Kansas Department of Administration

02-P-044 Earnings Codes

DATE: May 29, 2002
SUBJECT: Earnings Codes
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 9, 2002
CONTACT: Carla Johnston
Kathy Ogle
(785) 296-2588
(785) 296-2290
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Inactivating SHARP Earnings Codes

Currently in SHARP there are 218 active earnings codes. In order to ensure that accurate and meaningful earnings data is captured and stored in SHARP, 54 earnings codes will be inactivated effective with the first pay period in Fiscal Year 2003, which is the pay period beginning June 9, 2002.

Codes to inactivate were chosen based on low usage, policy or regulation changes. Some of the codes are only applicable to Regent Institutions or specific state agencies. An on-going effort will be made to evaluate earnings code usage each year and make necessary updates.

Earnings codes that are inactive cannot be entered on timesheets for pay periods ending after June 8, 2002. Paychecks that contain an inactive code cannot be adjusted through the reversal/adjustment process, as payroll error messages will result. In these situations, the adjustment request should be submitted to Accounts & Reports, Payroll Section on a form DA-180, Paycheck Reversal/Supplemental/Adjustment.

The codes to be inactivated are:
AHR Additional Hours
BD1 Board Member-$65 Daily Rate
BD2 Board Member-Judicial Qualif.
BD3 Board Member-Judicial Nomin.
BD4 Board Member-Disciplinary
BD5 Board Member-$66.63 Daily Rate
BD6 Board Member-$69.29 Daily Rate
BD7 Board Member-$72.06 Daily Rate
BD8 Board Member-$74.58 Daily Rate
BDS Board Member-$35 Daily Rate
CSB Civil Service Board Members
CTA Comp Time Payout Accrual Hours
CTS Comp Time Payout Service Hours
HCB Holiday Comp 1.0-Bank Credit
HCL Holiday Comp Earned over HDC
HDL Holiday Pay 1.5 over HDC
HPE Holiday Pay for Exempts
HTA Holiday Comp Time Payout Accrl
HTS Holiday Comp Time Payout Servc
K01 KUMC Shift Rate C
K02 KUMC Shift Rate D
K03 KUMC Shift Rate F
K04 KUMC Shift Rate G
K05 KUMC Shift Rate E
K06 KUMC Shift Rate H
K07 KUMC Shift Rate T
K08 KUMC Shift Rate-Day 1
K09 KUMC Shift-Nurse add on A
K10 KUMC Shift-Nurse add on B
K11 KUMC Shift-Nurse add on C
K12 KUMC Shift-Nurse add on D
K15 Shift 2 for SP1 Students
K16 Shift 3 for SP1 Students
K17 Overtime for STR Students 1.5
LG1 Legislative Daily Rate-$60
LG2 Legislative Daily Rate-$62
LG3 Legislative Daily Rate-$66.63
LG4 Legislative Daily Rate-$69.29
LG5 Legislative Daily Rate-$72.06
LG6 Legislative Daily Rate-$74.58
LGD Legislative Daily Rate-$65
N17 December 17th Non-exempt
NR1 Nonresident Alien-Inc code 15
NR3 Nonresident Alien-Inc code 17
O28 Overtime-28 day ee
REM Other Remuneration
RTN Retro Negative Pay
RTR Retro Pay
ST3 Call Back Premium
ST4 KUMC Evening
ST5 KUMC Night/Weekend
ST6 KUMC Evening/Night
WCA Workers Compensation-Amount
WCD Workers Comp Dollars


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