Kansas Department of Administration

11. A group of employees are required to attend a quarterly meeting at a central location to all attending which lasts from about 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The meeting is held in the conference room of a motel. At the meeting they are served a "working lunch" in order not to lose any meeting time. Under condition number 2 (as stated in Informational Circular 02-A-009) can the employees be reimbursed for this lunch on the day of the meeting?

Provided that the point where the official business is conducted (the meeting location) is more than 30 miles from the particular employee's official station, the employees would qualify for the meal (at the discretion of the agency head) based on provision number 2. Since some employee's may be stationed within 30 miles of the meeting location, it is possible that all employees may not qualify for meal reimbursement.

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