Kansas Department of Administration

Article 14 - Layoff Procedures and Alternatives to Layoff

Layoff Procedures and Alternatives to Layoff

1-14-1 to 1-14-5. (Authorized by K.S.A. 75-2965, 75-2966, 75-2968; effective Jan. 1, 1967; revoked May 1, 1979.)

1-14-6. (Authorized by K.S.A. 75-3747; implementing K.S.A. 75-2948; effective May 1, 1984; amended Jan. 18, 1994; revoked May 31, 1996.)

1-14-7. Agency submission of layoff notice to director. (a) When submitting a layoff notice to the director, the appointing authority shall list the reason for the proposed layoff. As established by K.S.A. 75-2948, as amended, the reasons for proposing a layoff shall be limited to:

(1) a shortage of work or funds;

(2) the reinstatement of an employee returning from authorized leave; or

(3) the abolition of a position or other material change in duties or organization.

(b) Any appointing authority proposing a layoff shall give written notice of the proposed layoff to the director, and a copy of the notice to the secretary of administration, at least 45 calendar days before the proposed effective date of the layoff. In cases of extenuating circumstances, the 45-day notice requirement may be waived by the director. However, in no case shall notice of layoff to the director be less than 30 days prior to the proposed effective date of the layoff.

(c) In the notice, the appointing authority shall specify:

(1) the reason or reasons for the layoff;

(2) the class, classes, or class series in which the layoff is to occur;

(3) the estimated number of employees to be laid off;

(4) the proposed effective date of each layoff;

(5) the position or positions to be vacated by layoff; and

(6) the layoff scores of employees identified in subsection (a) of K.A.R. 1-14-9.

(d) In addition to the information required under subsection (c), the notice shall include the following information:

(1) a list of the agency's organizational units;

(2) a description of any geographic areas to which the layoffs will be limited; and

(3) any other information requested by the director.

If the agency chooses to permit employees to bump into lower classes in a class series in addition to any lower class in which an employee had permanent status, the notice shall also indicate the class series to be used for bumping.

(e) (1) The appointing authority may designate a geographic area or an organizational unit within which the layoff is to occur and within which the employees are to be subject to layoff. If one or more geographic areas or organizational units are designated by the appointing authority, they shall be indicated in the layoff notice. If no area or unit is designated, the layoff shall be agency-wide. The appointing authority also may limit the layoff to full-time employees or to employees employed on less than a full-time basis.

(2) If an area or unit is used, the layoff and bumping rights shall be applied only to employees within the designated area or unit. When the layoff is limited to full-time employees or less than full-time employees, any employee with permanent status may exercise bumping rights into a position filled by any employee with probationary status only within the group of employees having the same full-time or less than full-time status. Otherwise, any employee with permanent status may exercise bumping rights into any position filled by an employee with probationary status anywhere within the agency, if the employee with permanent status meets the required selection criteria for the class.

(f) The appointing authority may also allow employees to bump into lower classes in a class series in addition to any lower class in which the employee had permanent status. The class series bumping option shall be limited to class series that are designated in the layoff notice.

(g) Within 10 working days of the receipt of a proposed layoff notice, the agency shall be contacted by the director with any questions the director may have regarding the layoff, and the proposed layoff shall be reviewed with the secretary of administration. The proposed layoff shall be approved, modified and approved as modified, or rejected by the secretary within 15 working days of the receipt of the proposed layoff notice. The agency shall be notified in writing of the secretary's determination. (Authorized by K.S.A. 1995 Supp. 75-3747; implementing K.S.A. 1995 Supp. 75-2948; effective May 1, 1984; amended Jan. 18, 1994; amended Dec. 17, 1995; amended May 31, 1996.)

1-14-8. Computation of layoff scores. (a) A layoff score shall be computed by the appointing authority for each employee in the agency who has permanent status and who either is in a class of positions identified for layoff or could be affected by the exercise of bumping rights.

(b) Layoff scores shall be computed according to the formula A x L, where A and L have the following values:

(1) A = the average performance review rating of the employee, as described in subsection (d); and

(2) L = the length of service, as defined in K.A.R. 1-2-46 (a), expressed in years, with three months of service equivalent to .25.

Length of service for a retired employee who has returned to work shall be calculated in accordance with K.A.R. 1-2-46 (g). The layoff scores shall be prepared in accordance with a uniform score sheet prescribed by the director.

(c) Layoff scores computed by the appointing authority shall be made available for inspection by each employee upon request at the time the agency gives written notice of a proposed layoff to the director and the secretary pursuant to K.A.R. 1-14-7. Upon request of any employee, the appointing authority shall review the manner in which the employee's score was calculated. Each dispute as to the proper calculation of a layoff score of any employee shall be resolved by the director.

(d) Except as otherwise authorized by this subsection, the performance review ratings used in computing the layoff score of an employee shall be the employee’s five most recent ratings if the employee has as many as five ratings. However, a rating resulting from a special performance review that is given for a rating period ending within 90 calendar days of any notice of the layoff to the director shall not be counted. Performance reviews completed for rating periods ending on or after the date the appointing authority notifies the director in writing that a layoff is to occur shall not be considered in computing layoff scores; however, the appointing authority may designate a uniform earlier cutoff date to identify which performance review ratings are to be used in computing layoff scores.

(1) For the purposes of calculating layoff scores in accordance with the formula established in subsection (b), a rating of “exceptional” shall have a value of seven, a rating of “exceeds expectations” shall have a value of five, a rating of “meets expectations” shall have a value of three, a rating of “needs improvement” shall have a value of one, and a rating of “unsatisfactory” shall have a value of zero.

(2) If an employee does not have a total of five performance review ratings for use in computation of a layoff score, the layoff score shall be an average of the ratings that the employee has actually received.

(3) If an employee has no performance review ratings that may be used to compute a layoff score, the employee shall be deemed to have been given a single performance review rating of “meets expectations,” and the value of that rating shall be used to compute a layoff score. New hires and rehires employed on a basis other than reinstatement who are serving a probationary period and employees in training classes shall be subject to subsections (e), (f), and (g).

(4) If any layoff scores are identical and some, but not all, of the persons with the same score must be laid off, preference among these persons shall be given to any veteran, as defined in K.S.A. 73-201 and amendments thereto, and any orphan, as defined in this paragraph, in that order. For the purpose of this regulation, “orphan” shall mean a minor who is the child of a veteran who died while, and as a result of, serving in the armed forces.

If further ties remain, a method of breaking the ties that is consistent with agency affirmative action goals and timetables for addressing underutilization of persons in protected groups shall be established by the secretary. If further ties remain, preference in retention shall be given to the person with the higher average performance review rating as used in calculating layoff scores in accordance with subsection (b). If a tie still exists, the next preference shall be given to the person with the greatest length of service, as defined in K.A.R. 1-2-46, within that agency. If a tie still exists, the appointing authority shall determine an equitable tie-breaking system.

(e) New hires and rehires with probationary status shall not be granted permanent status on or after the date the appointing authority has notified the director of a proposed layoff. However, any new hire or rehire with probationary status in a position for which no employee subject to layoff meets the required selection criteria may be given permanent status. New hires and rehires with probationary status shall have their probationary period extended until it is certain that no employee with permanent status whose position is to be vacated by layoff or who otherwise would be laid off through the exercise of bumping rights is claiming the position held by the employee with probationary status.

(f) Each employee serving a probationary period as a result of one of the following shall be considered to have permanent status for layoff purposes:

(1) Promotion of an employee who has permanent status;

(2) reallocation of a position if the incumbent has permanent status; or

(3) promotion from a classified position with at least six months of continuous classified service.

(g) Each employee who is in training status in a governor's trainee position, or in any identified training position, and who has at least six months of continuous service shall be considered to have permanent status for layoff purposes only.

(h) The layoff list shall be based on the order of the layoff scores. The person with the lowest layoff score shall be laid off first. If more than one person is to be laid off, the persons to be laid off shall be selected on the basis of the lowest layoff scores

(Authorized by K.S.A. 75-2943, K.S.A. 75-3706, and K.S.A. 2014 Supp. 75-3747; implementing K.S.A. 75-2943, 75-2948, 75-3707, and 75-3746; effective May 1, 1984; amended, T-86-17, June 17, 1985; amended May 1, 1986; amended Dec. 27, 1993; amended Dec. 17, 1995; amended June 5, 2005; amended Oct. 1, 2009; amended Jan. 6, 2017.)

1-14-9. Layoff notice to employee. (a) Any appointing authority proposing a layoff shall give written notice of the proposed layoff to:

(1) each employee in a position identified for layoff or who may be affected by layoff;

(2) each employee that may be laid off through the exercise of layoff bumping rights; and

(3) the director of personnel services.

(b) The notice required under subsection (a) shall be given at least 30 calendar days before the effective date of the proposed layoff.

(c) Written notice of layoff shall be deemed to have been properly given if, at least 30 days prior to the date of layoff:

(1) the notice is personally delivered to the employee by two or more persons or if it is personally delivered to the employee by one person and a written acknowledgement of receipt is obtained from the employee; or

(2) the notice is sent by certified mail, restricted delivery, to the residential address of the employee as shown on the agency's records. (Authorized by K.S.A. 1983 Supp. 75-3747; implementing K.S.A. 1983 Supp. 75-2948; effective May 1, 1984.)

1-14-10. Procedures for bumping and layoff conferences. (a) Bumping shall occur within the layoff group identified in the agency's layoff notice, or agencywide if the agency has not designated a layoff group. If the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) have been met, any employee with permanent status, or any employee considered permanent for layoff purposes only, who is scheduled for layoff shall bump only into a lower class in which the employee previously had permanent status, unless the employee's position is in a class that is part of a class series designated by the appointing authority in the agency's layoff notice. If such a class series is designated in the agency's layoff notice, then the employee shall be permitted to bump into a lower class in the class series. Except as authorized by subsection (b), in order for an employee with permanent status to exercise bumping rights, the following requirements shall be met:

(1) The employee to be bumped shall have a lower layoff score than the person exercising the bumping right.

(2) The employee to be bumped shall have the lowest layoff score in that employee's job class of anyone in a position not scheduled for layoff.

(b) No employee with permanent status shall be laid off if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) There is a position filled by a probationary employee anywhere in the agency.

(2) The employee with permanent status scheduled to be laid off is interested in the position.

(3) The employee with permanent status is eligible for transfer or demotion to the position pursuant to K.A.R. 1-6-24 and 1-6-27.

(c) If an agency's layoff notice permits bumping only into lower classes in which an employee had previous permanent status and the class or classes in which the employee had previous permanent status have been abolished, the employee shall be afforded bumping rights to a similar job class in a lower pay grade if a similar job class exists as determined by the director.

(d) Regardless of subsections (a), (b), and (c), subject to the approval of the director, any appointing authority may prevent any classified employee from being laid off if the appointing authority finds that the loss of the employee, due to the employee’s particular knowledge, skills, abilities, certification, licensure, or combination thereof, would substantially impair the agency’s ability to perform its essential operations.

(e)(1) Bumping procedures shall begin as soon as possible after layoff notices have been given pursuant to K.A.R. 1-14-9. The appointing authority or designee shall develop a schedule for an individual conference with each affected employee, starting with the employee having the highest layoff score. The schedule of conferences shall continue in this order until each affected employee has had such a conference.

(2) During the layoff conference, the employee shall be informed of the bumping options available to the employee and of the opportunity to select one such option. The employee may defer the selection no longer than one full working day, unless a longer period of time is authorized by the appointing authority. If an employee is unavailable on the day the employee is scheduled for a layoff conference, the appointing authority shall reschedule the layoff conference. If the employee fails to appear at the rescheduled conference, the appointing agency shall not be required to hold a layoff conference with the employee and the employee shall forfeit bumping rights.

(3) In extenuating circumstances and when deemed to be in the best interest of the state service, group layoff conference sessions may be authorized by the appointing authority.

(f) At the layoff conference, each employee shall be informed of the employee's right to seek reemployment opportunities with the state, including placement assistance provided by the division. Placement assistance shall be available to the affected employee for up to three years after the effective date of the layoff, unless the affected employee requests in writing that the employee does not want placement assistance.

(g) Any employee who is not scheduled for layoff, but whose position will be vacated during the layoff and bumping process, and who refuses to accept a transfer or demotion to another position may request to be laid off voluntarily. Any employee who has been granted a voluntary layoff shall have reemployment rights.

(h) All disputes resulting from the forfeiture of bumping rights shall be resolved by the director.  (Authorized by K.S.A. 2014 Supp. 75-3747; implementing K.S.A. 75-2948; effective May 1, 1984; amended Jan. 18, 1994; amended Dec. 17, 1995; amended May 31, 1996; amended Jan. 6, 2017.)

1-14-11. Furlough. (a) For purposes of this regulation, “furlough” shall mean mandatory leave without pay for a preset number of hours during each pay period covered by the furlough.  There are two types of furloughs.

(1) An administrative furlough is a planned action by an agency that is designed to address budget reductions necessitated by reasons other than a lapse in appropriations.  A furlough plan shall be required for each administrative furlough.

(2) An emergency furlough occurs if there is an immediate or imminent lack of funding to continue agency operations or any emergency that results in an unanticipated interruption of funding to the agency.  In an emergency furlough, an affected agency could have to cease activities that are not excepted by law, typically with very little lead time.  A furlough plan shall not be required for any emergency furlough.

(b) In accordance with this regulation, if an appointing authority deems it necessary, the appointing authority may implement an administrative furlough or an emergency furlough for all employees in the classified or unclassified service in designated classes, positions, organizational units, geographical areas, or any combination of those groups unless specific funding sources necessitate exceptions. An employee's social security and retirement contributions shall be affected under a furlough but all other benefits, including the accrual of vacation and sick leave, shall continue, despite any other regulations to the contrary. A furlough shall not affect the employee's continuous service, length of service, pay increase anniversary date, or eligibility for authorized holiday leave or pay.

(c)(1) For each administrative furlough, at least 30 calendar days before the date the administrative  furlough is to be implemented, the appointing authority shall prepare a furlough plan specifying the following information:

(A) The cause of the funding shortage;

(B) the effective date of the furlough and the date on which the furlough is to end;

(C) the methods for notifying the affected employees;

(D) the amount of advance notice that will be given to affected employees, which shall not be less than 10 calendar days;

(E) the estimated cost savings;

(F) each class, organizational unit, or geographical area to be affected;

(G) the criteria used to select each class, position, organizational unit, or geographical area to be included in the furlough;

(H) any exceptions to the furlough plan based on funding sources; and

(I) the number of hours by which the workweek will be reduced, including separate categories detailing the proposed reduction in hours by standardized increments for exempt and nonexempt employees.

(2) A copy of each furlough plan prepared in accordance with this subsection shall be submitted to the director at least 30 days before the date the administrative furlough is to be implemented.

(d) For each emergency furlough, the affected employees and the director shall be notified by the appointing authority as soon as it is practical to do so.

(e) This regulation shall not be used as a disciplinary action against any employee.  (Authorized by K.S.A. 75-3706, K.S.A. 2013 Supp. 75-3747, and K.S.A. 75-5514; implementing K.S.A. 75-3707, 75-3746, and 75-5505; effective, T-88-5, Feb. 11, 1987; effective T-89-1, May 1, 1988; effective Oct. 1, 1988; amended May 31, 1996; amended June 5, 2005; amended Sept. 12, 2014.)

1-14-12. Layoff procedures for an abolished agency. With the approval of the secretary of administration, alternative procedures to the layoff provisions specified in the regulations may be established by the director if an entire agency is abolished. (Authorized by K.S.A. 75-3747; implementing K.S.A. 75-2948; effective Dec. 27, 1993.)

1-14-12a. (Authorized by K.S.A. 75-3706, and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-4370, 75-4371 and 75-4377; implementing K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-4370, 75-4371, 75-4372, 75-4373, 75-4374, 75-4375 and 75-4376; effective, T-1-11-21-96, Nov. 21, 1996; effective Feb. 21, 1997; revoked June 7, 2002.)

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