Kansas Department of Administration

Shared Leave

The State of Kansas has in place a donated shared leave program to benefit eligible employees who have exhausted all sick and vacation leave.

Eligible employees who have worked continuously for the State of Kansas for at least six months and who have exhausted all paid leave may apply for Shared Leave for an employee’s own qualified health condition, or for a family member’s qualified health condition. An employee receiving workers compensation for the same injury/illness is not eligible for shared leave.

If eligible State of Kansas employees donate vacation or sick leave to a specific Shared Leave recipient, the recipient can then record Shared Leave and continue to receive pay instead of having to record leave without pay.

An employee is eligible to donate leave if he or she has a vacation leave balance of at least 80 hours and a sick leave balance of at least 480 hours after donating the respective leave (unless the employee donated vacation/sick leave at the time of separation from service).

The employee should contact their Agency Human Resources Office or refer to Kansas Administrative Regulation 1-9-23 (Shared Leave) for more detailed information.

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