Kansas Department of Administration

14-P-031 FY 2015 Curtis Building Garage Parking Fee for Commerce (Revises 14-P-028) (Issued June 20, 2014)

Informational Circular No. 14-p-031
Date of this Informational Circular: June 20, 2014
 Effective Date:  Payroll Period Beginning June 8, 2014 and Ending June 21, 2014, Paid July 3, 2014
Contact Name:
Cindy Lo
(785) 296-2259
 Approval:  Nancy Ruoff
(Original Signature on File)
FY 2015 Curtis Building Garage Parking Fee for Department of Commerce Employees

As an update to Informational Circular No. 14-P-028, in addition to the parking rates listed on the circular, the following parking codes and associated administrative fee, previously specified on the circular as for employees with Attorney General, will also apply to the Kansas Department of Commerce employees who park in the Curtis Building Garage:

Deduction Code New bi-weekly rate for pped 6/21/14
PKT10B 13.43
PPKT10 13.43
PKAD07 (admin fee) 1.03 ($13.43 * .0765)


The above change will take effect with the payroll period beginning June 8, 2014 and ending June 21, 2014, paid July 3, 2014.

The Office of Systems Management, Payroll Systems Team will make the necessary updates to the SHARP payroll system to effect this change for all employees for whom SHARP calculates pay.  Regents’ institutions are responsible for ensuring that this change is made in their individual systems.  


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