Kansas Department of Administration

Article 63 - Quality Management

1-63-1.State quality management initiative. (a) The state quality management initiative shall focus on customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and employee involvement.

(b) In order to continually strive towards achieving the highest quality in all aspects of state government, state agencies, employees, administrators, officers and quality teams shall adhere to the state quality program's guiding principles. The four guiding principles shall be:

(1) identify customers and meet their needs and expectations;

(2) involve employees at all levels in problem solving and decision making;

(3) enable employees to change and succeed through appropriate education and training; and

(4) improve processes and remove barriers to create and reinforce continuous improvement.

(c) Each state agency shall prepare an implementation strategy containing proposed activities and quality goals in accordance with the statewide quality management implementation strategy established by the secretary of administration. These strategies shall be submitted to the secretary of administration for approval. (Authorized by and implementing L. 1994, ch. 91, § 1; effective, T-1-9-19-94, Sept. 19, 1994; amended Nov. 21, 1994.)

1-63-2. Quality initiative leadership. (a) The state quality management initiative shall be led by the secretary of administration and shall include the elements listed below:

(1) promoting and assisting the development of implementation strategies by each agency; and

(2) developing and coordinating appropriate training programs for state officers and employees.

(b) The quality management advisory council shall consist of each state agency cabinet secretary and shall advise the secretary of administration on state quality management initiative policy issues.

(c) A state quality management initiative administrative and training office shall be staffed by the division of personnel services. Quality management materials and programs for the state quality program shall be developed and coordinated by the administrative and training office with the approval of the comprehensive management education and training strategy committee. (Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115; effective, T-1-9-19-94, Sept. 19, 1994; amended Nov. 21, 1994; amended June 20, 1997.)

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