Kansas Department of Administration

Can we enter into a payment agreement with a debtor after their debt has been sent to KTOP?

Yes, creditor agencies can enter into a payment agreement with a debtor at any time. However, the debt will still be eligible for offset unless the creditor agency inactivates the debt. To do so:

  1. Login to KDRS and navigate to the debt.
  2. Under Available Options on the right side of the DEBT RECORD DETAILS screen, click on "Request modification of debt information".
  3. Change Debt Active in TOP? to "No".
  4. Click "Request Mod".

The debt will still sync between KDRS and KTOP, but it will no longer be sent to TOP for collection against federal payments. If at any point the debtor defaults on their payment plan, the creditor agency can resume sending the debt to TOP by following the same steps listed above and selecting "Yes" for step 3.

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