Kansas Department of Administration

Contract 49161 - Kentron Healthcare, Inc.

Vendor Contact:  Nari Sadarangani

Vendor Email:  kentron@kentronmedical.com

Vendor Phone:  615-668-1147

Preferred Ordering: Email

Items Offered:  Hand Sanitizer/ Surface Disinfectant/Reusable Daily Face Cover, Masks or Face Shields/Disposable Apparel items, Hair Covers, Shoe Covers or Masks/Gowns/Thermometers i.e., Oral Digital, Wearable Digital Thermometer, Forehead Non-Contact Infrared/Nasopharyngeal Swab/Specimen Container Collection Cup/Specimen Transport Bag, Specimen Tote or Sample Transport Box

Minimum Order:  Minimum $100.00 for free shipment

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