, American Express and Discover Card transactions to this date are credited to FY2007.  All Paymentech, American Express and Discover Card transactions after this date are credited to FY2008.
July 6 DA-35 electronic files (prior period funding Payroll adjustments) must be received by 5:00 P.M.
July 6 Updates to payroll position pool definitions for FY2008 must be entered into SHARP by 6:00 P.M. in order to be reflected in the charges for the on-cycle paychecks dated July 13, 2007 (first on-cycle paychecks charged to FY2008).  Updates should be entered with an effective date of June 18, 2007.
July 11 SOKI3+ receipt documents for FY2007 must be entered by 3:00 P.M for final fiscal year 2007 receipt transactions.
July 11 Electronic transmission of FY2007 expenditure and encumbrance datasets to BDAS must occur by noon.  Supporting batched documents must be received in the Central Accounting Services Section by 5:00 P.M.
July 11 Central Accounting Services Section accepts final expenditure and DA-118 encumbrance batches by data set from agencies for FY2007 until 5:00 P.M.  No firm encumbrances are allowed for State General Fund.
July 11 Agencies entering STARS payment vouchers on-line (not dataset) must have final documents for fiscal year 2007 entered by 5:00 P.M.
July 11 SOKI3+ journal voucher and interfund voucher documents for FY2007 must be entered by 11:59 P.M.
July 12  Agencies entering payment vouchers on-line (not dataset) in STARS with a June effective date must have paper documents into the Central Accounting Services Section by 12:00 noon to avoid transactions being deleted from STARS.  Vouchers processed under delegated audit authority should be released by the agency by 12:00 noon.
July 12  SOKI3+ closed to agency users 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.  (JV, IFV and Order Modules)
July 12  SOKI3+ open for FY2008 receipts.
July 12  Final FY2007 SOKI3+ upload to STARS.
July 12  SOKI3+ open for all FY2008 transactions at 3:30 P.M.
July 13 Agencies may enter DA-118's on-line (not dataset) until 5:00 P.M.  No firm encumbrances are allowed for State General Fund.
July 16 Agencies entering DA-118's on-line (not dataset) must have paper documents delivered to the Central Accounting Services Section by 12:00 noon to avoid transactions being deleted from STARS.
July 17 Final processing of June 2007 transactions expected; end of the concurrent processing period (STARS will be open to Central Accounting Services staff only).
July 18 Begin year end closing cycles and processing for monthly and annual reports and statements, processing of closing and opening entries and preparation of opening and closing transaction reports. (STARS available to Central Accounting Services staff only between closing cycles)
July 23 June 2007 monthly STARS reports expected to be mailed to agencies.
July 23 Resume processing of July 2007 (FY2008) transactions.  STARS re-opens.
July 25 FY2007 closing reports and FY2008 opening reports expected to be mailed to agencies.
August 31 Forms DA-82, Certification of Inventory and DA-87, Annual Capital Asset Reporting and updates to the Master List of Real Property are due in Accounts and Reports.


07-a-007 - Changes made to STARS Warrant Advices to reduce the potential for identity theft. (May 7, 2007)
DATE: May 7 , 2007
SUBJECT: Change to STARS Warrant Advices

Jo Ann Remp

Randy Kennedy

Tim Hund

(785) 296-2277

(785) 296-2125

(785) 368-6347




APPROVAL: Image of approval signature.

Changes made to STARS Warrant Advices to reduce the potential for identity theft.

In order to further protect recipients of STARS warrants from the potential for identity theft or misuse of personal information, we have taken action to remove the vendor number (SSN or FEIN) from all STARS warrant advices (warrant stubs).

We will implement the modified warrant advice with those warrants printed in STARS on Monday, May 7, 2007. 



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