Kansas Department of Administration

Will KTOP charge us a fee? Will the fee charged by Setoff change?

No, KTOP does not charge a fee to creditor agencies. However, TOP does charge a $15 collection fee for each payment it intercepts and sends to KTOP.

Example 1: The debt balance is $100. TOP intercepts a payment of $100. TOP keeps $15 sends $85 to KTOP, which KTOP forwards on to the creditor agency.
Example 2: The debt balance is $100. TOP intercepts two payments of $50 each. TOP keeps $15 for each payment ($30 total) and sends $70 to KTOP, which KTOP forwards on to the creditor agency.

Any fees charged to creditor agencies by the Setoff Program when a collection is made in KDRS will not be changed by the agency's participation in KTOP.

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