Analyze Work-Related Values
What to Know
Your work-related values influence how you feel about your job. You need to know your values as you begin to look for a job. To be satisfied with your work, you should choose a job that matches your work values as closely as possible.
What to Do
Following is a list of work values for you to consider as you begin your job search. Rate each item on a scale of not important to very important. Review your list to see which items you feel most strongly about. Pay close attention to the list as you set your goals. Your values relate directly to the working conditions in each company or occupation you research.
Competency Rating
1 = Not important, 2 = Somewhat important, 3 = Moderately important, 4 = Very important
Work Value |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Being Around Interesting People |
Benefits |
Blending of Family and Career |
Clear Expectations |
Clear Rules |
Competition |
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace |
Flexible Work Schedule |
Freedom from Pressure/Stress |
Independence |
Involvement in Decision-Making |
Leisure Time |
Mental Challenge |
Power and Influence |
Public Contact |
Quality of Product |
Recognition |
Regular 40-hour Work Week |
Salary |
Security |
Status and Prestige |
Travel Opportunities |
Variety and Change in Work |