About the Office of Accounts & Reports
Office of Accounts & Reports is responsible for providing centralized statewide payroll and accounting systems, uniform classification of accounts, providing assistance and guidance to agencies in the form of policies, procedures, forms, and best practices that will facilitate consistent recording of financial transactions from which statewide financial reporting may be generated and audited.
The statewide services provided by the Office include:
Recording and maintenance of statewide appropriations and statutory transfers, issuance of 1099, W-2, and 1042S information forms, and performing vendor and payment maintenance activities
Municipal accounting services regarding budgets and audits for Kansas local units of government
State agency delegated audit; daily and annual transaction audit and reviews
State Revolving Loan Funds financial accounting and reporting services
Administration and operation of the State debt collection Setoff Program
Administration and operation of the State and Federal debt collections Kansas Treasury Offset Program
Federal reporting – Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, Cash Management Improvement Act, Uniform Grant Guidance
Preparation and issuance of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
Debt tracking
Internal Controls review and monitoring
Maintaining the Kansas Taxpayer Transparency Act website (KanView)
To view a full list of our services, please visit the Services page.