Kansas Department of Administration

05-P-018 W-2 Wage and Tax Statements for Calendar Year 2004 (Supersedes 04-P-025)

DATE: January 6, 2005
SUBJECT: W-2 Wage and Tax Statements for Calendar Year 2004
CONTACT: Sunni Zentner (785) 296-7058 Sunni.Zentner@da.state.ks.us
Debbie Esquibel (785) 368-6313 Debbie.Esquibel@da.state.ks.us
APPROVAL: Image of approval signature.
SUMMARY: Information Pertaining to Employee 2004 W-2 Statements

The final version of the KTXPR55 W-2 listing has been generated. The KTXPR55 report contains all information printed on the 2004 W-2 Wage and Tax Statement for each employee of your agency. Agencies will find the report in their agency mailbox on the MVS with a date of December 30, 2004.

The KTXPR55 W-2 listing is sorted as follows: 1) by department number, 2) alphabetically by last name, and 3) by social security number (SSN). Totals are included for each 10-digit department number as well as a grand total summary for the entire agency. The 'DIST. TOTAL' represents the total number of 2004 W-2's that were printed for your agency. The Department of Administration will be preparing a STARS voucher to bill each agency for the applicable costs associated with mailing the 2004 W-2's.

In those instances where an employee has worked for more than one department, one W-2 form has been prepared which includes earnings and deductions for all departments. The W-2 information for these employees will be included on the KTXPR55 W-2 listing for the department number appearing on the employee's most current job record.

The standard W-2 will once again be used for 2004. The standard W-2 conforms to our SHARP software, and aids in reducing programming costs for updating and maintaining custom programs in SHARP. The standard W-2 is one page, contains four copies (a copy to be used with the employees federal return, two copies that can be used for the employees state and local returns, and a copy for the employee records), and is pressure-sealed.

Agencies are reminded that the mailing address on the SHARP Personal Data 1 panel will be the primary address used for mailing the W-2. If the employee has no mailing address, then the employee's home address will be used for mailing theW-2. Most employees should continue to receive their W-2's at home, since the majority of employees do not have a mailing address. In situations where the address information is not correct or is not sufficient for postal delivery, the W-2 form will be mailed to the agency for distribution to the employee. The return address for all W-2 forms mailed this year will again be the agency address.

All 2004 W-2's, which are considered undeliverable to the employees and are returned to the agency by the U.S. Postal Service, should be retained by the agency until April 18, 2005. At that time, they should be sorted in alphabetical order by last name, first name, and middle initial within department number and returned to the Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Services.

In cases where the 2004 W-2 Wage and Tax Statement form does not agree with your records, please send a copy of the form to this office with an explanation. For all cases where the social security number is incorrect, please include a copy of the employee's social security card with the explanation. State agencies are not authorized to make changes on the W-2 forms. The Social Security Administration and the Kansas Department of Revenue must be notified of corrections made by the Department of Administration.

For employees needing duplicate W-2's for years 2002 through 2004, agencies are strongly encouraged to recommend that employees use the 'W-2 Reissue Request' functionality found in Employee Self Service at https://sharp.state.ks.us/servlets/iclientservlet/ess/?cmd=login. After logging into the system and selecting 'W-2 Reissue Request', the employee will be asked to review the Tax Address and make any needed corrections. Please note that the Tax Address is where the reissued W-2 will be mailed, so it is imperative that the address is correct. The employee will also need to specify for which tax year (2004, 2003, or 2002) the reissued W-2 is needed. Duplicate W-2's for 2002 and 2003 are currently available, with duplicate W-2's for 2004 becoming available Monday, January 24, 2005.

The Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Services will continue to provide duplicate W-2s for those employees who cannot access Employee Self Service. Requests for duplicate W-2's received by Payroll Services by noon of each Thursday will be processed Thursday evening and mailed the next day. Agencies need to verify the mailing addresses for the W-2's and submit the correct addresses to Payroll Services. Agencies are requested to submit one blanket request for duplicate 2004 W-2's for each printing. The requests should be in social security number order and should include each employee's name, employee ID, and correct mailing address in addition to the SSN. Requests for duplicate W-2's for years prior to 2004 should be submitted separately. Duplicate 1042S form requests should also be submitted separately. Requests for either duplicate W-2 or 1042S forms should be directed to Debbie Esquibel in Payroll Services at telephone number 785-368-6313 or via e-mail at Debbie.Esquibel@da.state.ks.us.

The W-2 form used prior to 2002 provided the employee a summary, which showed calculations for federal, state, social security, and Medicare grosses. This summary is no longer available using the standard functionality provided by our software. Attachment A, which defines what items must be added (+) or subtracted (-) to arrive at the amounts shown on the W-2 form, has been included to assist agencies in answering questions regarding the W-2 forms. In addition, on-line agencies may also consider utilizing the SHARP KPAY318, "Year to Date Balances' report to assist in answering W-2 related questions. The report is available through SHARP using the path: Home / Compensate Employees / Maintain Payroll Data U.S. / Report / Year to Date Balances. Employee ID and year are required to run this report. See Accounts and Reports Informational Circular No. 97-P-005 dated October 31, 1996 for additional information regarding the KPAY318.

Please note that both on-cycle and off-cycle paychecks dated December 30, 2004 are included in the 2004 W-2 amounts.


Attachments: 2004 W-2 Wage and Tax Statement Calculations (.pdf)
     Sample KPAY318.SQR (.pdf)

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