Kansas Department of Administration

14-P-025 New Deduction Codes for Spousal Group Life Payroll Deductions

Date: March 18, 2014
 Subject:   New Deduction Codes for Spousal Group Life Payroll Deductions
 Effective Date:  May 1, 2014
 OSM Contact:  Heather DeBusk  (785) 296-2434 (Heather.DeBusk@da.ks.gov)
 Approval:  Nancy Ruoff
(Original Signature on File)
 Summary:  New Deduction Codes/Benefit Plans for Spousal Group Life

The KPERS Board has approved the implementation of Spousal Group Life through payroll deduction. In order for employees to be eligible for Spousal Group Life, the employee needs to be employed in a KPERS covered position.  However, for KPERS KP&F (Kansas Police and Fireman) members only, employees need to be enrolled in Optional Group Life before they are eligible for Spousal Group Life.   Open enrollment for this new benefit was conducted February 1-28, 2014.

Coverage for spousal group life will be effective May 1, 2014.  The new deduction codes will be added to SHaRP and the first deduction will be processed effective for the payroll period beginning April 27, 2014, ending May 10, 2014, paid May 23, 2014. 

The new Spousal Group Life after-tax deduction codes and benefit plans are: 










Spousal Group Life



Spousal Group Life



Spousal Group Life Admin Fee



Spousal Group Life Admin Fee


The Administrative Fee for the Spousal Group Life is a flat $0.20 per deduction and is processed just like the administrative fee for the employee Optional Group Life.

Automatic enrollment of all SHARP/Regent Optional Group Life will continue to occur in SHaRP via the KBEN218 interface file sent by KPERS.  Any spouse enrolling into Spousal Group Life must have the Dependent/Beneficiary Type set to ‘O’ for ‘Both’ on the Dependent/Beneficiary page in SHaRP.  The Regent agency KREGBEN files should also reflect this value.  The first enrollment file and enrollment/confirmation letters containing spousal group life are anticipated to be received in early April from KPERS.  The Regent agencies will have two options for creating enrollment records in their Regent system.  Option 1 is to continue to enroll individuals manually or Option 2 is the use of the KBEN218 interface file to automate the enrollment.  SHaRP will continue to generate a termination interface to KPERS based on terminations interfaced by Regent agencies to SHaRP.  Remittance of deductions for spousal group life will be included in the existing remittance information for employee optional group life submitted monthly to KPERS.

The Office of Systems Management, Payroll Systems Team is responsible for making the necessary updates to the SHaRP payroll system.  Regents’ institutions are responsible for ensuring that these changes are reflected in their individual systems.

Questions regarding the system set-up/interfaces for this new payroll deduction can be directed to Earl Brynds (Earl.Brynds@da.ks.gov or 785.296.5376) or to Heather DeBusk (Heather.DeBusk@da.ks.gov or 785.296.2434).

Questions regarding the spousal group life benefit should be directed to Minnesota Life at:

Email: topekabranchoffice@securian.com

In Topeka: (785) 354-0783

Toll Free: 1-877-215-1476

Or contact the KPERS Info line at 1-888-275-5737 or in Topeka at (785) 296-6166 and they will direct calls for help with Spousal OGL questions.


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