Kansas Department of Administration

General Human Resources

Ad-Hoc Queries and Open Records Reports

Contact: Alan Sharp, OPS; alan.sharp@ks.gov
Typical Questions:

  • Request an Ad Hoc report for information not available in on-line reports

General Human Resource Questions

Contact: OPS 296-4278
Typical Questions:

  • Interpretation of Statutes, Regulations and Bulletins

  • Procedures relating to Human Resource Management

  • Eligibility for D-Day

  • Use of sick leave and/or vacation leave

Human Resource Transactions for Agencies

Contacts: OPS   296-7871
Typical Questions:

  • Transferring employees to/from agencies.

Information Circular Distribution

Contacts: Circulars are available from the Office of General Services website at Informational Circulars. To receive notice of future informational circulars, subscribe to the listserv available from this web page.
Typical Questions:

  • Request copies of Informational Circular

Longevity Bonus/Step Increases

Contact: OPS; 296-7871
Typical Questions:

  • Longevity bonus not appearing on eligibility listing

  • Step increases that did or did not update on job data panels

  • Correcting 'Date Next Increase' field

Personnel System Tables

Contact:  Michelle Huntsman, OPS; 296-7232;  michelle.huntsman@ks.gov
Typical Questions: 

  • Requesting a new unclassified job code
  • Changing rates on an agency unique salary plan
  • Activating and inactivating Department ID
SHARP Data Corrections

Contact:  OPS; 296-7871
Typical Questions:

  • Correcting Job Data (work history) information
  • Correcting Employee Review data
  • Correction Position Data
  • Transfers between agencies, including Regents institutions
SHARP Operator Sign-Ons

Contact:  Alan Sharp, alan.sharp@ks.gov 
Typical Questions:

  • Requests for new SHARP sign-ons
  • Requests to change SHARP sign-ons
SHARP Training CBT's

Web CBT - Alan Sharp, OPS, 296-2573; alan.sharp@ks.gov
Authorware CBT - Cindy Lo, A&R, Customer Services, 296-2259; cindy.lo@ks.gov

Employees should contact their Agency Human Resource Office
Typical Questions:

  • Which CBTs do users need to complete
  • Accessing CBTs
Time and Labor

Contact:  Joy Truax, OPS, 785-368-8000, Press 1 for SHARP, then Press 1 again for Time and Labor timesheet entry questions, including working through exceptions (errors), email notification
Typical Questions:

  • Assigning/changing work schedules
  • Approving reported time
  • Approving payable time
  • Entering time reporting codes
  • Enrolling/updating time reporter data
  • Entering workers compensation codes
  • Exceptions (Error Messages)
  • Leave payouts

Contact:  Heather DeBusk, Office of the Chief Financial Offficer, 785-368-8000, Press 1 for SHARP, then Press 2 for Payroll and Time and Labor Adjustments, Supplementals, Labor Distribution, and Cost Allocation questions
Typical Questions:

  • Adjustments and supplements
  • Labor distribution
  • Cost allocation
  • Timesheet funding entries (Taskgroups/Profiles; Combo Codes)
  • Online error messages associated with funding
  • Integration with payroll
  • Integration with general ledger
  • Integration with project costing
Unclassified Job Codes

Contact:  Michelle Huntsman, OPS; 296-7232; michelle.huntsman@ks.gov
Typical Questions:

  • Requests to create new unclassified job codes
Workers Compensation Adjustments

Joy Truax, OPS; 296-1432; joy.truax@ks.gov (for time reporting code questions)   Carrie Doyal, SEHP, 296-2568; carrie.doyal@ks.gov (for adjustment amount questions)

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