Kansas Department of Administration

97-a-008 - Interfund Voucher Processing (May 6, 1997) (obsolete)


Secretary of Administration

Director of Accounts and Reports
900 S.W. Jackson, Room 351S Landon State Office Building
(913) 296-2311Division of Accounts and Reports FAX (913) 296-6841

DATE: May 6, 1997
SUBJECT: Interfund Voucher Processing
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 1, 1997
A & R CONTACT: Audit Services - (913) 296-3521
SUMMARY: Revised Procedures for Interfund Voucher Processing and Correction

The Division of Accounts and Reports is currently reviewing internal workflow and document flow to identify process improvements. One of the objectives of this review is to eliminate unnecessary tasks and to judiciously focus our resources on more value-added activities. As part of this review, we have assessed the processing of interfund vouchers within the Division.

During the three month period of January through March 1997, one of the processes analyzed appeared to have minimal value. Historically, three copies of the Interfund (Accounts and Reports copy, Receiving Agency copy, and Paying Agency copy) have been submitted to the Audit Services Team for approval and STARS processing. After completion of STARS processing, copies of the document were distributed to the specified agencies to verify that processing was completed and supply the receiving agency with the expenditure voucher number.

During the period of analysis, only 13 Interfund receipt corrections were required. This portion of corrections represents only 0.15% of the total number of Interfund documents (8,744) processed during the same time period. Therefore, it has been determined that the effort required is far greater than the benefit derived for distributing copies of the vouchers.

Effective immediately, agencies may begin submitting only one copy of Interfund vouchers for processing. Effective June 1, 1997, the Division of Accounts and Reports will discontinue returning copies of processed interfunds to the paying and receiving agencies.

Informational Circular 97-A-008
May 6, 1997
Page 2

Agencies will be able to verify document processing through reports created in the STARS AD HOC Reporting System, STARS daily or monthly transaction output datasets, or analysis of the Daily Transaction Register (DAFR8240) report.

Journal Voucher requests for Interfund transaction corrections will require the Paying Agency number and expenditure voucher number to ensure timely processing of the request. If receipt correction is required, the Receiving Agency will need to secure the necessary information from the Paying Agency prior to the submission of the Journal Voucher request.

Any questions regarding Interfund Voucher processing or the procedural changes outlined in this Informational Circular should be directed to JoAnn Remp, Division of Accounts and Reports, Audit Services Team, at (913) 296-3521.


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