Kansas Department of Administration

If an employee is laid off and then rehired on the basis of reemployment to a class that is assigned to a lower pay grade, will the employee be paid at the same rate of pay the employee was being paid before the layoff?

In accordance with K.A.R. 1-5-10(c)(2)(A) & (B) the agency who is hiring an employee on the basis of reemployment will have two options as to how they will pay the rehired employee. Option one, the employee will be paid the same pay rate (dollar amount) as the rate the employee was being paid immediately before the layoff, if that rate is on a step in the lower pay grade. If the rate is within the pay grade for the class but not on a step, the person may be paid at the next lower step or the next higher step. Option two, the agency may pay the employee at a lower pay rate than the employee was being paid immediately before the lay off.

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