Why is the deadline for SMART voucher same day processing 10:00 AM if PayCycle doesn't run until 2:30 PM?
In order to have enough time to send data back and forth with the federal government, a voucher must be matched, budget checked, and approved by 10:00 AM for the possibility of same day processing. If a debt is not found for that vendor in KDRS or TOP, the voucher will be released for PayCyle that same day. If a debt is found in either system, the voucher will be delayed by 2-4 business days. A voucher that becomes eligible for PayCycle after 10:00 AM will not be subject to the new offset process until the following day. Click here for a step by step process involved in the debt collection analysis process. Also, refer to the SMART info blast announcement emailed to agencies on February 19 and March 2, 2015 titled Kansas Treasury Offset Program (KTOP) Impact on SMART Processing. SMART announcements can also be located at: http://www.smartweb.ks.gov/announcements/impt-announce/general-system-news