Bulletin 25-01 - Active Shooter Training
1.0 SUBJECT: Active Shooter Training
2.0 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 21, 2025
3.0 DISTRIBUTION: State of Kansas HR Directors & Managers
4.0 FROM: Kraig Knowlton, Deputy Secretary of Management & Director of Personnel Services
DATE: January 21, 2025
5.0 PURPOSE: The safety of employees is paramount to the State of Kansas. While there are already numerous workplace safety practices in place to help assure the safety of employees and customers in State of Kansas buildings, we all need to do everything we can to be prepared for dangerous emergencies. In particular, due to the growing prevalence of active shooter incidents in the workplace, participating in active shooter training can help to create a safer working environment by training employees on the appropriate preparation for and responses to active shooter incidents.
The Kansas Highway Patrol (KHP) regularly conducts training for State of Kansas agencies that provides information on what employees should do in the event of an active shooter situation. While these training sessions are typically conducted in-person and for relatively small groups, in an effort to provide this critical training to more employees, KHP has made a video version of this training available to all agencies.
6.1 All State of Kansas employees under the Governor’s jurisdiction are required to view and complete this training on an annual basis.
6.2 This training is housed within the Kansas Learning and Performance Management (KLPM) portal, so completion of the training will be tracked and verified through KLPM. Agencies that do not utilize the KLPM will be responsible for tracking completion of the training on their own.
6.3 For those employees who do not regularly have access to a computer due to their duties, agencies are directed to provide in-person screenings multiple times throughout the year, and agency Human Resources (HR) staff will confirm completion of the training for employees who attend these screenings.
6.4 Employees must complete the training no later than the close of business on December 31st and this requirement will continue annually for each successive calendar year.
Craig Kibbe, Deputy Director
(785) 296-3778