Kansas Department of Administration

15-A-002 - FY2015 Subsistence Rates (June 26, 2014) (Supersedes 14-A-002)

Informational Circular No.
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Supersedes Informational Circular No: 14-A-002  (dated: 06/18/2013)
Date of this Informational Circular: June 26, 2014
Effective Date; July 1, 2014  
Approval: DeAnn Hill
(original signature on file)
Summary:  FY2015 Meal Allowance and Lodging Rates


Contact Name: Phone: Email:
Janette Martin (785) 296-2708 Janette Martin
Mark Handshy (785) 296-4799 Mark Handshy
Ginnie Schirmer (785) 296-7021 Ginnie Schirmer
Shelley Harvey (785) 296-2707 Shelley Harvey


Please see State of Kansas Travel Handbook 4100 for information on how meals are reimbursed. 

As authorized by K.S.A.75-3207a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed the rates for FY 2015  at:

Meal Allowance:





In-state/border city




Out-of-state, regular




Out-of-state high-cost




Out-of-state special designated
high-cost area








*or actual to either a maximum of $127 per day or the allowable meal expense on the U.S. Department of State website for Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location

International Meal Allowance:

Beginning in FY2015, international travelers may use the meal per diem rates for a particular city as established by the U.S. Department of State on their website (http://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp) under the heading Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location. Look up the country and then the city and find the meal allowance under the column heading M & IE Rate.

Reduced Meal Allowance:

If the cost of meals is included within the cost of registration fees or other fees and charges paid by the agency or supplied without cost by another party, the meal allowance should be reduced as shown in the table above.

Same Day Meal Allowance:

The rates as established in accordance with K.A.R. 1-16-18(c)(3) are the same as indicated in the table above.

 Lodging Expense Limitations:

In-state/border city


Out-of-state, regular


Out-of-state, designated high-cost area


Out-of-state, special designated high-cost area




Conference lodging qualified under K.A.R. 1-16-18a(e)



K.S.A. 75 3207a(f) provides that the daily lodging expense limitations established above may be exceeded by the lesser of either: (1) an additional 50% of the applicable lodging expense limitation, or (2) the actual lodging expense incurred.

These lodging limits continue to be applied to the lodging rate before taxes. Thus, the amount reimbursed or paid for lodging expenses may exceed the established lodging limitation by as much as the amount of associated taxes.


Printable version of 15-A-002 

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