Contract 49159 - Medline Industries, Inc.
Vendor Contact: Sam Leyden
Vendor Email:
Vendor Phone: 816-520-8372
Preferred Ordering: Website
Items Offered: Hand Sanitizer/Wipes/Surface Disinfectant/Reusable Daily Face Cover, Masks or Face Shields/Sneeze Guards, Partitions or Poly-carbonate/Disposable Apparel items, Hair Covers, Shoe Covers or Masks/N95 Masks/Surgical Masks or Procedural Masks/Gowns/Protective Coveralls (Tyvek)/Nitrile Gloves/Reusable Gloves/Thermometers i.e., Oral Digital, Wearable Digital Thermometer, Forehead Non-Contact Infrared/Swabs & Collections/Nasopharyngeal Swab/Specimen Container Collection Cup/Specimen Transport Bag, Specimen Tote or Sample Transport Box/Syringes/Testing Equipment
Minimum Order: There may be minimum orders of up to $750 depending on facility type to qualify for free freight. However no minimum orders apply if user is willing to pay freight.
Discounts: Discount will be minimum of 20% off list for national brand and 30% off list price for Medline brand.
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