Kansas Department of Administration

20-A-009 Audit Trail Documentation - Task Orders (February 28, 2020)

Informational Circular No. 20-A-009
Effective Date: Immediate
Contact Name: Statewide Agency Audit Services (Audit Services) Team Email: ARPreaudit@ks.gov
Approval: Jocelyn Gunter (Original Signature on File)
Summary: Attaching Task Orders to the Header Comments Link on the Purchase Order     
This informational circular serves as notification that for any contract that is executed using the Task Order process, the Task Order documentation is required to be in SMART for all payments that exceed the agency’s delegated audit authority.

Some agencies use slightly different terminology to talk about Task Orders. Agencies may refer to these as Task Proposal Requests (TPR) or Task Requests (TR), but the purpose is the same. Generally, agencies wanting to engage a supplier will issue a Task Request or a Task Proposal Request. Suppliers wanting to be considered must respond with a Task Proposal Response.

To facilitate the processing of payment vouchers and to minimize delays, all fully executed Task Orders are to be attached to the Header Comments of the purchase order. Subsequently, each time the purchase order is pulled into a payment voucher, the Task Order information is available for review.

Without Task Orders being attached, the audit trail documentation is inadequate and cannot be reviewed for compliance with statutes, regulations, and accounting policies and standards. Further, vouchers that are submitted without the associated Task Orders attached to the PO, may be returned to the agency by Audit Services for the Task Order to be attached.

This informational circular should be used in conjunction with Informational Circular 20-A-010 Attachments in SMART (February 28, 2020).

Printable Version of 20-A-009

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